
Sunday 18 March 2007

My Mother's Day..............

My two wonderful son's came to see me yesterday as they are unable to visit today and wanted me to have my Mother's Day Cards and presents when I awoke this morning.

My eldest brought me a beautiful card and gift vouchers for my favourite store, so I can treat myself once I am able to go shopping again - I'm hoping that will be soon!

This is my very own Olive Tree! My Mother's Day present from youngest son, with a card that reads:

Mum, Happy Mother's Day!
Something for you to help grow, as you helped me grow.
Love you, D xxxxxx
It will have to be kept inside during winter but I will be able to put it out on the patio when the weather gets warmer. It came with instructions of how to harvest the olives - I love olives, but most of all
I love my boys!

My knee
Sunday 18th March
Another good night's sleep with my pillow! Why didn't I think of it before?
If you were wondering what my knee actually feels like, it's like wearing one of those tight (very tight) knee support bandages all the time, very uncomfortable.


Me said...

Happy Mother's Day! Mother's Day doesn't come until May 13 in the States.

"Something for you to help grow, as you helped me grow."

How sweet is that? It says it all, doesn't it?

Enjoy your day.

Akelamalu said...

Thank you bonnie ann, I'll try to remember May 13 to wish you the same!

Yes, my boy has always had a way with words!

TJ said...

Well, happy Mothering Day to you my friend...I had no idea ya'll had a different date than the US! Your boys seem awful supportive and loving to their Mama!

Akelamalu said...

Yes I know what you mean Tammy, I thought Mothering Sunday was the same date the world over!

Yes my boys (well they're men now)are very loving. :)

Neoma said...

I guess Mothers' Day is a different day in the UK. We celebrate here in May. I have five children, often I call them, so they won't be embarrassed that they forgot. Each year I can count on getting a card from Trevor, a call from Scott, and Darrin will forget completely, and I will get an email a week late. It is okay, that is the way that I raised them, I guess I can't complain now. We don't put much emphasis on presents. But I do like to be remembered on Mother's day. The two youngest still live with me, so they always remember.....if they didn't, they might not get fed, haha

Annelisa said...

Just popped in to say I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day, Akelamalu - but it seems you did... what lovely sons you have. I had breakfast in bed from my younges boy, a coffee from my 10 year old daughter, and another later from my older son. Also cards and chocs (Starbars from my older son, who walked a mile and a half to the garage, then back, last night to get them!!) I know you think your kids are the best in the world... but I have to say that mine are too!! Aren't they just great!!!

Wow, you lucky thing to get an olive tree - I think I'd probably anhialate one, but I do love olives!!

Linda said...

What a thoughtful sons you have! And that's quite the sentiment that you received with your tree!

My girls gave me a fig tree one year for Mother's Day and I would keep it in the house during the winter and on the front porch during the warmer weather but eventually it got too big for my small house. I didn't want to part with it because it was a gift from my daughters but I didn't what to do with it.

Then it dawned on me that the big reception lobby area at work already had several larger potted trees in it and what harm would there be in moving another in? A friend from work came over and transported my fig tree over and it is now happily residing and thriving in a much bigger place where I can still visit it!

I hope your olive tree grows as well as my fig tree did and that it gives you many years of many happy memories!

A Happy Mothering Day to you and I'll think of you in May when ours rolls 'round!

Lo Kelween said...

even when your kids are all grown up, to mothers, they are still "kids". so for children like us to appreciate mothers, the best way is to remain as a child b4 them, isn't it true? haha :)

i hope my kids (in the future) will be as sensible as yours sweet of them(ok, for me there's still long long way to go..) take care :)

Akelamalu said...

nea - it has always amazed me that our children can be so different even though raised the same. I know that my youngest son frequently reminds his older brother of birthdays, mother's day, father's day etc. It's not that the eldest doesn't care he just doesn't remember!

Akelamalu said...

annelisa - what a lovely day you had and well deserved after all that writing! To walk all that way and back to get you a present shows just how much your son cares!

I'm hoping the olive tree likes me and doesn't die!

Akelamalu said...

Linda - what a good idea it was to rehome your fig tree to where you could visit it. I do hope my olive tree thrives as well.

I have put May 13th on my calendar, to remind me to wish all you lovely mothers 'over the pond' a Happy Mother's Day.

Akelamalu said...

elween - you are so right, our babies will always be our babies no matter how old they are.

You have all this to look forward to!