I pinched this from Mimi's because I thought it was fun.
Name: Akelamalu
Birth Date: November 18, 1900 and something
Current Status: Married
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Naturally Blonde but now dyed Reddish
Layer 2
My Heritage: British through and through
My Fear: Dying before I get old
My weaknesses: Shoes, shoes, shoes oh and bags, bags and bags
My Perfect Pizza: Cheese, with a bit more cheese on top.
My thoughts first waking up : I hope it's Saturday or Sunday and I don't have to go to work.
My bedtime : 10.30 p.m. weekdays/ Very late at weekends.
My most missed memory: Memories are there to be tapped into all the time so I don't miss any.
Pepsi or coke : Coke
Single or group dates : Married so I don't date any more.
Adidas or Nike : I don't do trainers.
Tea or Nestea : Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee : Cappuccino
Smoke : Not now
Curse : Only when I'm mad.
Take a shower : Preferably
Have a crush : Jon Bon Jovi
Think you’ve been in love :I know I've been in love
Go to school : Only during Term time
Want to get married : I am and I'd do it again.
Believe in yourself : Of course
Think you’re a health freak : Not at all
Drank alcohol : I saw the add "Drink Canada Dry" and I wanted to give it a whirl, but MWM didn't want to emigrate.
Gone to the mall : Me, shopping??? Do I really need to answer that?
Been on stage : Yes.
Eaten sushi : Yes
Dyed your hair : As I did a post about it recently I guess I'll have to say yes!
Played a stripping game : Only with MWM ((wink, wink))
Changed who you were to fit in : No, if folk don't like me the way I am that's their hard luck!
Get married: There already
Best eye colour : Brown
Best hair colour : Dark
Short hair or long hair : Long, short, bald - doesn't matter to me.
A minute ago : Logging on
Hour ago : Sleeping
Month ago : Getting used to walking without crutches
Year ago : Being referred to a surgeon for my knee replacement surgery
I love : MWM
I feel : Blessed
I hate : My boss
I hide : My nails
I miss : My Mum
I need : To retire from work
Anyone else feel free to grab the meme. Please let me know when you are finished. Now raise your right hand and repeat after me: I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me blog.