Who REALLY rules the TV remote control in your house
If you'd like to join in here's what David would like you to do:
Please answer today's question on your own blog, any time until next weekend. Just link to this blog (
or to this post) so I can follow the progress of the discussion.
MWM thinks he does, but not if I get there first!
Actually we tend to have the same taste in television programmes so what to watch is not usually a problem. The problem I have is which remote is which! We have four, one each for the DVD, TV, Sound System and the Sky box. The only one I really know how to use is the one for the TV, the rest are a mystery to me. MWM has shown me numerous times how to record on sky, to play CDs etc., but I can never remember how to do it. I suppose I’m just not interested, he’s there to do it and he enjoys being in charge.
It’s not that I’m not a technophobe, if there’s anything I want to do on my blog I’ll find out how and I do it. MWM is amazed at some of the stuff I’ve done, but because he doesn’t need to do it he thinks it’s difficult, and because I’m not that interested in recording programmes on the TV, I think that’s difficult.
Being ancient, I can remember a time when you just had an on/off button and a volume control on your telly, and the only battle you had was “who’s turn is it?” to get up, cross the room and switch channels. Nothing had a remote control – imagine that! Hell we didn’t get coloured television until 1972!
How would today’s youth cope without remotes? Even my youngest grandson (not yet 2) knows exactly what a remote is for!
Ode to the Remote
Cookery, fashion or the soaps?
Pass me that remote.
Press a button,
Make a choice,
Flicking back and forth.
No, not that, I’ve seen that one,
We’d better have a vote.
Give it here,
The football’s on…..
Not while I’m in charge!
We’ll watch a docusoap tonight.
No way, José, I’m going for a pint!
Some time ago Pauline at
Cursuum Perfido was disgruntled that she was restricted to passing on the Rockin'Girl Blogger to girlies, so she altered the badge to read
Honorary Rockin' Girl Blogger Award so chappies can now become honorary girlies. How cool is that?
I thought it was a brilliant idea, because I felt exactly the same way when I received the award - I wanted to nominate some guys who I think Rock. However, I'd put the awards on the shelf and totally forgot about them, until now.
So, now I have the chance, I hope you guys will accept the award in the spirit in which it is given and display it proudly, you don't have to have a dress, matching shoes and handbag to collect the award, just choose which colour award you like.

The Rules are:
This award can be made by 'Rockin' Girl Bloggers' only
Nominate 3 (not 5 because it takes a really special Boy to be an Honorary Girl).
If that's you and you would like to give a worthy Boy Blogger this award, feel free! Just copy these rules onto your post and the following acknowledgement.
Acknowledgement to the creator of the Rocking Girl Blogger award Roberta Ferguson, great idea Roberta!
So here are my three nominees, guys who's blogs I've admired for a while.
In no particular order:
Ron (
Vent) - I call Ron's blog 'the sunshine blog' because although it's called Vent (and he does sometimes) it is such a sunny place I always feel cheered after visiting.
Buffalodickdy (
Opinions and Rectums We All Got One) - This Rockin' Blogger is a fabulous cook and shares some amazing recipes. If I lived near him I'd invite myself to dinner!
Dumdad (
The Other Side Of Paris) - An amazing wordsmith. His tales of living in Paris and his years as a journalist on Fleet Street (London) are so entertaining.
I hope you will all go visit these three
Bloggers (if you don't already).
Remember boys you can't pass this award on - it is JUST FOR YOU!