I am a happy bunny! My friend has just left after giving me a reflexology treatment and my knee, and everything else, feels wonderful.
After the treatment she correctly said I had been having trouble with my back and shoulders, which I have from sitting at the computer too much - RSI!
About three years ago after giving me a treatment she urged me to go to the doctor because she said there was a big black splodge (her words) showing up on my foot in the area of my uterus. At the time I knew I had a fibroid but it wasn't troubling me at all. I promised I would go to see the doctor but promptly forgot all about it. About six weeks later I was rushed into hospital because I was unable to pass water and after doing scans and tests they discovered that the fibroid had grown from 7cm to 17 cm and was obstructing my bladder. This was the splodge! All this resulted in me having an hysterectomy, so now whatever she tells me she sees/feels in my feet is taken very seriously indeed!

Reflexology dates back to Ancient Egypt, India and China and was introduced to the West round about 1900 by Dr. William Fitzgerald. He had noticed that reflex areas on the feel and hands were linked to other areas and organs of the body within the same zone. It was further developed by Eunice Ingham in the 1930's into what we now call reflexology. Reflexology is a complementary therapy, which works on the feet to help heal the whole person not just the prevailing symptoms.
My knee
Thursday 22nd March
Great night's sleep again and no meds during the night. I have managed to cut all meds down by half now. Knee much more flexible since my lovely friend's administrations this morning!
Great news, so it won't be long now before we'er tripping the light fandango..........
Sorry, I know you will checking for spelling mistakes Miss. I was to quick with the publish button, but I know you will know what I mean.
queenie I know what you mean and hopefully yes we will!
Hey, I want some reflexology, and I don't have any major injuries
Sounds heavenly to me...the first time I got a manicure and the gal massaged my hands clear up to my elbows...I would have paid for that alone...deep sigh!
Glad you are feeling better, I hope you continue on!!
isn't reflexology wonderful? I have a guy coming almost every week...i always aleep peacefully after that. Hope your knee is better now. I fell and hurt my knee last Sat and it was the worst feeling.
17cm and that's a huge number! you have got to be more careful...
i have a book all about reflexology but i just couldn't get it...
Never had my feet massaged professionally, but had a guy who used to massage my feet and it sure did feel good. it is so relaxing.
I have a friend who Practices in Reflexology, and let me tell you ... not even a headace can't be cured with it!
Plus, it's really relaxing!
I've never had reflexology, but I've heard a good therapist can accurately tell what problems you're having with different parts of your body...
I'd love to have someone do their reflexology on me some time! Excellent news on the knee!!
wow, that's so cool!
Hiya, thanks for the visit to my blog.
I was once getting a pedicure from a Japanese girl and as she massaged my feet she hit on a sore bit, she told me I had a problem in my Diaphram area. At the time I had started to get some minor problems but eventually they escalated to something more serious. I am all better now, but I often think about that with amazement.
Ok Can my friend be you friend. Im Hope you enjoyed it.
Josh - you should try it, you don't need injuries just relax and enjoy.
Tammy - It is heavenly. I too would just pay for the massage but reflex is so much more.
la bellina mammina - welcome and thanks for dropping by. No need for me to extol its virtues to you - you already know! Sorry about the knee, I hope it's nothing serious.
Elween - I too have a book about reflexology but to do it expertly one needs proper training and I just don't have the time.
Nea - I love my feet being massaged too. MWM will sometimes do it for me if I ask him nicely but reflexology goes so much deeper. Try it you'll get hooked.
Indigogirl - you are so right, reflexology is really good medicine.
Annelisa - nice to see you hon how's the writing going? If you get the chance try a reflexology treatment just for the hell of it.
Hi Nik, nice to see you.
Hi Carol thanks for dropping by. You already have experience of how accurate Reflex can be, it's unbelievable unless you've experienced it.
Hi Kim thanks for popping in to see me, I enjoyed my visit to your blog will call by again.
To one and all - Thank you so much for all the good wishes re my knee - they are working!! :)
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