
Saturday 31 March 2007


After my 'Grandchildren' post yesterday I must complete my family album for you.

photographs copyright 2007

This is Reece and Sophie, our two eldest grandchildren. Reece and Sophie are our eldest son's children from a previous relationship.
Reece was born in August 1990 and Sophie in July 1993 and they joined the angels in 1996, Sophie in July just before her third birthday and Reece three weeks later.
Reece and Sophie were born with a genetic disorder so rare the doctors couldn't put a name to it.
We were all overjoyed when Reece was born - our first grandson, what could be more perfect, and he was, at first. Within a matter of weeks Reece was in hospital with doctors fighting to control the constant fits he was suffering. Eventually we were given the devastating news that our precious boy had a condition that not only could they not name, but they couldn't cure and he would deteriorate. As with anything that life throws at you we coped. Whilst expecting Sophie's arrival we prayed, as you can imagine, that history would not repeat itself but it did.
Although unable to speak, move without assistance, or even sit up unaided, Reece and Sophie taught us so much. They hold a very special place in our hearts and are remembered every day in our prayers. Our family has been truly blessed with seven children, each of whom has brought something very special into our lives, be happy for us.


Annelisa said...

Oh, Akelamalu, I know what you mean about babies and young children teaching us. Sometimes, it seems, they teach us directly (as when they say something that makes us think), and sometimes they help us learn about ourselves and the preciousness of life, and how it isn't all about loss, but about the gain of joy you have when they are there.

I am happy for you that you have been blessed with seven children, and that you appreciate each and every one!

Tammy said...

They are precious angels! I wish we could erradicate diseases such as this!

Queenie said...

They taught everyone who met them so much, I'm so lucky to have been one of those people..........
Hope you have a good night tonight, take nice and easy........

Akelamalu said...

Thank you annelisa, children can teach us so much if we take the time to learn from them.

Early bird, thank you for dropping by my blog and taking the time to comment. :)

queenie - thanks honey.

lettuce said...

Hi akelamalu - happy to be returning your visit. i love your family photos. Must be strange and wonderful having grandchildren.

who are the 2 lovely long-haired men with guitars ("more than words" song)? really nice.

hope to see you again.

la bellina mammina said...

Am sorry about your beautiful grandchildren - they
're really little angels. Hope your knee is feeling better.

Akelamalu said...

Thanks for dropping by, glad you like my photographs. That would be Extreme singing "More than Words".

la bellina mammina - don't be sorry honey, we were very priviledged. My knee is getting there, slowly, thankyou. :)

Neoma said...

Oh my, the loss of a child is devastating enough, but the loss of two, so closely together must be the hardest thing in the world There are so many genetic disorders, and as you say, some so rare the Dr.'s are truly puzzled what to do.

I loved you water pictures........the water is so lovely. I doubt I will ever see it in person, but that is why pictures like these are so special. We get to see things that we would never otherwise get a chance to see.

Catch said...

Such beautiful angels! Both of them are just gorgeous babys..I am so so sorry for your loss. It hurts my heart......

Lo Kelween said...

no matter what, they are still the perfect children. how beatiful they are!

Lo Kelween said...

no matter what, they are still the perfect children. how beatiful they are!

Akelamalu said...

It was hard, yes, but we were so lucky to have them even if only for a short time.

Glad you like the picture.

Akelamalu said...

Thank you. x

Akelamalu said...

Yes perfect in God's eyes, and that's all that matters.:)

crpitt said...

Thanks for posting about your beautiful grandchildren.
Its so lovely that you have let us see all your family.

Amazing Gracie said...

They are lovely children and indeed, precious. I worked in Special Education for a while (secretary) and what really bothered me were the darling children who were harmed because of things their parents did while they were in utero; it's heartbreaking. While these darlings were treasured and wanted - it just doesn't seem fair. Some day we'll know the answers. I'm glad Reece and Sophie knew your love while they were here.

Akelamalu said...

Thank you. x

Akelamalu said...

amazing gracie
I know what you mean about the harm done to children because of the selfishness of their parents, it doesn't seem fair does it?

~ej said...

god bless your darling angels....
and thank you for sharing them with us....

Akelamalu said...

elena jane thank you for taking the time to read and comment. x

headless chicken said...

I have so much admiration for you. Your attitude is amazing, thankyou for sharing with us the joy that your precious Grandchildren gave you.X

Jo Beaufoix said...

Akelamalu I am so sorry that you all lost these two little people.
They sound amazing.

Akelamalu said...

Thank you Headless chicken that's really kind of you.x

They were amazing Jo we were very lucky to have them, even if only for a short time. x