
Thursday 8 March 2007


Is there a sweeter sound than a child's laughter? My main aim when our grandchildren visit is to make them laugh. I have yet to meet anyone who does not smile when they hear a child laugh - it's infectious, it lifts your heart and your spirit.

There are other sounds which bring joy to my heart - the dawn chorus, a blackbird's song, our two collared doves cooing, the sound of trees swaying in the breeze, a babbling brook, music and best of all MWM's voice when he tells me he loves me. I'm thankful I can hear.

My Knee
Thursday 8th March
My knee seems to be getting stronger, the exercises are becoming a little easier. It's still very painful and I have some spectacular bruising aroung my ankle - don't ask, I don't know why my ankle is bruised. I have been home a week today as MWM reminded me - he also said he sees a definite improvement in my knee so I'll take his word for it.


Queenie said...

Oh yes, every sound in your post is magic to my ears also...

The Feathered Nest said...

I'm so glad you're starting to see improvement. It all just takes time. I know, I love the sound of little children laughing, too. I especially love their voices when they are about two, so small sounding...Dawn :)

Annelisa said...

Excellent! I'm glad it's getting easier. There's nothing worse than not being able to get about...Well, yes there is, but that's bad enough!

You're so right about the sound of a child's laughter!

Akelamalu said...

Just as I thought everyone agrees about children's laughter magical!

Thanks queenie, Dawn and annelisa. xxx

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

There is no sweeter sound. Of that I am quite sure.:-)

Akelamalu said...

Yes Maryam I think we are all agreed on that. :)

Neoma said...

My "baby", my fifth child is 11 now, and I still love to hear that all out laugh that they do when they are just so tickled. you know the one, when they hold nothing back. Did you ever see the Christmas movie about the boy who wanted the bebe gun? A Christmas Story I think it is called,? If you saw it, do you remember the laugh of the brother when he sees his older brother in the pink bunny suit that their aunt made for the brother? That is the laugh that always makes me smile......I just love it.....

Akelamalu said...

Nea I didn't see the film (I'll look our for it). It doesn't matter that your 'baby' is 11 years the sound of his laughter is just as pleasing as when he was 11 months I'm sure!