I wanted to give My Wonderful Man an award for being the most caring, loving, patient person on God's earth.
For the last eight weeks he has waited on me hand and foot. Since he retired he has taken over the cleaning, gardening and ironing, but in the past eight weeks he has done all the shopping, cooking and washing as well.
If it hadn't been for MWM I would have been reduced to a wash down everyday and wearing a nightdress for the last eight weeks. He has helped me onto the bathboard, passed me everything I have needed to wash my hair and have a shower, all the while standing guard in case there was anything else I needed. He has dried my legs and feet when I could bend my leg to reach my feet, and slathered me with body lotion so my skin didn't dry out. I think he liked doing that bit best!! He got my clothes ready for me and even dressed me to a certain extent. He struggled for six weeks to get the pressure stocking on my good leg every day, always making sure that the spare one was clean for when it needed changing.
Now I can get in and out of the bath myself, stand up to have a shower, dry myself and slather myself with body lotion he is redundant in as far as looking after my personal needs, but he is still cooking my meals and doing everything else. I have managed to make him a cup of tea once or twice!
Never once has he complained or pulled a face, even though there must have been times when he felt like strangling me I'm sure. I'm not an easy patient, I don't like being reliant on others, but he has put up with my frustrations with a smile.
I love you darling and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If anyone deserves a medal it is you, so here it is.

The brand new "MOST CARING AWARD" medal, specially commissioned for you, by me, from Josh at The Gabbatha Journey.
A lovely tribute to a really fantastic hubby :)
How lucky you are to have such a caring husband. I wouldnt know how to act with one of those! lol. There are some good ones out there and it looks like you got one of those....God bless him!
Thanks. :)
I have the best! :)
He sounds absolutely wonderful. However would you have coped if you were single?
miss u
I really don't know. Thank goodness I didn't have to find out!
What a wonderful post. Sounds like he is as lucky to have you as you are to have him.
Glad things are progresing along well for you.
thanks for visiting my garden- I was thinking of yours as I posted mine.
What a guy YWM must be!
Thanks honey. Your garden is beautiful.
Oh he is, I'm a lucky lady!
I can't see the award!!!!! Just hope its as big as a dustbin lid, cos I know how you can go on and on and on.........
Joking babe, your both Gems...
Why can't you see it? Cheeky monkey!
Anyone else not see it???
I can see it. It's nice to hear positive things about someone, and I'm glad you had such good care during your convalesence.
Oh I think it must just be queenie then. Yes I have had good care from MWM. :)
Don't know I've just the square with the red cross in it. Maybe its our firewall!!!!
E-mail it babe, I know it will be sweet anyway.
I want mwm to pass all his nursing notes onto math, dreading the stockings!!!
I can't see it either but I'm sure it's wonderful and I'm sure that YWM more than deserved it for all of his doting attention to you.
One of the things that really scares me about my back going out on me big-time again is the fact that I have no one to help me out with things like that. And if you think I'd let me 14-year old do it - think again! Of course, we'd be in financial ruins, too, so I wouldn't have a bath to get in and out of anyway!
Awwww, so sweet. What a tribute!
Wish we could get the image to work.
I can see it and i think its a lovely lovely idea!
I can't think of anyone who deserves it more..your hubby sounds like a rare jewel.
You deserve all of that and more.
Appropos of nothing, A, tomrrow is Full Moon in Scorpio. Be sure to get your intentions out to the universe!
That's funny Queenie - I can see the award Akelamalu, and your husband is also a lucky man. Both of you are so blessed to have each other.
that so sweet. and what is love all about? that's what is all about! :)
how blessed you are, Akelamalu!
It must be something to do with your firewall as you say. I'll email it to you as I'm sure you'll want to award MATH, when you've recovered from your op, for all his devotion!
I'm sorry you can't see it either. :(
I can understand how you must feel about being laid up for too long. I suppose I would have managed with MWM but it would have been VERY DIFFICULT!!! Fingers crossed you never have to find out eh?
Rhea - thanks honey.
Josh - it works for me, can't you see it either?
Why thank you hon. He is indeed, he is indeed ( I seem to have an echo, echo)
Why thank you. I will take advantage of the full moon.
La Bellina Mammina
Oh you can see it too?
You're so kind. Yes we are lucky, I'm happy we found each other!
I am truly blessed! :)
I knew that there are men out there like your husband, but hold onto him....haha, they seem to be few and far between.......well.......maybe I am just a bit bent, because my husband retired, and now he does nothing but watch tv, eat, and fart......and I do all the housework, the yardwork, help the kids with their homework, feed the cat, cook, clean....and I haven't been well lately. I think I want to trade you husbands. I will send mine out tomorrow, if I can fold him six ways and get him in a box........haha
Welcome back honey, I've missed you!
That's what MWM used to be like BEFORE he retired!!
You have a great guy there. Keep him happy, have him still do the lotion, hee hee!
I know. He's still offering to do the lotion! :)
That is so sweet I almost cried and I'm being serious.
Aw don't cry honey. ((hug))
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