
Saturday 24 March 2007

I have relinquished my throne...............

and my high chair. I will explain.

Before my operation I was assessed, at the hospital, for disability aids which the local authority provide. Because of the nature of my operation it was decided I needed the following:

A bathboard - which enables me to get into the bath and because we have an over the bath shower I can have a shower sitting on the bathboard.

A perching stool - this means I can sit at the washbasin to clean my teeth etc.

A high chair - this was a godsend when I couldn't get down low enough to sit on my beautiful leather sofas.

A throne - it's not really a throne but a contraption that fits over the toilet to make it higher, with sides on to help you elevate yourself off the toilet. Here it is...........

Not very elegant I'll admit but it has made my life easier this past four weeks! However, as I can now bend me knee past 90 degrees I no longer need it - hence the title of the post.

My knee

Saturday 24th March

Knee feels good today - see above.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

congratulations of the abdication of your throne! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

TJ said...

I'm so glad you're well enought to give up these items!!
Pretty soon you'll be dancin' a jig!

Akelamalu said...

empress bee - thankyou! :)

tammy - every day in every way I'm getting better and better.

Barb said...

Better watch bee.. she'll come steal that throne from you. Rednecks probably have races with them or something :)

Akelamalu said...

Hi skittles - I never thought of that - I could start something here!