
Thursday 15 March 2007

How do they do that.............

Men I mean. Or maybe it's just MWM that does it. What am I talking about? Well since I've been laid up with my leg MWM has been doing the household shopping and he's saving me a fortune.

He's just come back from the supermarket with everything we need for the coming week, including Easter Eggs for all the grandchildren, nieces and nephews and the bill came to half of what I would have spent!! He manages to do it every time and I really don't know how.
The only thing I can think of is that he just gets what's on the shopping list, unlike me who is a sucker for BOGOF's. If there's an offer on I have to buy it, but only if it's something we use I should add. Then there's the 'Oh those look nice, I think we'll try them', or I can't remember if we have any Tuna in the cupboard so I buy another four tins, only to find when I get home that we could stock the supermarket shelves with what we've got in our storecupboard! There again I have a thing about Tuna I can't walk past it, I just have to buy some - it's some sort of mental block I think.

Anyway I'm not complaining, MWM is keeping me well fed and we seem to have everything we could possibly need, plus we've still got money in the bank - what more could I ask. This could mean I will have enough in my account to buy another pair of shoes or/and a handbag when I'm back on my feet - now that can't be bad can it?
My Knee
Thursday 15th March
I had a bad night last night so feel tired today. I may just have a little nap this afternoon. The knee is getting stronger but just seems to be aching a bit more today, perhaps I've done a bit too much with the exercises. I suppose I will have to get used to having up and down days.


Unknown said...

You sound like me and MWM sound like my wife. I go to the market with intentions of following a list and getting just we need and I always this and the things I think we need. Joan buys exactly what we need, we are never out of food and we have xtra money at the end of the week.
Healing always has its good days and not so good. Your body is speaking to you.

Akelamalu said...

Ah it's fortunate that there's one in the partnership that's sensible eh Dave?

Yes my body is a good reminder of "You're doing too much girl".

Neoma said...

It is just the opposite here, I don't dare let my husband go to the store for one item, he comes home with 40 dollars worth of groceries. And a lot of things that I don't need. He bought 10 cans of peas once, I told him we don't EAT canned peas.......I never did figure that one out....haha

About the knee, how long ago was your surgery? I had surgery on my hand over three months ago, and it still gives me fits at night, some nights.....i guess it just takes time, and vicadin...haha

Queenie said...

Typical, and it will only be the best French wine!
Don't go doing to much, I must have been up in sympathy with you. Milo decided to try being a guard dog at 3.20am, then he slept soundly after waking me.

Akelamalu said...

nea - the peas made me laugh! They must have been on offer.

My knee operation was 26th February (17 days ago) so early days yet. I'm just impatient.

Akelamalu said...

queenie - good old Milo, he's looking after you. Wish I'd known you were up we could have had a chat!

TJ said... you've got me craving tuna salad!!
I'm a kindred spirit with you, very much the same Hubby on the other had is a sucker for candy or sweets of any kind and will come home from the grocery with all kinds!!

Neoma said...

My husband buys potatoe chips, candy and wine.......I don't remember putting any of them on my list, along with a few others things that no one but he will eat, like kippers in cream sause, smoked oysters, pickled pigs feet...

Akelamalu said...

tammy - oh yes MWM always comes home with cream cakes but the bill is still always lower than mine! Grrrr.

Akelamalu said...

Oh nea you make me laugh - pickled pigs feet! :)

Anonymous said...

It's a family thing for I ammy fathers son and I can do the same!!

I always knew you had a tuna related problem...

Akelamalu said...

dahnihul - cheeky!