
Friday 16 March 2007

Cn u rED DIS?........

Am I the only person in the world who doesn't do text speak? Not only do I not do it, I can't understand it and it absolutely infuriates me! Although I text a lot to family and friends I am incapable of using it, I have to spell out every syllable, comma, exclamation mark and full stop, and perfect spelling. My texts sometimes run to 3 pages but it has to be right. Maybe I suffer from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) !

Are we breeding a generation who won't be able to spell or use grammar by condoning text speak? I work in a school and have seen evidence that students carry this shorthand through to their school work and they think that it's perfectly acceptable. Now that can't be right can it?

Am I just an old fuddy duddy?

My Knee

Friday 16th March

Another bad night last night. Went to bed at 10.30p.m but was still staring at the ceiling at 2 p.m. so I got up and finished my book. Took another dose of medicine at 4 a.m. and went back to bed. I managed about 3 hours sleep. Never mind I'll probably sleep tonight. The good thing is my leg doesn't look as knock-kneed today perhaps because the swelling is going down! :)


Unknown said...

I am with you. I don't know and don't want to know about text messaging. I guess I belong to the Fuddy Duddy Club too. Yes, you will sleep well tonight. Knee sounds as if there is more progress.

Queenie said...

k. wot a dft thng 2 say. usn srt kutz alws u 2 speed thgs up. lol!

i usez it am n pm so i can spk 2 me m8z

l8tz. :)

Akelamalu said...

dave - oh glad I'm not the only one.

Yes progress on the knee, just hoping for progress on the sleep front! :)

Akelamalu said...

queenie - que?

Yazi said...

came here on a whim, this is sucha nice blog, really impressed!!

keep up!

yeah i don't use txt msgs either, but i was at this IT seminar last month and they said it will eventually replace email in future, i m like wow!


yazi ~/

Unknown said...

I send texts and spell out most things but I do find myself using numbers for somethings (2 and 4) and I use "u" for "you"

That's pretty much it.

Barb said...

I'm so behind the times I don't even have text set up on my cell phone. But, that said.. after being online for such a long time I can usually figure out what someone is saying. A lot of this comes from reading typos :)

Akelamalu said...

Hi yazi thanks for dropping in and such nice comments too. I can't see texting taking over from emails it would be too expensive I think, but you never know.

Nik - I can't even bring myself to use numbers, it's all or nothing with me.

Skittles - how nice of you to call in. :) Now typos I can understand it's just text speak that has me flumoxed.

TJ said...

I've never text my life...I think I have it available but it is unused...I don't miss it...hehe!!
Here is a wish for peaceful sleep tonight and for you pain to receed!!

Lo Kelween said...

hi guys...actually..people just wanna save some words in SMSes so that we can save more money on sms..for poor student like us, we are always on guard! haha :)
take care!

Akelamalu said...

Tammy - I must admit I like texting, as long as I can write an essay! Thanks for the good wishes.

Akelamalu said...

Hi elween, thanks for dropping by. Ah, I can understand the saving money bit, especially for students! :)

Claire said...

I can just about read it, my 16 year old cousins text me and i sometimes have no idea what they are talking about.

Akelamalu said...

Welcome to the club claire!

Neoma said...

I think you are right, not only won't they be able to spell, but here in the states, none will be able to write cursive either, they just aren't teaching it. Since computers don't use it, why learn it, is the moniker.

The problem is queenie, some of us can't understand it. Our minds don't work that way. I can handle a little bit of abbreviation, it has been proven that it is only the first letter and last letter that are truly important, you can leave out many letters in the middle and still get the meaning, but the person writing it, has to be up on what can be understood at the other end, or the message is a puzzle. It may speed up the writing, but certainly doesn't speed up the reading, and allows for miscommunication. Although I guess most people who text aren't giving a formula to rocket fuel. So it isn't an issue. I don't use text at all, my phone is only for emergencies.

Akelamalu said...

nea - my sentiments entirely.