
Wednesday 7 March 2007


I woke up this morning to the smell of baking bread. MWM had put ingredients into the breadmaker last night and set the timer so we would have a fresh wholemeal loaf for our lunchtime sandwiches today. This got me thinking (I seem to be doing a lot of thinking lately!) about our sense of smell and the feelings it can invoke.

The sense of smell is as wonderful as sight, in that it can bring back long forgotton memories and good feelings. The smell of lavender always takes me back to my childhood sitting on my grandmother's knee. The smell of coaltar shampoo takes me back to when I was thirteen and first met MWM - he used to use it then. Wave some Tabu perfume under my nose and I will be transported back to when I was 18/19 years old - it was my favourite then. So many aromas, so many memories.

Then there are everyday aromas which give us a feel good factor. We all have our favourites, here are some of mine:

The smell of a baby, just bathed and powdered; Bedding that has spent the morning blowing in the wind; Grass that has just been mown; The soft aromas of the flowers floating gently past on the breeze as I sit enjoying my garden; The sharp bracing smell of the sea; MWM's favourite aftershave - delicious; I can even smell snow believe it or not! My most favourite smell of all though is God's good fresh air - you can't beat it!

What are you favourite smells and what do they conjour up for you?

My Knee

Wednesday 7th March

The nurse came yesterday and changed the dressing on my knee. She was really pleased with how it is healing, no problems at all (she said) and it was the first time she had been able to say that all day! I won't see her again until Sunday when she comes to take out the clips - ouch! After feeling a bit despondent yesterday I feel better today. Although my leg is still swollen and sore the exercises seem a bit easier today and I can actually lift my leg off the floor when I am sitting which means I can put my own pants on! That's an achievement! :)


Annelisa said...

Good news you can dress yourself, Akelamalu! Way t' go! You'll be running the marathon in no time!!

Two favourite smells? The sea carried on the wind, and newly opened coffee...Mmmm-mmmm!

Akelamalu said...

Hi annelisa, thanks for taking the time to drop by, hope the writing is going well hon. Running a marathon - who knows, maybe?

Oh yes, newly opened coffee that wakes you up!

Queenie said...

Like you I have many that bring back memorys. The same as annelisa, the sea is one at the top. A new baby is up there to, and fresh sheets that have dried in the breeze....

Akelamalu said...

We do tend to like the same things don't we queenie?

Queenie said...

Told you we are soul twins.....

Me said...

i can smell snow too. isn't that funny. so glad your knee is improving. it can't be easy.

Akelamalu said...

Ooh Bonnie Ann you're the only other person I know who can smell snow!