Do you get enough leisure time?
If you want to join in here's what David would like you to do:
Please answer today's question on your own blog, any time until next weekend. Just link to this blog (or to this post) so I can follow the progress of the discussion.
Here's my answer:
Yes thankyou!
I get plenty of leisure time because I am in the fortunate position of having a husband who is retired, and is so wonderful he does all the cleaning, shopping, washing, ironing and gardening. Until he retired I used to do all these things. I’m not completely lazy, I still do the cooking – because I like it.
Our children are married, so we only have ourselves to please. I work in a school, this means that I have 13 weeks holiday every year – you’re jealous now aren’t you? So that’s 13 weeks every year to do exactly as we please, be it a trip out, a holiday abroad, a shopping trip or just sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine (when we get some).
Of course all this leisure time means I have more time to blog which is great. I was torn last year during the summer – sit in the office blogging or sit in the sunshine? Mmmmm dilemma. Anyway it won’t be a problem this summer, because we now have a laptop, so I can have the best of both worlds.
In 2009 all my time will be leisure time because I will be retiring!
What a great life!
That's Maggie May, Misty's puppy, in the picture - isn't she adorable!
Misty is so sweet she has given permission for recipients of her award to pass it on, so I would like to give it to my dearest friend Queenie (Queenie's Random Ramblings) for just being there.

Jo Beaufoix (Jo gave me this beauty. Thanks Jo xxx
She didn't give any instructions on passing it on so everyone who comments on this post please take the award with my love. xx
You can measure how many years of leisure I've had by the size of my rear end.. kinda like counting rings on a tree. :)
LMAO at skittles!
It sounds like you have the perfect mix of work and play!
How do you think you'll fill your time when you're retired? More of the same, or do you have any other plans?
Oh Sweety, we deserve all this leisure time too! We did our days of laundry, cleaning, taking care of our its time to relax..( my Mom does our laundry! lol..and shes 80!!!) I should be ashamed! but she loves to do it....sometimes she gets a little mixed up with the alzheimers and she will put all of her clean clothes in my room or whe will take all of mine in her Shes such a sweety!
Thank you, Pearl, for taking part in Weekend Wandering - and for giving us a glimpse of something that so many bloggers guard closely - your life.
Er (whispers) can we do a deal where I get a few weeks of your school holidays!!
Thanks darling, you forgot to say what a great cook you are. Not long now!
Gosh, i am jealous, i don't have enough leisure time; but what I do have, i really enjoy!!
well done on the awards, Ak. Isn't that puppy just GORGEOUS?!!
I'm a few years away, but if I could I'd retire today! Been in the same business for 35 years, and still manage to enjoy some of the work- but not all of it...
retired is wonderful!!!
smiles, bee
It's kind of hard to beat a school schedule, isn't it? Good for you.
And the awards, too! Wow!
Skittles you make me LOL! I'm not far behind (pardon the pun) you honey!
When I'm retired we aim to do a lot of travelling when it's let expensive Miss U. At the moment we're restricted to going away in school holidays which you will know is the most expensive time so we only get one holiday abroad per year. Also we will get the free bus and rail pass so we'll be making good use of those!
My mother-in-law used to do all my ironing but MWM does it now so she's redundant Catch. I be your mum feels really useful. Nice to see you back honey.
My pleasure David and I'll get you a job with me so you can have all the school holidays!! :)
You just like my gravy Queenie! 2 days and counting!
Ah that's the ticket CG enjoy what you got!
Cheers Flowerpot. The puppy is adorable - I want one now!
I have to admit I enjoy my work, but the holidays are better buffalo. Still after 40+ years of work I'm ready to retire!
Bee you're making me jealous! x
A job is a school is the best RC you never have to work more than 8 weeks without a break!
You've got a good thing going on, Akelamalu. Someone else could have your situation and still manage to stress themselves out about anything at all. I'm so glad to hear you and your husband know how to enjoy life. Life is a gift - and if you're not appreciating that, what is the point?
Congrats on your latest awards additions - and only a couple days till your blogoversary!
Hi Akelamalu,
Congrats on your awards..
leisure time? i can only dream..
i am going to link you...hope you don't mind..
have a great day
Leisure! What's leisure? I don't get much leisure time, that's for sure. Between writing, selling on ebay and watching the boys when my daughter is working, leisure time is a rare thing for me.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my latest post. I always enjoy your visits.
Wonderful - I know and love England, so I should fit right in, except in the cricket season!!!
I'd given up on leisure time at the moment..but one assignment finished so having a leisurely time having a blogaround and catching up on all that I've missed before I start the next two. Do you remember your nursery rhyme quizzes...well they renewed my interest in the history of nursery rhymes and I've decided to do my dissertation on them :o)
No! I don't get nearly enough leisure time.
only a year to go until you retire? how wonderful.
The puppy looks edible...not literally you understand...
Congrats on the awards my friend. You truly deserve them.
I'm not ashamed to say that I am totally jealous of your leisure time.
I dont think I will ever be able to afford to retire....... when I was married our plant nursery was our retirement fund, but he got that I got the mortgage and the kids lol....... so I will have to work til I die.......
Dont really get much leisure time and definetely no ME time lol....
I know when you retire you will be busy then you are right now lol....
and LMRSSO@skittles.......
i'm a stay at home, and i'm lazy...i guess that's a YES to plenty of leisure time lol how nice it will be when you retire. stinky's been doing what he can to have a comfortable retirement fund and wants to retire when he's 60...that's 16 yrs from now lol heck, he could retire now with the years he's put into his company (25) but with the stock market doing what it does, he's not happy w his 401k lol. hmmm never knew someone to eat their skittles so methodically...tho stinky has to have 3 things on his plate and he eats one thing at a time :)
p.s. congrats on your truly deserve them xo
I have too much leisure. I do not like being retired.
Congratulations on the awards.
Ready or not GO.....
I don't really get stressed (well not about work anyway) these days Julia, I did enough of that a couple of years ago and life is far too short! Thanks for the congrats honey and yes a party coming up very soon. :)
Thanks Bindi and I don't mind if you link me at all, I'm honoured. x
If you're enjoying what you're doing Mary then it's a bit like leisure time don't you think? :)
I'm sure you'd fit in anywhere David xx
You're a busy lady Ruth that's for sure! Wow I'm thrilled that my quiz had been of some use. xx
That's a shame Citizen, you must make some time for yourself.
Yep November 2009 I'll be a free woman (workwise) Pig!
Ah Misty I wish I could share my leisure time with you I truly do. x
Oh Marmie I wish I could whisk you away for a week's rest somewhere you'd truly enjoy - you so deserve it. If I win the lottery I'll make it a priority xx
MWM had almost 40 years service in which is why he was able to retire early Ciara. I will have 27 years service with the Local Authority when I retire so I will have done my bit too.
I know some people do not take well to retirement Nick, my FIL is one. At 90 he still wants to be climbing ladders etc but he can't and it's getting him down. :(
Queenie OOoooh I'm so excited! See you later. xxxx
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Why thank you imperfectnerd what a lovely thing to say. Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to comment, please call again. :0
As McArthur said in the Phillipines, "I shall return!"
Ahh Akela, perfect. You're spreading the love.
And how cute is that puppy?
I look forward to your return imperfectnerd :)
Yes indeedy Jo x
As to all this "leisue Time" thing, I don't think any true blogger has any of that left... it all gets swallowed whole just keeping up...
You know what imperfectnerd I think you're right! ((wink))
And here I am again just adding fuel to the fire......
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