We were holidaying in a lovely part of Turkey called Calis Beach (near Fethiye) in a lovely beachside hotel called Mutlu. I am one of those who likes to 'people watch' on holiday, I not only watch them but I give them nicknames and make up stories about them too. Anyway there were lots of nicknames and stories flying about in my head but one particular couple with an adorable boy of about 8 really got my imagination going.
She was a real beauty, black hair, dark sunkissed skin, fabulous turquoise eyes, he was a typical Brit pale skin, daft straw hat and a tattoo on his arm, the boy was adorable as I said. I lay in the sun watching her spitroast herself looking elegant and poised, tanning every inch of her body whilst I sweated and complained it was too hot. He was in and out of the water with the boy, they were having a great time. I pointed them out to MWM telling him the story I'd weaved about them. She was definitely Turkish and met Wayne about 9 years before whilst he was there on holiday. Obviously he must have some charm to make a catch like her I deduced, they'd got married, gone back to his home in England, had the adorable one and were back visiting her family and holidaying at the same time.
"Yes dear if you say so" said MWM.
A few days into the holiday MWM developed a really 'bad' stomach and had to take to his bed. Luckily for me our son D, (who was 14 at the time), was with us, so I had company on the beach and a 'man' to escort me to dinner that night. D stayed faithfully by my side after dinner whilst I had a couple of drinks at our hotel bar, suddenly all the power went off and the barman Yasar produced a whole load of candles, which he positioned all along the bar and on the tables. I don't know what it is about candlelight, probably because it makes everything look dim, but Yasar decided I looked ravishing and proceeded to chat me up! He'd already determined that MWM had taken to his bed and wasn't likely to be surfacing until morning. I wasn't worried I'd had experience of this sort of thing, (though not a lot I might add), and D was within shouting distance if I need to make a quick getaway! Then I heard this voice
"Hi where's your husband tonight?"
Turning to the source of the question I saw Turkish Beauty, Wayne and the adorable one sitting just a few feet away. 'She speaks good English' I thought and I wanted to know if my 'fairytale' was true.
"He's ill" I explained, "would you mind if I sat with you a while I'm getting in a bit of hot water with the barman here?" I asked whilst Yasar was clearing the tables at the other end of the bar out of earshot.
"Course not, come and sit down" Beauty invited.
I introduced myself and D and couldn't wait to hear how they'd met so I could confirm my story to MWM the following morning. I must add here that I didn't completely ignore MWM's plight, I kept sending D up with bottles of water to make sure he was OK!
How wrong could I have been - she wasn't Turkish at all - she was a Brit through and through. Well we all got on like a house on fire and one drink led to another until we eventually retired for the night promising to meet up the following day, which wasn't difficult as we were staying in the same hotel!
The following morning I was awake with the lark, as usual, though I always wear sunglasses to breakfast as camouflage in case I made a fool of myself the night before! MWM was feeling almost back to normal and joined me and D for breakfast. The beautiful one didn't emerge until later, but the straw hatted one, or Wayne as I called him, and the adorable one were already up and at 'em. I introduced MWM to Wayne and the adorable one but apparently they'd already met! Oh that's good I thought "How, when, where" I enquired.
"I'll tell you later" said MWM.
It seems MWM had be wallowing in the shallows (he doesn't swim) and Wayne had inadvertently splashed him! Not good. MWM doesn't like it - splashing or water. He must have pulled a face because apparently Wayne had asked him "what do you come on holiday for?" to which MWM had replied "To get away from people like you!" MWM told me all this later in the day, after Beauty and I had agreed we'd had such a good time it would be a great idea if we all ate together that evening. Ho, ho I can hear you saying - this is going to be fun.
Well you're not wrong....
We had the most fantastic time for the rest of the holiday everyone thought we'd known each other for ever. When the beauties went on a two day trip I felt like my right arm had been ripped off and Beauty said the same when they got back. We were inseparable, we laughed until our sides ached and we drank enough to sink a battle ship! We party, party, partied, we even had a party on the beach, and we were asked to move further up the beach because we were making so much noise, well not just us, some of the other guests joined us too! Beauty even rescued me from the gypsies, when I was so 'partied' I sat down in the sand with some locals who were asleep on the beach as we moved away from the hotel. What a pal!
When the end of the holiday came our flight home was early in the day, whereas their's was a night flight, so we had to leave before them . We were in tears Beauty and I, promising to write and phone and visit. We have met lots of people on holiday with whom we've exchanged telephone numbers and addresses and we have kept in touch with some, just as far as Christmas cards go, but none have become lifelong friends like this family. Some of you may recognise them.
Here they are Turkish Beauty, Wayne and the Adorable One.

Here's all of us together on the day we were leaving
and here's another with me using the 'straw hat' as a fruit bowl.

I'm not sure who the young girl is sitting next to Wayne I think she fancied our D!
And here's me and Beauty sitting on the balcony after consuming a bottle of brandy at 4 in the morning! God alone knows why she's hiding her face!

For those of you who don't recognise them they are Queenie, Math and Nat.
They attended both our boys' weddings, they grieved when our first two grandchildren died, they know more about us than some of our own family. We usually visit each other about every 4 months or so for the weekend but Queenie is waiting for a hip operation and is really struggling at the moment, and of course I have been recovering from my knee op, so we haven't been able to do this for about 16 months, though we talk every week on the phone. MWM and I went to visit Queenie and Math last week, just for the day, and persuaded them to come and stay with us on New Year's Day so we could all go out for a Chinese meal and generally have a good time - which is what we do best. They are both a good deal younger than MWM and I, but that's no barrier to the fun we have.
After our meal we came back home and had a few drinks and we got talking about how we met 17 years ago (18 in August 2008). The story I made up about them on holiday has always made them laugh, and Queenie and I both think that and had it been down to the men we would have been ships that passed in the night. But, Queenie and I believe we are soul sisters, so were meant to meet. Queenie is the sister I never had and my bestest friend, and she asked me to blog about that fateful holiday 17 years ago. So this is for you my wonderful, wonderful friend - Turkish Beauty!
How wonderful! I suspected you two were old friends!
What a wonderful story! I met one of my best friends online. Several years later our family went to California to visit them. We've now spent three holidays together and both our families feel like one. A true friendship is such a blessing!
{{HUGS}} to you and Queenie :)
Oh that was such a great story, I loved it!
beautiful story my friend!!!
smiles, bee
Aww, that was such a wonderful, wonderful story!! Thank you for sharing it with us!
ake-i love this story! queenie doesn't look remotely british, does she? lol but definitely a beauty. friends like you and queenie are always good to have....it's so nice to see a friendship endure :) xo
did you know that even though i am only 41, i always seem to gravitate towards people who are older than myself? :)
Wow! 17 years ago, and you can still blog about it now. Wonderful story!
turkish beauty, very nice term! Aunty Lucy would be happy if you call her Asian beauty too. haha.
and that's queenie, your old friend! haha, nice photo but who's the other lady? ehm....
and what a wonderful story you had with MWM :)
That's lovely. Thank you for sharing it.
OMG, 18yrs this August, we were just children when we met!!! My darling, with each year I feel life brings us closer, sharing all, good news, bad news. Although I have 3 sisters you are my only soul sister. It wasn't fate that we met, who/whatever knew we needed each other, you know you are much more than a friend to me. When we are old and grey, sitting together on a park bench/propping up a bar, we will still giggle about that holiday, such a precious time in my life, love you X
What a wonderful story and a beautiful friendship.
Perhaps I'll have to ask Queenie the 'real' story of how they met!
what a wonderful story - those sort of good friends are so precious.
Great stuff
here as a present for the new year I am sending you some stars:
Was it obvious Buffalo? ;)
These sort of friendships were just meant to be weren't they CG? :)
True stories are the best aren't they Little Wing. x
Thank you Bee x
I'm pleased you enjoyed it snowelf :)
Thanks Ciara. All our friends are either 10 years older or 10 years younger than us! I can't explain it! :)
Yes 17 years and stronger than ever - some marriages don't last that long do they tot's mom?
I'm sure Aunty Lucy is an Asian Beauty Elween. x
I'm happy you enjoyed it J Cosmo Newbery :)
Queenie my lovely I don't know what I'd do without you in my life! I love you too. xxxx
It's all true Miss U honestly! :)
Friends like those only come once in a lifetime Flowerpot - and then only if you're extremely lucky! x
How did you know I wanted some stars Gleds? Thank you my friend. xx
What an awesome story! I have a couple of friendships, one in particular with a certain blogger, which just started as a simple conversation/e-mail and immediately exploded into the most fabulous friendship... you can't help but think these friendships were 'meant to be' all along.
Thank you for sharing this story - it warmed my heart and put a smile on my face!
What a great story and how well told!
Ah yes Misty, some friendships are made in heaven! :)
Thank you Dumdad x
Is that how it happened...? Hmmm!
F.Y.I. the girl in the picture was the daughter of "...innit, Tone?".
Oh, and your clock on your blog
is an hour fast!
Love you bye!
Wow! What a story! I thought you'd met in hospital.
Well, Q is definitely delightful, Turkishly delightful!
What a fantastic story! I have met people who became good holida-friends, but how wonderful that you guys have maintined that friendship all these years. Reading about it warmed my heart.
ok,, where did me dam comment disappear to??? grrrrr
Im well jealous in a nice way not an evil way, that you 2 live close enough to visit etc..... maybe I should move up north, except I dont know how to cook mushy peas lol
LOVE this post....... what a great pair of maties you two are.... its truely special....
It's neat when you just meet people and click and even better when you carry it forward and keep connected!
That's a gorgeous story. Isn't it amazing how some people come into your life out of nowhere and change it in such huge ways?
Bless you both.
What a delightful story, to become such good friends for such a long time.
Thank you for sharing that wonderful story!
What a wonderful story! I knew you two were friends but I didnt know the story behind it. Isnt it wonderful to have a friend like you have in Queenie? Im so happy for the both of you. There is nothing like a good friend that you can be yourself with ...Im glad you have each other! hugs!
that is a great story....and thank you for sharing....friendships like that are so very special and to be treasured....
Yep Dan, that's how it happened! Oh I thought you might recognise the girly - "innit tone" now there's another story! I've put my clock right now thanks for that. I love you too. xx
No not hospital Cream we were in quite good health when we met, we've just deteriorated over the years! :(
It's not often you meet someone on holiday and the friendship lasts cs, especially when you life 90 miles apart.
Move up north Marmie, I'll teach you how to make mushie peas x
It truly is MOI :)
Oh yes it is Correspondent and I'm thankful:)
I think it was fate Bankerchick!
I'm pleased you enjoyed it Travis :)
I'm happy we have each other too Catch. Great to see you out and about honey. x
They're certainly are special RN :)
Hi it seems that you have being enjoying yourselfs in Turkey, we have been in several places , but I recognise your storie, also the nice people there you've met!
We made some small trips in Holland with our new (company) car and we liked staying home this Xmas, very much, so does our dog, I'll show during the coming days more of our car-trips in Holland on my blog. Have a good week!
Greetings from Dutch JoAnn
What a wonderful story about true friendship! It is such a blessing to have soneone to lean on when times are rough or when you just wanna have fun!
Thanks for sharing this story with me and all the other visitors here. :-)
Nice to hear you had a good Christmas JoAnn, I'll be over later to see your pictures.
True friendship indeed Dave, I'm happy you enjoyed reading my story. :)
How wonderful to have maintained a friendship for such a long time.
Friendships like this are to be treasured. What a wonderful reminder that possibilities for this kind of connection can happen when we least expect it!
Hugs and blessings,
What a lovely story! I think it would have been a hoot if you had been right, though!
That is the BEST story!
You and she are very lucky that you don't listen to your husbands- heehee.
Happy New Year Akela!
Oh, Akelamalu...thank you for this wonderful story...I SO enjoyed reading it!
It warmed my heart.
It also caused me to remember how Divine Order brings us together when we are meant to meet our "soulmates."
How blessed you must ALL feel!
Thanks for sharing, fine lady!
I had a sneaking feeling when I was half way through your story, who is was you were writing about. haha Maybe I remember you mentioning where you two met and how long ago....so I just put two and two together.
What a happenstance of a chance meeting and to last a lifetime. I have met a few people that I really hit it off with, but can't say that I have ever managed to keep the relationship going. It takes effort and commitment, and usually from both sides. So I find it rather remarkable......and sweet.
Fantastic story! I love your habit of making up storylines about your fellow travellers. Funny and wonderful how this one turned out.
I think so too Pauline :)
They certainly are Storyteller and they do happen when you least expect it!
It would, wouldn't it Linda LOL
We still don't listen to them Gewels! ;)
Yes Divine Order it was Ron, without a doubt! :)
It is unusual Nead and does take commitment, but we don't find it hard. x
It can be great fun making up the stories Julia, but I never know whether I'm right or wrong - except in this case. :)
loved that. You said you would do your friend story and I'm so glad you did. Aren't men funny. Thanks God we're here to keep the peace, hee hee. And it's so good to have a friend like Queenie isn't it. They're the best.
Yes Jo Good friends are a Godsend. x
what a wonderful story!! true friends are meant to be!!! :)
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