Urgent Message
His mobile phone gave the signal for an incoming text.

He glanced and the message, it was urgent.
Trying not to go into too much detail, he replied.
“On my way”.

He looked up and was surprised to see a truck heading towards him………

because his car was on the wrong side of the road.
Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by susiestheboss
We're off to spend the weekend with Queenie, so I'll catch up with you all then. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. That gives you loads of scope!!! Have a great weekend - I know I will x
Great 55, I'm ready and waiting, wine chilling.
I'm off for the weekend too Ak. have a good one!
Unfortunately, I'm not off anywhere for the weekend, but I will have a house full of partying teenagers tomorrow nght.
Have fun with Queenie!
Oh! that is a scary thought.
Enough to press the panic button!
Great 55 Ake! :)
I often tell people "If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk!"...
You are meeting Queenie?
Meeting bloggers that become friends is so much fun, I know from personal experiance..
Chilling 55 though Ake!!!
Great job...G
See it is bad enough talking on the phone when you are driving but to be texting too... That would be just to scary. Great 55.
You and Queenie have a great time. I can hear that wine a chillin' all the way over here.
have a fun weekend honey!
smiles, bee
Ah, yes. Texting is much more dangerous that cell phone talking.
Have a fun weekend.
Have a fabulous weekend with your friends!
I bet that happens more than we want to know! That was chilling!
Great 55!
Peace and hugs and thanks for all you kind thoughts.
Have a great weekend! sounds delightful!
Scary because it is so likely to actually happen! Have fun with Queenie!!!!
I love this one. Chilling.
And speaking of chilling....I'm so envious that you are meeting Queenie. Give her my regards and have a wonderful time!
We do want the dirt when you return....
ake-great 55 and unfortunately kids here in the states have killed themselves or others texting while driving :( have a great time w queenie...i'm sure you will, you two have an awesome friendship. give her a big hug for me and tell her to give you a big hug for me lol :) xo
Have a nice weekend!
Great story and one we should all remember. Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!
Have a fab time Akela. :D
Enjoy the weekend!
Great 55!
Hug Queenie for us!!!!!!!
ehm have an enjoyable weekend with queenie!!! :)
How neat to meet a blogger! Have a fun time.
(I'm retiring from teaching in Nov. 09!)
Awesome and WISE 55 Akelamalu!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Enjoy your weekend, dear lady...but remember...NO wine.
Hey congrats on your awards too. LOVE the doggie one!
Another twisty ending! You're excellent with those!
3 days till the blogoversary...
This fiction could actually be fact. Cell phones are not something we should be using while driving. Great job.
Be sure to drop by and enter my Easter giveaway. It will be fun to read your post.
Have a wonderful weekend!
See, I've always said cell phones are a driving hazard.
Great 55!
I'm jealous you get to meet Queenie :-( but ENJOY! :-)
So scary! Have a great weekend (it's nearly over now, though, isn't it?), and no driving-while-texting. I won't hesitate to report you for DWT if it will save your life. I wonder if that will become a well-known acronym... "I got pulled over for DWT."
I'm up.
Have a good visit and have fun.....hurry back. :)
Now that is a 55 with a message.
Hope your weekend went great. I shall be back! :-)
Seems odd replying to you Queenie when I've spent all weekend with you! Great time babe - thanks. xx
If you had a good a time as we did Flowerpot you're lucky!
Hope the party went well Miss U - presumably it was for Dan'S birthday?
Thanks Mona. :)
You crack me up Buffalo x
Queenie and I have been friends for 18 years g-man! I did a post about how we met just recently - see Wayne and the Turkish Beauty. :)
I know Barman, there was a case in our papers just this week - which is what prompted my 55. It's truly scary!
Thanks Bee - we did!
It makes me so mad when I see people using their cell phones whilst driving Nick - it's just too dangerous!
We had a great time thanks RC x
Yes it does Odat. Hope you're bearing up honey. xx
It seems to be happening more and more Heather unfortunately. thanks. x
Thanks Mimi, I have lots of photos and will be doing a post about what a great time we had with Queenie. x
Yes Ciara it happens tooooooo often! We had lots of hugs - here's one for you too honey. ((hug)).
Thanks Bindi we did. :)
Cheers CG x
Aw thanks Jo xx
We did Dianne ;)
Glad you liked it Little Wing I almost crushed Queenie with all the hugs!
Thank you Elween we did our best! :)
Moi you and I are retiring the same year! Queenie and I have known each other for 18 years - long before either of us started blogging. :)
Ron I have a confession to make - I had far too much wine!
Oh you're too kind Julia thankyou. x
Unfortunately it is more fact than fiction these days Mary! :(
We had a fab time Skittles thanks. xx
It's actually against the law here to use a cell phone whilst driving Citizen but people do it all the time! - CRAZY!!
Queenie and I meet up quite often Bella and we do always enjoy! :)
Yep it's over now :( Smarmoofus but we had a great time. I'd report anyone I saw texting whilst driving too!
Thanks Neaxx
Glad you liked it Bankerchick :)
It did Dave - see you soon. x
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