The MP parried the Union Official’s arguments on the televised debate.
Backwards and forwards, counter arguments, no clear winner.

Worker's rights, holiday entitlement, working conditions, pay claims, MP’s salaries.
“Tell me why we are expected to accept a 1.9% rise and you get 2.6%”
demanded the Union Official.

“Ah, we’re different” replied the MP smugly.
Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by susiestheboss.
They certainly are, great 55.
How long now??????
hmm... was thinking the same...
you bet they're different....
don't understand but miss you honey!!!
smiles, bee
Great 55. I'm not completely familiar with all the terms, but I definately get the gist.
Very good!
Great 55. Union vs Management. As old as time!
It's one of the things that has always made me laugh.One week you get Gordon Brown stating that for the good of the whole world we should all be grateful with a small pay rise. The next wek they are giving themselves an above inflation pay rise and fiddling their expences, no wonder everyone is turned off polotics.
Thanks Queenie - only 7 days now. :)
Sorry Bela, what were you thinking?
We're agreed on that Flowerpot and Dumdad!
Sorry you don't understand it Bee,you miss me? I've been over to visit :(
Thankyou James :)
Cheers Casdok
Yep, as old as time Mike. Great to see you back. x
Precisely Mark!!!
I get it!!!!!!!!!
Good one!!!!
bloody MPs how STUPID are they...
spend all their lives INVENTING RULES where not required e.g. that one who got caught "employing" own son ... to do nothing as "researcher" ...
"we need to change the system" said far more than one MP... hang on didn't that guy get caught ~ chucked out ~ barred... total proof that the system as is WORKS PERFECTLY and NO MORE RULES ARE REQUIRED... IDIOTS!!!!
ps ~~~ I got sent this ~ ♥ ~ with instructions to pass it around and to ask you to pass it around ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ as much as you please or can...
LOL!!! VERY clever and VERY topical!
Love the 55, they are indeed another species entirely.
7 days to go...intriguing coincidence my birthday is in 7 days...are you baking me a cake?lol
I am with Mr. Goodman.
I'm not sure I understand every word, but I got where you're goin' here.
And it's very cool.
I was on the phone with my banker today, and he used a see-saw analogy with me.
I did not like it.
I'm not sure what is in seven days, but I see that your Blogoversary is in 10, so if I don't get back over here, though I will try, Happy Early Blogoversary, babe!
My three year is in July sometime. I forget when.
And happy early birthday to Pauline. Cake is good.
It's always "different" when you have more power.
Instructions for your friend are up at my blog.
Isn't it great when the law-makers think they're better than the rest of us?
*sigh* So distracted... I am having a complete 80s flashback with this music playing. I actually ACTUALLY started singing along while wearing headphones. My apologies to my neighbors. *evil cackle*
Update: I've kept your blog open in the background while I browse other 55s, and I'm no longer having 80s flashbacks. I've regressed another couple of decades, I think. Still grooving, though! Thanks thanks!
This one flew by me...but I loved it anyway!!!!
Have an awesome weekend, fine lady!
I was thinking like Queenie - how different the MP and UO are...
An award awaits you at my blog.
It's about those who do the digging and those stand around looking at them.
It's not fair!
Glad you got it Little Wing and thanks.
Don't get me started Gleds! Thanks for the hearts honey. xx
Cheers CG :)
Yes they are Pauline. It's your birthday on the 8th? I'll let you know what's happening soon.
I forget that our politics don't mean much to my readers from over the pond, sorry Strumpet, glad you got the gist of it though. Thanks for the blogversary congratulations and thanks for stopping by. :)
Oh yesCitizen power does mean different!
But they always do don't they Smarmoofus? Glad you like the music. x
Oh sorry Ron you didn't get it either. :(
Chalk and cheese Bella
chalk and cheese!
OOOOh thank you Dumdad I'll be right there. x
Quite Krimo, always the case!
yes indeed.
smug gits.
Over here, Corporate greed and Union greed take turns....
AKE...Great 55!!
I didn't realize that you were going though the election debate thing now...
You always have something meaningful to say...Thanks
BTW..checked out your Flicker pics....WOW!!!
Stunningly Beautiful!
Between You, Queenie, and Ann, I'm a quivering mass of goo....xoxox
Smug gits just about sums them up Lettie!
Most of our MPs are a shysters Buffalo, as soon as they get voted in it "I'm all right Jack!"
No election yet g-man just pay rises being negotiated and the MPs want us commom folk to have a little whilst they have a lot -As usual! Thank you kind sir, flattery will get you everywhere! :)
Well, I'm one who feels that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Of course, a fat goose probably makes a better meal.
Instead of the lord of the manor borrowing a tenant's wife if he wants to, the MP's give themselves double raises. Same song, different singer.
Politics is really the same everywhere isn't it. Our local politicians do a good job of raising their own salaries.
You're so right Charles!
That's it exactly Julia.
They're the same the world over Bankerchick.
ah, one of the office political issues!! haha, thank God i don't have to face this kinda trouble, yet ;)
Yup. Ask them to explain and they can't.
Of course they're different, and more valuable, cause they hold the purse strings.....damn!
Great 55!
(p.s., thanks for all your hugs and thoughts during my difficult's much appreciated!!!)
Peace and hugssssssssssss!
LOL Complete with visuals! A most excellent 55. Sorry I am so late.
Thanks for playing with us.
always love reading these :)
Yes you're lucky Elween, hope it will be easier when your turn comes. x
Quite Travis!
It's so annoying isn't it Odat! Hope things are getting easier for you now honey. x
Thanks Susie, I enjoy it!
Oh cheers Elena :)
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