Do you doodle? Come on, no smart alec/rude answers please, you all know what doodling means.
I only doodle when I’m on the telephone, waiting for a call to be answered. I usually have a name or some notes written down about the call and I tend to enclose the names in boxes then put perspective on them, I also do repeated lines, patterns and geometric shapes, which according to a site I found which analyses doodles, means:
Doodles of Boxes and Perspective Forms: Perspective drawing is quite an advanced stage in artistic development, and is a very satisfying creative outlet – simple 3-D boxes often hark back to our last experience of artistic training (technical drawing in highschool).
Internal: 3-D boxes indicate an ordered mind and love of routine. Often drawn by people with a good sense of spatial relationships. A stack of balanced boxes might indicate great stress - especially if the stack is at risk of toppling!
Repeated Lines and Patterns: Repetition is a common feature of doodles that suggests a methodical, patient approach to tasks. Repetition also increases the significance of a particular motif.
Geometric Shapes: Regular patterns from geometric shapes tend to indicate an organised and efficient mind. Triangles are a geometrically stable shape but also suggest direction and sense of purpose. The triangle has been adopted into various symbol systems, for example, a pink (usually inverted) triangle represents gay pride.
The Circle: The circle appears in every culture as an archetypal form representative of the eternal whole. With no ending or beginning, it revolves in an eternal cycle and is linked to the sun-disk and the attendant concepts of the yearly cycle, the moon, and the wheel. In some symbol systems it also represents the universe.
The Square: The square represents the formal, mathematical, scientific order of the universe. The square represents earthbound matter, and correspondingly, with its two sides delineating a two-dimensional surface, may symbolize the earth or ground, or a field, especially in eastern pictograms. In Buddhist symbolism the relationship the square within the circle represents the relationship of the human and the divine.
So it would seem that I have an ordered, efficient mind and a love of routine – I’d agree with that!
What do you doodle if anything? If you want to look up what your doodles mean see
Barb (Skittles Place) kindly passed this award on to me
Thank you Barb, I'll do my best to spread the love. She didn't mention any rules about passing it on but she passed it on to three bloggers so I'll do the same. Will the first three to comment on this post please take the "Spread the Love Award" and pass it on.

Also I received another one of these from Dumdad (The Other Side Of Paris)
How kind, especially from someone who is a journalist - and a good one!
Go check out his stories about when he worked in Fleet Street (London for my readers over the pond) - it's fascinating!
Again I don't see any rules about passing it on but like the last one I will just choose one person, so
Flowerpot (Flowerpot Days)
Flowerpot is a writer and landlady who keeps me entertained with her tales of tenants, life in the south and her fantastic writing. Go check her out - you won't be sorry. Please take the award your blog is excellent!
I doodle snoopies on skateboards, smiley faces and big suns behind the clouds. I'll have to check out what it means.
my goodness thanks Ak. I've come over all flustered....!
I used to, but until you mentioned it, I realized I don't anymore...
I doodle flowers..Doodles of flowers indicate a gentle personality, a love of nature, sometimes childlike innocence or wistfulness. They represent the feminine, passive aspect of the universe. Some flowers, with a starlike structure, represent the sun/son. Roses with sharp thorns can indicate betrayal of love.
I do a lot of zig zag doodles when on the phone with clients. And the analysis says this suggests a harsh reality and a need for comfort - so the analysis has some merit.
when I was in middle school I used to doodle my name mixed with all my fave celebs. Usually I was Mrs. Dianne Starr (wife of Ringo of course) -
congrats on your well deserved awards
hope you have a great week
I call me american maties 'doodles' LMFAO ya know 'yankie doodle dandies' :)
I usually write the name or number of whom Im on the phone waiting for and enclose it in a box then decorate the box in a uniform way around all sides until the whole piece of paper is filled and then I start to infill in the shapes around the box LMFAO...... as you can see, Im often left hanging on the phone for yonks lol
I doodle especially if I have been put on hold...but I don't think I generally draw...I write over the numbers or letters that are on the note in front of me...and ofen make arrows or curly kind of things.....
As of the song you are playing this reminds me of my dad....we played this at a family gather after he passed.....even now I am getting teary...."I wasn't there that morning my father passed away"...that just touches me.....and catching his voice in the next year....it just so turns out I was just newly pregnant when he passed....that song had stayed with me for a long time.....but haven't thought about it for a little....thanks for the memory....you should check out what I posted today...this is very much a coicendence.....cheers my friend
funny thing, i used to doodle, now i do everything on the computer and almost forgot about it!
smiles, bee
Snoopies, Smiley faces and suns - don't know what they mean Miss U but they sound fun! :)
You're welcome Flowerpot :)
I had to sit and really think what I did and when I did it too Buffalo
Gentle personality and a love of nature - that sounds just like you CG.
LOL Mrs Starr (Dianne) I used to do that too!
Another box doodler eh Marmie? You must have been left hanging on for ages to fill all the page in!
I don't draw either Rn just doodle. Living Years is a beautiful song and one of my favourites, I'm glad it brought back some nice memories for you.x
So Bee computers are to blame for the decline of the doodle eh? LOL
lol, i used to have time to doodle. now when i am on hold, i just multi-task ;-)
now i'm not sure what i would do....used to be smiley faces....
I doodle the way you do - when I'm on the phone and have nothing else to do. I'll have to look closer at what I draw.
Congrats on the awards, m'dear.
I'm a life-long doodler. I'm not sure I want to analyse what my doodles mean though!
I just wanted to drop by to inform you that you have a very, very special award waiting for you over at www.mistysmusings.com - I think you'll really like it!
Sometimes I draw flowers, miles and miles of flowers!
Always daisies!
Hey, how cool! I will definately go and try this. Oh, God...I hate to think what it says about MY doodle pattern!?@?#
Congrats on the awards, Akelamalu...I especially like the Spread the Love Around Award...cause YOU DO!!!
I'm gonna go DOODLE now, bye.....
I've never been a doodler. I do like to draw sometimes, but I have to set time aside and focus.
Neat info! My doodles are usually the first described: “Boxes and Perspective Forms.” The explanation is probably accurate because I learned how to draw them in an architectural drawing class that I took way back when I was a senior in high school.
Multi-tasking whilst on the phone Elena? I prefer to doodle! :)
Thanks RC and I'd be interested to hear what you doodle. x
Oh go on, Dumdad let us in on your secret doodling!
Oh thank you Misty I'll be right over. x
Ah daisy chains eh Little Wing?
Right Ron, come on tell us what your doodles mean. :)
Ah there's a big difference between drawing and doodling Travis. Drawing takes thought, doodling doesnt. :)
The same as me Nick, though I didn't do architectural drawing at school.
My favorite time to doodle is when I am at a conference or a day of training. The only problem is that When I have to report on that particular day, I have nothing to show for it other than doodles!
Take Care! :-)
I doodle EVERYWHERE, even on bills...I just love it!
Congrats for the awards - my, you ARE the Queen of awards:-)
I bet that gets you into trouble Dave! :(
You're a doodler Bella, but what do you doodle? Thanks honey I'm running out of room on the mantlepiece now. ((wink))
I also doodle when I'm waiting on the phone. A very artistic form of passing the time. Thanks for sharing.
I think it's artistic too Mary.
ANd I doodle when I'm bored soemtimes - little abimals, geometric desgns, outlies ournd soemthing I've already written. But mostly I sit and make lists of things I need to do or shiopping listss.
I doodle loads too. I'll have to explore that site. Fab.
And congrats on all the awards. Your blog is just a warm and lovely place.
Wonderful to come back to your place and explore! I just love it. Doodles are not my forte, but I am sure they mean quite a bit, showing the inner mind out loud, so to speak. If that is so, then why do I always tear mine up? Am I sick? If I am, what could be the cure? HELP! MS
I'm big on lists too Citizen, my place is full of post it notes!
Aw thanks Jo x
I always throw my doodles away too imperfectnerd. I suppose it means something but I don't know what!
In my case, I think I throw things away in order not to be confronted with my inner self. It's a jungle in there, my child inside is a brat, and once I got to know him I immediately wanted to send him off to boarding school and have him leave me alone!
LOL 'send him off to boarding school' that's so funny. :)
Thanks for coming by MY places, by the way... it's nice to have visitors and you always brighten up my day...
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