
Tuesday 3 April 2007

The Easter Bunnies Egg Hunt....

Claire over at "A little Piece of Me" has organised an Easter Bunnies Egg Hunt, as well as an Easter Craft, Easter Poem and Easter Joke Competition. It should be great fun so go take a look and put your name down. Go on, you know you want to, the more the merrier.


talj said...


I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to you for your donation to Rose's Tribute Fund. Both myself and Andrew, Rose's Dad, really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and hope that you enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt!!

Saw your ticker for the crutches....I have been on crutches most of the time since July 2005...when the day comes for me to get rid of them I think I'll throw a BIG party!!!

All the best,

Natalya (talj)

Akelamalu said...

Oh my, thank you for dropping by. Hope you get to throw the party and the crutches in the bin soon!!

crpitt said...

Big Thank you for playing along! I Hope you have fun doing it.

Akelamalu said...

No probs claire, I hope you get lots joining in.

Tammy said...

I may check it out later...storms rolling in and I feel like I need to shut down the computer!

la bellina mammina said...

thank you - keeps my mind off things here

Akelamalu said...

early bird
Hope the storms didn't strike!

la bellina mammina
Hope you've had good news by now.

lettuce said...

I've just been reading some of your back-issues.... it was a knee replacement, right? My Dad had both knees done over the last few years. Healing took longer than he'd hoped, he did get rather frustrated at times - but since they fully healed he's been great. I hope yours will be just as good!

and i hope your father-in-law is ok. Scary times - i'm thinking of you.

Akelamalu said...

Yes, total knee replacement. It's always good to hear of other people who have had the same op and recovered well, and I have heard of many - thank goodness.