
Thursday 26 April 2007

We are not alone.....

A new planet resembling Earth has finally been found. Here's the report from yesterday in 'The Sun'......

"A PLANET resembling Earth has finally been found — and conditions there are ideal for LIFE. Astronomers say water could exist on the surface of the world and temperatures are between zero and 40°C. It is one and a half times the size of our own planet and the discovery team say conditions are perfect for Earthlings. It is 14 times closer to its star Gliese 581 than we are to the sun, but its star is much cooler. A European team used a giant telescope on a mountain top at La Silla, Chile, to spot the planet — which is 20.5 light-years away in the constellation of Libra. Scientist Xavier Delfosse said: “This planet will most probably be a very important target of the future space missions dedicated to the search for extra-terrestrial life. “On the treasure map of the universe, one is tempted to mark this planet with an X.”

Can you picture this new planet? I wonder if it's as beautiful as our own Blue Planet - Mother Earth, the wonderful Gaia? Personally I think it is impossible that there isn't at least one more planet out there in the Universe that supports life such as ours. Could this be it? Maybe one day we will contact our neighbours. Maybe one day..............

On a different note...
Our local newspaper has informed us that our local police station is now contactable by email! Presumably because the place is never open when you want it.
I am sorely tempted to email "Is there anybody there?" Testing, testing.....

My knee
Thursday26th April
Getting better all the time. :)


Unknown said...

haha you should so do it. Send an email do the man to get him down instead of letting the man get us down for a change!

Just kidding, just kidding.

Akelamalu said...

Shall I? Don't dare me! :)

Queenie said...

Go on, ask him to 'Dust you for Dabs'. Double dare you!!!!

Akelamalu said...

Queenie, do they still do that???? :)

Tammy said...

The Holy Bible does speak of a new Heaven and a new Earth...could be we are getting a wee peak at it, who knows!
So glad to hear you are getting better all the time!!

CG said...

If you do email the police, let me know if you get an answer??

Pearls of Wisdom said...

I know that is so interesting isn't it.
I wanted to let you know I started studying Reiki a few years ago. I am so glad you practice. I love your music...beautiful and cool.



Cream said...

Well, Hugh Grant throws baked beans at reporters, so Akelamalu, I am definitely going to report you for throwing Spam at the police.

Akelamalu said...

Early bird
Wouldn't it be fantastic if it were so?!

I would, but MWM won't let me!

Are you Reiki 1 or 2 then? It's wonderful isn't it! Glad you like the music. :)

Hahahaha - that's funny! :)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Email an "I need to report a burglary".

Akelamalu said...

I've got my binoculars at the ready looking at the neighbourhood for something to report!!!

Queenie said...

Don't know, treble dare you to ask!!!

la bellina mammina said...

I read about Hugh Grant in the papers this morning. I think it's his publicity stunt to get back in the news?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

ssshhhhh.... quiet. wonder what we'll do to mess it up?

smiles, bee

Lo Kelween said...

oh...i have read that article and it is so entralling! i wonder what will happen when we meet, if there are other creatures, face to face. we might be laughing at each other haha!

Akelamalu said...

The boss has forbid me! :(

La Bellina Mammina

Something, that's for sure!

Laughing would be good, killing each other wouldn't! :)

Linda said...

I feel we would be selfish to think we are the only intelligent life in the universe.

Akelamalu said...

Quite right!

Annelisa said...

Wonderful knowledge, isn't it, that there actually is a planet a bit like ours out there, as opposed to 'there's a high probability'!

Go on - email the station - dare you! :-D

Akelamalu said...

I have actually put the address in my contacts, just waiting the opportunity!