
Friday 13 April 2007

Lovely afternoon.........

It was such a lovely afternoon yesterday that I sat in the garden watching MWM plant up some seeds and even did a bit of gardening myself!
photographs copyright 2007

Well, I say gardening but all I did was repot my Aloe Vera plant
from the kitchen windowsill. It was enormous as you can see from the photograph, with lots of babies in the pot.

I have had it for a long, long time and repotted it that many times that I have run out of people to give the babies to. So, unfortunately, I had to throw the little ones away this time

Well all but two, I'm sure I can find homes for them! Aloe Vera is a very useful plant to have in the kitchen especially if you're like me and burn yourself on the oven regularly!

Our daughter-in-law popped by with Harry and Gracie, who wanted to sit in the arbour and play with the windchimes.

Here's a picture of our Lilac bush getting ready to burst into bloom with Bhudda nestling beneath.

The Polyanthus have been flowering all year but are really blooming now.

I usually pot up my own hanging baskets but there were some really nice ones already planted at the garden centre with 25% off the price so I bought two. This one is just outside the kitchen window.

I love flowers so much I have even decorated my wheelie bin!

Hopefully the weather will be kind this weekend and we (MWM) will be able to pot up the troughs and plant up some more seeds, so I'll venture outside again and take some more pictures.

Click on photos to enlarge

My knee
Friday 13th April
Getting much better, unfortunately I now have a bad back! Aarrrgh!


Lo Kelween said...

mummy loves gardening, me too! we just love green :)

if your back is not feeling very well, that signals you to not to be so active. it's time to have a good rest at home!:)

Queenie said...

Fingers, eyes and legs crossed for a good weekend then. Don't do to much, I knowyou will ignore this and do as you like!!!!

Stine said...

No pictures, but sounds great! Good luck with knee & back!

Tammy said...

Darn...your pictures aren't coming through for me...I'll drop by later to check again!

Unknown said...

Your photos are great just can't enlarge them. The weather seems rather pleasent. I am so glad to here that your knee is getting on better. You probably overcompensated for you knee and place more stress on your back. Stay quiet and rest. Have a nice weekend.

Akelamalu said...

I think maybe you're right about my back.

You know me so well!!

stine & early bird
I don't understand why you can't get the pictures???!!!

The photos aren't enlarging for me either now, oooer! Mmm, I should have rested today but I didn't and am suffering for it now!

talj said...

Looks like you have been very busy! Glad the knee is doing ok and hope the back is much better soon {{HUGS}} xxx

GEWELS said...

What an absolutely charming garden you have there. I have been lusting for a few troughs myself. They are VERY expensive here. But, I just may have to treat myself.
Oy! Knees, Back- it all goes to pot sooner or later doesn't it. I've been struggling with a back problem for almost 20 years now- I keep denying it but I feel much older than my very young 47 years at times.
P.S. Love the music.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

photos are lovely honey!! and my knee is out too. sigh... can't get over one thing before another hits, but we did have a grand time on the ship!!

smiles, bee

Libbys Blog said...

Thank you for popping over to visit. I have just repotted my hubbys Aloe Vera do you have any hints on encouraging it to grow?? Special soil, feed, water windowsill etc?????

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, it's been cloudy all day here. But allergies have been bad here, so we need the rain.

I just hope we get one day of sunshine.

Catch said...

Your flowers are beautiful!! I love lilacs...Ill be anxious to see more of your plants...very nice indeed. Sorry about your back!

Akelamalu said...

Yes we had to take advantage of the good weather. Thanks for the hugs, same to you.

I'll tell MWM you like the troughs he made them! Ah back are the worst aren't they - once gone they stay gone!! Glad you like the music.

Oh my I feel for you with your knee - You weren't taking part in any extreme sports were you???? (wink). Glad you had a good time on the cruise, looking forward to reading all about it.

Thanks for dropping by. Aloe Vera - I keep mine on the kitchenwindowsill and water it once a week! Other than that I don't do anything special to it and it seem to flourish. I think they're hard to kill off!

Shame you're not having the sun, maybe over the weekend. Whatever have a good one.

I love lilacs too, I could just sit under the tree all day when its blooming.

Akelamalu said...

People seemed to be having trouble loading and enlarging the photos so I've reloaded them all - hope that's solved the problems.

CG said...

I have just bought an aloe vera; it's lovely. you have a lovely garden. Hope the back feels better soon!!!

Akelamalu said...

I hope you have lots of people who would like an aloe vera plant because you're going to have lots to give away! Thanks for the good wishes and nice comments.

Tammy said...

I'm back today and the pictures are there!!
I would have loved to lived nearby you...I would have taken one of those aloe vera babies off your hands ;)

Akelamalu said...

early bird
You could have had one with pleasure honey!