
Sunday 29 April 2007


We went to a friend's 60th birthday party last night.

There were about 100 guests, young and old and some inbetween.

Mary had organised a lovely buffet and a disco come karaoke. Now I'm not a big fan of karaoke because, as you will know from an earlier post (Singing), my view is that anyone who can't hold a tune shouldn't be allowed near a microphone, including myself. However, apart from one or two people all those who sang last night could actually sing! In fact, I'd go as far as to say that some of them should try for Pop Idol!

Everyone had a great time and the younger ones were up dancing to the old favourites - Time Warp, Agadoo, Music Man, etc. The drinks were flowing but thankfully no-one got 'legless'.

Near the end of the night Mary's husband David asked Mary to go into a back room with his sister and when she returned she was wearing a veil, carrying a posy and looking quite bemused. The DJ took them through a shortened version of their wedding vows and David produced a ring with three huge diamonds on it. Mary told me later that she had been wondering why David hadn't bought her a birthday present but now she knew.

The highlight of the evening for me was when MWM asked me to dance. I was unsure but he gently led me to the dance floor (minus crutch) and held me close for our first dance in a long time. He whispered "I'm so proud of you".


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

awww, that was so sweet! i love a mushy sweet story!

smile, bee

Linda said...

Oh that is so sweet! It sounds like you all had a wonderful time and I'm sure that Mary was thrilled with her present. I could go for a good party right about now myself!

Me said...

oh, how romantic and wonderful. how lucky we are when we have a good man.

and by the way, i love this phrase...
The drinks were flowing but thankfully no-one got 'legless'.

"legless" - love it and will be stealing it. so descriptive.

Akelamalu said...

So do I! :)

Akelamalu said...

I love a good party and it was one!

Akelamalu said...

Bonnie Anne
Yes we are!

Legless is one of many Lancashire sayings - you probably wouldn't want to know the rest!

Anonymous said...

Hello Akelamalu!

Thank you for sharing such a BEAUTIFUL experience of fun, tenderness....and LOVE!

Bless you!

Be well,

Queenie said...

And so am I, but you know that!!!

Tammy said...

How romantical!!!

CG said...

That sounds such a lovely Chester, and I'm glad you had your own special moment :)

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Oh how sweet! I am so glad you had a special time and got to dance.



Akelamalu said...

Sorry I couldn't answer all your comments yesterday friends, what with the blog silence.

Akelamalu said...
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Akelamalu said...
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Akelamalu said...

Thankyou. Blessings to you.

Akelamalu said...

I know! xxxxx

Akelamalu said...

Early Bird
I know, pass the tissues! :0

Akelamalu said...

Thank you. :)

Akelamalu said...

So am I. :)