
Tuesday 3 April 2007


Well step father-in-law actually, not that it matters, was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack. This is his second. He is 88 years old this year but to look at him you wouldn't put him past 75. He is extremely fit and does all his own decorating, repairs, gardening, whatever and he and MIL travel all over the world. They have been planning their next trip to Australia to visit his sister in September but this could scupper their plans.
Anyway the good news is the doctors think it was an angina attack rather than a heart attack, bad enough but not as bad. He is waiting to see the consultant today to find out for definite.
I will post more when I know. Keep him in your prayers please.

My knee
Tuesday 3rd April
Feeling really good today lot's more movement in it - as long as I keep it moving!


Cream said...

Hope he's ok.
My father is nearly 86 and he too is very fit. I hope I follow in his footsteps.

Claire said...

Sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you and him.

Knee is sounding good now, i hope it keeps on improving like this.

Akelamalu said...

I hope you have inherited your father's genes!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks honey. x

la bellina mammina said...

sorry to hear about your father-in-law. Will be praying for him. Glad your knee feels better.

Akelamalu said...

la bellina mammina
Thank you for keeping him in your prayers. x

Queenie said...

Hope hes better soon. Glad the leg is improving day by day...

Akelamalu said...

Thanks queenie, I'll keep you posted.

miwise said...

I'm sending good thoughts.

Akelamalu said...

Aah bless you miwise. :)