
Friday 4 December 2009

Friday 55 Flash Fiction #99 Voyeur..

Through the window he watched the couple in an embrace.

Voyeuristic, but unable to tear his eyes away, he watched their passion unfold.

Feeling the heat in his face, and his own hot breath steaming up the window

He had no choice but to watch,

because his bus had broken down - right outside the house!

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Flowerpot said...

another lovely one Ak! have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I love this new theme. But I have to be quick. Firefox keeps crashing with it so now I'm trying Chrome. Let's hope. I just love it though. And your 55...woot...a bus wench and her toy boy :) Well done. I would have never thought my friend. Great as usual :)

quilly said...

I like your blog's lovely new "do"! Something about it is freaking out my browser though. Alas.

However, on to your very good story -- that young couple needs to invest in window shades!

tony said...

A Handy Excuse To Have If The Police Ever Catch Me!

Nessa said...

Lookin' very much like Christmas here. Very pretty. I feel bad for your poor 55 fellow.

Flash 55 - Love

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Christmasey! And very funny flash fiction - love Tony's comment!

Susan at Stony River said...

OMG, I love this! Poor guy (or lucky guy?)

The snowflakes are lovely, but it's taking a while to load on my connection; I love Christmas decorating!

Don't know where you got the photo of Him and Her, but... is it me...or does he have better boobies than she does?!

Happy Friday 55!


Connie T. said...

So was he watching his wife? Nice 55.

Anonymous said...
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Akelamalu said...

Thanks Flowerpot, you too. x

Sorry you're having trouble with my graphics Thom, I'm taking some off, hope it helps. Glad you like the 55. x

I think they purposely don't have window shades Quilly ;) Sorry my graphics are causing problems for you hon.

You're naughty Tony!

Cheers Dumdad :)

I'm happy you like the Christmas decs Nessa. I think anyone else would have enjoyed the view from the bus window but it was too much for this man. :)

Thanks Julia x

Now you mention it he does look to have bigger boobies than she Susan! :0

No Connie his bus has broken down outside a house and he's watching the couple inside.

anthonynorth said...

Now that's a good bus stop. Enjoyed that.

Anonymous said...

I was expecting a different ending ~ this one was better.

I'm up:

Friday Flash 55 ~ Sobering 55

Ron said...

OMG...this was BRILLIANT!



You never cease to amaze me with your cleverness!

Love the snowflakes on your blog! I always enjoy your Christmas decorations each year.

Have a great weekend, m'dear!


Brian Miller said... 55...and a big oops for not closing hte shade. lol. love the snow!

mine is up!

Daryl said...

I am giggling .. I was guessing what it would be .. I had no idea a bus .. excellent twist!

g-man said...

The Voyeueristic Bus Tour Eh?
Where's my ticket?
Excellent 55 Ake...
Thanks for this steamy little tale!
You Rock Baby...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End....G

Cloudia said...

You never fail to please my friend!


Comfort Spiral

secret agent woman said...

Good that it was accidental voyeurism - otherwise a bit creepy!

Dianne said...

excellent! you remain the Queen of the unexpected ending

Fandango said...

That is not a good excuse. But a good 55.

Kathleen said...

The G-Man's response is still cracking me up. What a cool blog with the snowflakes!

Mine's up.

bindhiya said...

Dear Akelamalu,
Great #55.. :) but sure not a good excuse :)

am going to ask you a favor. a friend (Peter) asking to sign a petition in his blog. it has to be British Citizen's. can you please check and see.. this is the site

I dreamed to study in Buckingham University years ago :)

here is Peter's blog
have a great weekend/
love and ((hugs))

hope said...

Well in this economy, I guess he had to get his entertainment where he could. :)

Wasn't expecting the ending..which is always fun!

Maggie May said...

Ooooo-errrrrr! Well he could've looked the other way!

Nuts in May

Akelamalu said...

It can happen hear Anthony because we have double decker buses and sometimes they stop right outside someone's bedroom window!

So glad you enjoyed it Chef Kar :)

Aw thanks Ron. I tried more decorations but they were playing havoc with some folk trying to load my blog. :(

Thanks Brian I'm pleased you enjoyed it. :)

Ah the twist worked then Daryl!

Just a teaser G-man (wink)

Thanks Cloudia x

It would have been creepy if he'd done it on purpose SAW!

Why thankyou Dianne, how kind. x

Cheers Fandango :)

Thanks Kathleen :)

I'll check it out Bindi :)

Glad you liked it Hope :)

Indeed he could Maggie, but I guess he wasn't as embarrassed as he prentended to be. ;)

Linda said...

Well, at least he had a show to watch while he was waiting for the repair truck to show up!

Pam said...

haha i wouldn't even need a bus to break down....i used to always tell ppl i was a voyeur cos i 'liked to watch' lmao great job on 55, ake. school has got me so busy that i haven't had time to participate in 55s :0/ i barely post as it is.

cheshire wife said...

But how much did he see through a steamed up window?