I mistakenly posted this last Saturday forgetting that Raven said there was no Wordzzle last week. So, anyone who commented last week I can tell you you're not going mad you have seen this before!
The idea is, every week Raven (Views From Raven's Nest) gives you between 8 and 10 words/phrases and you have to create a small but coherent paragraph using every one of them and the same with the mini challenge. You can do either, both or a megawordzzle using all the words, or even all three, it's up to you, you can post them on your blog or email them to Raven. If you join in go to Raven's and put your name on the Mr. Linky so other participants can come visit you.
Here's my efforts
Words for this week's 10-word challenge are: edge, haven, sunglasses, sprightly, telling, frazzled, juicy, quartet, tied, necklace
Within an hour of arriving at the Coconut Haven Resort David had donned his sunglasses and was soothing his frazzled nerves with a glass of rum punch, whilst listening to the quartet that were playing at the pool bar. Reaching for a juicy peach from the bowl on the bar he bit into it as he surveyed the people idling round the pool. He noticed an elderly lady returning to her sun lounger from the aerobics class and thought how sprightly she was, he also noticed the huge diamond necklace she was wearing.
Somehow David and Dorothy (the diamond woman ) were seated together at breakfast and before long Dorothy was telling him her life story and they got on like a house on fire. Three days later David was knocking on Dorothy’s door to escort her down to dinner when he discovered the door was open. Gingerly he pushed it open further and discovered Dorothy tied to the radiator, gagged and bound. He quickly untied her and picking up the phone he dialed reception asking them to call the police. Dorothy managed to tell him that she had opened the door to a knock thinking it was him and a masked man had knocked her off her feet, tied her up and stolen her jewelry from the safe, which had been open because she had been choosing which jewelry to wear. David admonished her saying “I told you to keep your jewelry in the hotel safe!”
He soothed Dorothy’s shattered nerves and accompanied her to the police station, thankfully she wasn’t hurt but she was very shaken and insisted the hotel arrange a flight home for her that day. The jewelry was insured so she wasn’t too upset, it could be replaced she told David and she insisted on taking him to a jewelers to buy him an expensive watch for rescuing her, before she left. David told her it wasn’t necessary but she insisted so he accepted the gift with good grace.
After waving goodbye to Dorothy at the airport David returned to the hotel and took up his place at the pool bar. The barman slid a glass of rum punch across the bar said
“You’re losing your edge David, those diamonds were fake but you still did well at least you got an expensive watch out of it!”
And for the mini: bees, crackling, wooden, staple, earful
Martin cautiously approached the wooden hive wearing the staple beekeepers hat and suit. He was aware of the crackling noise of the veil as he moved and he tried desperately to keep calm about the bees buzzing round his head. Eventually he completed his tasks and was able to remove the beekeeper’s garb. He looked at his supervisor and asked “Did I do OK?”
“Well you didn’t check that the veil was down properly and had this been the real thing instead of a simulation you would have ended up with an earful of bees!”
Maggie was a sprightly pensioner; she refused to wear the stereotypical pearl necklace and twinset, instead opting for cutting edge fashion and sunglasses with everything. She had moved into sheltered accommodation at Sunny Haven and had shaken the peace and tranquility of the place as soon as she’d arrived. The first people she had wound up were the quartet of women who virtually ran the place because they’d been there so long. They were like bees buzzing around into everyone’s business, their voices crackling through the corridors as they gossiped about the other residents. It wasn’t long before their noses were firmly out of joint as Maggie took over.
Organisation was Maggie’s forte, she had been an events organizer before she retired and within a couple of weeks of arriving at Sunny Haven she had set up weekly exercise classes and workshops on everything from tiedyeing to making wooden toys. She was horrified when she discovered the residents’ staple diet was sandwiches, as they couldn’t be bothered cooking, so she worked tirelessly until arrangements were made for them to get a proper cooked lunch every day in the common room and a supply of juicy fruit whenever they wanted it. Maggie was always on the telephone to someone giving them an earful about what was needed, telling them that she wanted whatever it was NOW not in a month’s time. She never looked frazzled and the other residents marveled at how she was always on the go.
Life was such much better at Sunny Haven since Maggie’s arrival, everyone agreed, except the quartet. They wouldn’t join in any of the activities and complained about everything Maggie did. Maggie tried to make friends with them and include them, she suggested they form a committee but they wouldn’t hear of it.
When one of the more senior residents, Bill, passed away it came to light that he had no family to take care of his funeral arrangements and no money either with which to pay. The quartet were terribly upset about the situation as they had had known Bill for many years and really liked him. Reluctantly it was to Maggie they turned asking if she knew if there was any way a decent funeral could be arranged for him. Maggie sorted everything out and Bill got a decent send off with all his friends from Sunny Haven attending, she had even arranged a sit down meal for everyone after the funeral. From then on the quartet thought Maggie was wonderful with all her contacts and know-how and were falling over each other to join her committee. From then on things just got better and better and Maggie was in her element.
What they didn’t know was that Maggie wasn’t short of money, she had been married to a very wealthy man and inherited enough money to keep her comfortably for the rest of her life, after he died. She only lived at Sunny Haven for the company because she had no family. They also didn’t know, and they never would, that she had paid for Bill’s funeral herself. Maggie was happy again.
Somehow David and Dorothy (the diamond woman ) were seated together at breakfast and before long Dorothy was telling him her life story and they got on like a house on fire. Three days later David was knocking on Dorothy’s door to escort her down to dinner when he discovered the door was open. Gingerly he pushed it open further and discovered Dorothy tied to the radiator, gagged and bound. He quickly untied her and picking up the phone he dialed reception asking them to call the police. Dorothy managed to tell him that she had opened the door to a knock thinking it was him and a masked man had knocked her off her feet, tied her up and stolen her jewelry from the safe, which had been open because she had been choosing which jewelry to wear. David admonished her saying “I told you to keep your jewelry in the hotel safe!”
He soothed Dorothy’s shattered nerves and accompanied her to the police station, thankfully she wasn’t hurt but she was very shaken and insisted the hotel arrange a flight home for her that day. The jewelry was insured so she wasn’t too upset, it could be replaced she told David and she insisted on taking him to a jewelers to buy him an expensive watch for rescuing her, before she left. David told her it wasn’t necessary but she insisted so he accepted the gift with good grace.
After waving goodbye to Dorothy at the airport David returned to the hotel and took up his place at the pool bar. The barman slid a glass of rum punch across the bar said
“You’re losing your edge David, those diamonds were fake but you still did well at least you got an expensive watch out of it!”
And for the mini: bees, crackling, wooden, staple, earful
Martin cautiously approached the wooden hive wearing the staple beekeepers hat and suit. He was aware of the crackling noise of the veil as he moved and he tried desperately to keep calm about the bees buzzing round his head. Eventually he completed his tasks and was able to remove the beekeeper’s garb. He looked at his supervisor and asked “Did I do OK?”
“Well you didn’t check that the veil was down properly and had this been the real thing instead of a simulation you would have ended up with an earful of bees!”
Maggie was a sprightly pensioner; she refused to wear the stereotypical pearl necklace and twinset, instead opting for cutting edge fashion and sunglasses with everything. She had moved into sheltered accommodation at Sunny Haven and had shaken the peace and tranquility of the place as soon as she’d arrived. The first people she had wound up were the quartet of women who virtually ran the place because they’d been there so long. They were like bees buzzing around into everyone’s business, their voices crackling through the corridors as they gossiped about the other residents. It wasn’t long before their noses were firmly out of joint as Maggie took over.
Organisation was Maggie’s forte, she had been an events organizer before she retired and within a couple of weeks of arriving at Sunny Haven she had set up weekly exercise classes and workshops on everything from tiedyeing to making wooden toys. She was horrified when she discovered the residents’ staple diet was sandwiches, as they couldn’t be bothered cooking, so she worked tirelessly until arrangements were made for them to get a proper cooked lunch every day in the common room and a supply of juicy fruit whenever they wanted it. Maggie was always on the telephone to someone giving them an earful about what was needed, telling them that she wanted whatever it was NOW not in a month’s time. She never looked frazzled and the other residents marveled at how she was always on the go.
Life was such much better at Sunny Haven since Maggie’s arrival, everyone agreed, except the quartet. They wouldn’t join in any of the activities and complained about everything Maggie did. Maggie tried to make friends with them and include them, she suggested they form a committee but they wouldn’t hear of it.
When one of the more senior residents, Bill, passed away it came to light that he had no family to take care of his funeral arrangements and no money either with which to pay. The quartet were terribly upset about the situation as they had had known Bill for many years and really liked him. Reluctantly it was to Maggie they turned asking if she knew if there was any way a decent funeral could be arranged for him. Maggie sorted everything out and Bill got a decent send off with all his friends from Sunny Haven attending, she had even arranged a sit down meal for everyone after the funeral. From then on the quartet thought Maggie was wonderful with all her contacts and know-how and were falling over each other to join her committee. From then on things just got better and better and Maggie was in her element.
What they didn’t know was that Maggie wasn’t short of money, she had been married to a very wealthy man and inherited enough money to keep her comfortably for the rest of her life, after he died. She only lived at Sunny Haven for the company because she had no family. They also didn’t know, and they never would, that she had paid for Bill’s funeral herself. Maggie was happy again.
These are fabulous!
poor dorothy! she fell for it, didn't she? bless her heart.
smiles, bee
Love these my friend. Maggie is a great woman to do that for Bill. :) You write so well :) Have a great weekend :)
I always love what you do with these!!!
This week the first one is my favorite. :)
you ARE talented!
Aloha, Sistah
Comfort Spiral
Thanks Mama Zen :)
Dorothy fell for it hook line and sinker Bee :(
Cheers Thom, Maggie is a kind person. :)
Aw thanks Snowelf :)
Why thankyou Cloudia you're very kind. xx
i love the snow!!!!
hope we get some...
Oooh, is nothing sacred? You can't even go to a resort without being robbed these days. What a stinker that David is!
An earful of bees - yowch!
We could all use a 'Maggie' in our lives, although someone with such unbounded energy can be a bit tiring for the rest of us poor mortals!
These were great stories this week, really enjoyed them!
I know you well enough now that I saw David coming, but you lure us on so subtly that it's still a surprise. I LOVED Maggie's story. All excellent as always.
Three great stories. I liked the last one best but the first wasn't bad.
You were long.
But we like the characters you created.
We really like Maggie.
Sadly there are the Davids of this world.
Great going Maggie. The world needs more Maggies.
Enjoyable writing! :)
I hope you get snow as you want it Lettie. I hope we don't! LOL
I'm so pleased you enjoyed them Argent :)
I'll have to try harder to fool you Raven :)
Thanks Dr. John :)
Glad you enjoyed them Fandango
the world definitely needs more Maggies Bettygram :)
Cheers Dawn :)
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