This week's challenge: Bolivia, Green Goddess, virtual reality, laundry, ample evidence, matches, your mamma don't dance, sugar, saucy, sofa cushions

This is Diana Moran, better known as the Green Goddess, who did a spot on breakfast television in the 80’s. She would leap about every morning, trying to get everyone to join in her exercises. I always thought she must have had too much sugar, it’s not normal to have that much energy early in the morning, and she used to wear a saucy green leotard. The other presenters would sit amongst the comfy sofa cushions saying “forget it, your mamma don’t dance and neither do we! “ There was ample evidence that the exercises worked, she did have a great figure, there was a rumour that she had made a virtual reality exercise video which sold really well in Bolivia, though I’m not sure this was true. She maintained you could do her exercises any time, any place, anywhere, even whilst doing the laundry or watching football matches on the television. Of course everyone thought she was absolutely batty, but she was definitely fit,
Aristotle noticed what looked suspiciously like moose droppings in his olive groves! Surely you don’t get moose (or is that mice?) in Greece he thought? Anyway, whatever it was, he would get rid of it. He took his truck into town and parked outside the store front whilst he went in to buy the paraphernalia he needed to catch whatever it was. However, this being Greece, he got sidetracked and ended up playing backgammon, and of course after a few Ouzos he forgot all about what he’d gone to the store for. He returned home with a hangover and a pound of sausages.
This isn't a tag or a meme, if you fancy having a go just post it on your blog and let Raven know you've joined in. You can get next weeks challenge words/phrases here.
What do you think, shall I make this a regular post like my 55's?
That is rather a unique challenge. I appreciate the way you creatively handled it.
Wow good job lol...... I remember that lunatic The Green Goddess...... she was as skinny as me left leg lol
LOL You did great and these are cute. I enjoyed my visit, as always and love all the photos on your sidebar.
Take care and have a great weekend.
I say yes, do a regular Wordzzle post each Saturday. This was great! and you made me promise I'd be honest so it's true, it's true - this is great :)
I love that we both went to Greece. And I enjoy how all the different meanings of "matches" made their way into your story, my story and one of the stories on Raven's site. Didn't even think of "matches" as games.
Great job Lady - hope you enjoyed doing it.
Bravo, Akelamalu!
You are SOOO clever, dear lady. LOVE how you fit in the "moose droppings."
Yes..I would enjoy reading these each week!
Enjoy your weekend, my friend..and watch out for any of those "droppings."
As my Dad would say, “If it makes you happy, I like it too.”
Seems like you enjoy these challenges … and your readers enjoy reading them … so I say ‘go for it’ as long as it’s fun!
Hugs and blessings,
ha ha ha, good writing!
smiles, bee
Thanks Nick :)
She was skinny wasn't she Marmie?
Glad you enjoyed it Mary :)
I noticed we both went to Greece too Dianne:) I'm hooked now!
You're such a kind man Ron encouraging me like you do. xx
Cheers Storyteller, I think I will carry on. :)
Aw thanks Beex
hey! message from Mrs Nesbitt: http://mrsnesbittsplace.blogspot.com/ at ruth's main ruthjen.blogspot blog... Ruth is fine and touched by our concerns just so bogged down by college work she hasn't enough computer time at college to update (and probably feels inundated with queries!!!!)
I'm not sure whether you knew all this but have a look under Ruth's latest comments at the end and you'll see what I mean
Hope all OK with YOU now!... take care
Wow! Akelamalu, you are so creative!
I always enjoy visiting you!
Everytime am getting a lot of ideas!
Have a great weekend!
♥ & ((hugs))
Very nicely done! Very nice indeed! I think you should most definitely make it part of your repertoire as you're very talented making up these stories! Moose droppings in Greece, indeed!
Hi... Sorry to be so slow responding... the computer gods mysteriously took my keyboard away this morning and just as mysteriously have now returned it.
Thanks so much for taking the challenge. I think you have done brilliantly. I'm adding the names of those who have participated into the post - kind of a homemade Mr. Linky (Ms. Linky?).
I love your site and will come back and spend more time soon. The photos of your family are wonderful.
Oh - I vote for you doing it every week, of course.
That's a very clever writing exercise. Both of your paragraphs were terrific.
The second one made me laugh out loud!
That was brilliant. I loved the last sentence in the second one!
Well done, Ak :)
Thanks Gleds, Mrs N sent me the same message.
Gee thanks Bindi :)
Thanks for the encouragement and praise Linda :)
You can defintiely add me to your list Raven, I really enjoyed the exercise!
Glad you enjoyed them Trav :)
Aw thanks Miss U xx
I popped over and read your wordzzle...it's great. They are so much fun, aren't they? I've enjoyed seeing how others have creatively used the words. Much fun!
Now I'm off to explore your blog further! Have a lovely Sunday!
You are a natural my friend...those were very good and entertaining....now what about that green leotard outfit...my goodness...what I find interesting was how you thought about it for your post and found a photo...that in itself is an accomplishment...girl you should make this a regular post as I said you are a natural...
Hi Kim thanks for dropping in, I'm pleased you enjoyed the wordzzle.
Gee thanks RN. Diana Moran is actually a real person who was known as the Green Goddess so it wasn't difficult to find a picture - I can't take much credit for that! :)
yes I remember the Green goddess as well - in fct she was on breakfast TV recently doing - er - something. Cant remember what now!
She's over 60 now I think Flowerpot but she still looks good doesn't she?
Yeah, do it every week!! Ya know I took the words down last week and was going to do the mine challenge and forgot!!!! Damn.
But the idea was that while meditating in the olive grove Harry the Hippie was rolling joints as big as sausages, with the paraphenalia he found by the ledge of the store front. He swore those olives looked just like moose droppings......
oh well! ;-)
I loved this. I may join in some time. Such fun.
Hi! You really put the words together well in these two little stories. Fun little challenge, isn't it?
Thanks for commenting on mine too!
That would have been great Odat, I hope you do join in it's great seeing the different stories people come up with using the same words!
I hope you do join in Jo you'd do a really good job I know.
Thanks reh I enjoyed yours too.
i love this....very creative and very fun!! i'm going to look into it...tho i'm not so good with deadlines and getting things online anymore!! ;)
Hi there-I popped over to see your Wordzzle and I love it! Especially adding a picture-very clever.
I am a bit behind in my Wordzzles this week, but I am working on it. Thanks for stopping by to visit and I'll come by more often!
Thanks Elena. I can't get onto your blog I just get an error message :(
Hi Snoopmurph thanks for dropping by. I look forward to reading your Wordzzle. :)
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