Have you ever felt the need to get revenge on someone? How far would you go to pay back someone who had really hurt you?
I was reading a magazine article recently about this subject and was amazed at the lengths some women have gone to for revenge.
Of course there's the well publicised revenge plans of NASA Astronaut, Lisa Nowak, who drove nearly 1,000 miles across the States, wearing a nappy to save time on toilet breaks, planning to attack her ex-boyfriend's lover. Also the wife of the former Italian prime miister, Veronica Berlusconi, who had an open letter in a newspaper demanding an apology from her husband for his well publicised flirtations. Lady Sarah Graham-Moon famously cut up 32 of her cheating husband's Savile Row suits, before delivering his collection of vintage wines to her neighbour's doorsteps in place of milk.
There are specific websites to help you get even. Revengelady.com boasts a staggering one million hits a month, but just Google 'revenge' and see how many sites come up - it's big business.
There's the classic revenge tricks - cutting up an ex's clothes, kipper behind the radiator, shopping the offender to the tax office but some of the things people come up with amaze me. What about the woman who unscrewed a door panel of her ex's Audi sports car and dropped a marble inside, which caused a terrible din rattling around. Only after many visits to the mechanic and the car being taken apart did the ex find the marble and a note saying "Oh you found it.... Love, C". Or the woman who sent her husband's mistress a free sample tub of deep moisturising cream for hair, which really contained depilatory cream.
Wouldn't you just love to do something like that? Most of us probably just seethe inwardly, whilst wishing we could carry out some act that would make the object of our revenge suffer as much as they had made us. The reality is that anything we could think up to ease our feelings would probably land us in prison, or at the very least with a hefty fine. Revenge is something that we would all like to serve, be it hot or cold, but few of us do, thankfully just thinking about it can usually ease the desire to get even.
By the way, I have never done anything remotely like the things I've mentioned - not that I haven't thought about it mind you!
Have you?
The whole revenge concept is alien to me. I don't like hurting people, and find my stomach tightening even reading about some of those revenge schemes. And I think it lowers us to participate in revenge and makes us look like idiots.
Before I would ever take revenge on someone, I would first make sure it was clearly their intention to hurt me, or someone else for a poor reason...
Quick story- I lost my job 8yrs ago, when a family business I worked for brought in their eldest son. He proceeded to take over the business, getting rid of his other two brothers, who had brought him into the business. In the last two years, the two ousted brothers started their own company forcing the original co. to buy them out. Yesterday, I read that the company had gone bankrupt. I blame it on greed, and they did more to themselves than I ever could have...
This is an interesting question … but because I believe ‘giving and receiving’ are the same … seeking ‘revenge’ seems foolish to me, but then my friends tell me I’m ‘an odd duck’ sometimes. Maybe I am ... but I figure what goes around, comes around for all of us. I'll let 'Karma' take care of whatever happens and continue to look for the 'blessing' in all things ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
i am not good in revenging others...but i will bear in mind those hurt me for the rest of my life no matter how trivia the matter it is. :)
Only once was I driven mad enough to attempt a cringe worthy revenge. I won't go into the details because after the fact, I was overcome with guilt and that overshadowed any the brief satisfaction I received for dishing out an unhealthy does of the not so sweet revenge...
I guess I'm just to nice, lol.
no, luckily i have not had the need, but if i i DID????? ha ha ha
smiles, bee
I have thought about revenge when someone has really hurt me but have never carried it through Citizen. It's just not in me to hurt someone.
Greed is a bad thing Buffalo, as those brothers found out to their cost.
I too believe in Karma Storyteller, what goes around, comes around!
You bear a grudge then Elween? I still can't get on your blog honey. :(
I think I too would be consumed with guilt if I exacted revenge James. Nothing wrong with being too nice m'dear. :)
That's good that you've never felt the need to get revenge Bee, may it always stay that way. x
ake-as much as people want to get revenge on someone, i find that usually if you sit back, it won't take long until that person does something or has something done to them to totally 'f' them up LOL
life's too short to waste time on hate and revenge. xo
Precisely Ciara - it's called Karma! :)
I also believe in Karma.
I have been on the recieving end of revenge (I asked for a divorce). Ive spoken to my ex since, he said he enjoyed it at the time, but does now feel giulty.
I've mellowed a lot over the years. I no longer use the axe.
But seriously, I do have a problem with forgiveness, I try very hard to be kind, and when someone is purposefully cruel, much as I try, I am never quite able to forget it.
(I bear grudges!)
I'm of the same opinion as Ciara. I'm a lot happier with my serenity and good friends. Revenge-seekers are usually perpetually burning up inside over something that someone has done to them.
Revenge might make you feel good for a wile but I think it would give way to harmful feelings eventually.
When my brother found out about my Dad's affair with a woman who worked at our family 'jam factory', he threw a pot of the company lemon curd through his window... that is one of the more amusing revenges I know of!
G.I.M x
YES! In complete honesty...I have felt the desire for revenge.
However, I've watched many people "receive" what they deserved from their actions...karma.
I'm not one to forgive and forget easily.
Great post, Akelamalu!
I have felt like I wanted revenge on someone, but I usually just seethe inwardly. I can also hold a grudge even though that, like revenge, doesn't really change what happened.
oh, what about the story of Lorena Bobbit, who cut off her husband's **private member**, OUCH!!
Revenge is never sweet. I have never exacted this type of revenge, but have been hurt and can see those with a vengeful nature doing such things.
Ok I shouldn't admit to this, but I found a book at my ex husbands house that belongs to his lady friend, and I tore the last page out. Her and I have never got along and I find that doing something like that might be childish and mean, but it beats taking a knife and ripping up her clothes like some women would do.
good post! i enjoyed reading of the different ways people exact revenge..it gave me several ideas! i may never use them, but i've got 'em!
Dear Akelamalu,
Great post!
I never thought about revenge...i believe everything happens for a good reason...
I believe in karma too..
♥ & ((hugs))
I've never been able to harness adequate emotional energy to really carry out any kind of revenge. It seems like a lot of work, and there are other ways to spend my time.
That said, I think it's natural to wish for that great movie moment where someone gets what's coming to him/her. But I think karma takes care of that.
hi, akelamalu! =D
i like this post. it's juiiicy, but well-written and i agree with you that revenge is sweet, even if we only think about it. hehe. but i really don't have the guts to do something extreme. haha.
take care! =D
I'm laughing at Autumn's comment!
I think life is far too short, and revenge does nothing but stoop you to the same level as them. Also,I can live with hurt a lot easier than I can live with guilt.
can you remember which magazine it was in Ak?If so could you email me on flower.pot@btinternet.com. Many thanks
You can see both sides I suppose then Casdok having been on the receiving end?
I bear grudges too if someone has hurt me deeply shrinky but I never do anything about it.
I agree Julia it's better to try to forget about it, if you can.
Certainly little good can come out of it Maggie May.
I suppose that could be classed as 'just desserts' GIM!
I think we are of the same mind Ron. x
We think alike Trav
Oh I remember that Bella! That is the ultimate revenge isn't it. :(
Yes there are lots of people capable of exacting revenge Mary, I'm not one of them, though I have to admit I do 'dream' of it!
I think your ex's lady friend got off quite lightly there Autumn! :)
I sincerely hope you never have to use them Robin! :)
I believe in fate too Bindi but it doesn't stop things hurting does it? :(
Karma is a great leveller Jennifer! :)
Most of us just 'dream' about revenge I think Acey.
Ah that's the crux Miss U, most people couldn't live with the guilt so never carry out their revenge!
I think maybe 'She' or 'Cosmopolitan' Flowerpot as they are the only magazine's I get. You're not looking for more tips are you? ;)
The best revenge is to get over the hurt and be happy again. It's not the easiest thing though. I think that many of these revenge attempts just underline how bitterly hurt the person is, and how the power is still with the one they are going to such lengths to to pay back!
However...I like the hair removing cream idea LOL
I've had a few instances where someone wronged me and that person knew he/she wronged me. Well, I just 'dealt' with my feelings and didn't react. However, the person expected me to react, and was constantly worried, afraid of me, and nervous. Heck, they issued revenge on themselves, I didn't even have to do anything.
The depilatory cream made me laugh too CG! :)
That's definitely the best way to deal with it Misty.
Sounds like Im gonna be the odd one out lol....
A month or so after me X left me and his 4 sons without a backwards glance, he rang up one evening out of the blue to ask for something... I thought he was gonna ask for photos of the lads but NO lmfao he asked me to send him his 'slippers' LMFAO cos where he was living had cold floors LOL..... and yep, the sucker that I am, I posted him his bloody slippers second class post... but not before I had filled them up with cat poo...... well, the cat missed him :)......
Oh marmie I just knew you'd be the one to do something extraordinary! You do make me laugh hon and I don't hate you I love you! xxxx
Hi - just popped in again to let you know I left you something just now at Small Reflections ... and perhaps I shall tell the 'charm bracelet' story sometime soon on one of my blogs.
Hugs and blessings,
Oh thankyou Storyteller I'll be right over. x
Oh the hair removal thing was soooo mean. Surely her revenge should have been aimed at her husband more?
I don't do revenge. I've been hurt, but I'm a very forgiving soul and I tend to think, 'well it just wasn't meant to be.'
I know it was mean Jo but it did make me laugh! I don't do revenge either.
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