
Friday 28 March 2008

Friday 55 Flash Fiction # 20 Temper, Temper

Temper, temper

She scrubbed furiously at the toilet, careful to get right under the rim.
Dislodged gunge dribbling into the bowl.

“Damn, damn, damn” she fumed
Cleaning was the only way to assuage her anger.
It calmed her frayed nerves.

“That’ll show him” she said

As she rinsed his toothbrush and put it back in the holder.

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Pam said...

hmmm arseholes who get a bit of their own crap back at em (literally). GROSS! LOL another great job @ the 55! xo

Flowerpot said...

I've heard of people doign that! I'd have to be REALLY mad!!!

Laura Jane Williams said...

Oooooh, that is SO MEAN! But brilliant.

G.I.M x

buffalodick said...

Not nice! However, being a guy- I'm pretty sure he didn't even notice...

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh too funny! great writing!

smiles, bee

Akelamalu said...

Very mean, but sweet Ciara!

I've never been quite that mad Flowerpot. :)

Welcome GIM, glad you liked it. :)

LOL I think you may be right there Buffalo! :)

Thanks Bee x

James Goodman said...

EEWWW!!! That's too funny. Great 55. Mine's up if you care to take a gander. :D

lime said...

mwahahahahahahaha!!!! one should never anger the one responsible for the cleaning!

Akelamalu said...

Cheer James, I enjoyed your's too!

Definitely not Lime ((wink))

Lori said...

OMG! We wrote on the same subject! lol I like it!

Linda said...

Absolutely perfect!!!

CG said...

I once used an old toothbrush of hubby's to clean scrum from round my taps. Absentmindedly I forgot to put it back with my cleaning supplies; imagine my horror the next day when i saw him using it!! But he survived....

Dumdad said...

Hmmm, I'd better check my toothbrush! Another good 55.

the rotten correspondent said...

HA! And did your heroine feel better after that??

bindhiya said...

Another Great #55!

~ej said...

lol, funny ;)

Jeff B said...

That received a full on belly laugh from me. Nice 55

Anndi said...

That'll teach him to aim properly!


G-Man said...

That 55 reminded me of a Seinfeld episode..
And I LOVED that one too!!
Great Job sweetie, thanks for playing, and have a great week-end...G

Real Live Lesbian said...

That made me laugh out loud! Great job!

Travis Cody said...


storyteller said...

Hahahahahahahahha!!! Ohmygosh that’s incredible!!! LOL
Hugs and blessings,

barman said...

Amazing and disgusting and I am sure whomever the target is, they deserved it. The sad thing is it probably will not be noticed. Very good 55.

Excuse me while I hide my toothbrush...

Ron said...

You absolutley kill me with these, Akelamalu!!!!

BRILLIANT, dear lady.

I laughed my high-knee off!!!

It serves him right!!

Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

x said...

hahaha. poor hubby. hehe.

Akelamalu said...

Great minds think alike eh Lori? :)

Thanks Linda x

Oh you didn't CG? Tell me you didn't!

I'm sure you haven't done anything to warrant Mrs D to use your toothbrush in such a way Dumdad? ;)

Sure she did RC! :)

Thanks Bindi x

We shouldn't laugh Elena (she says sniggering behind her hand)!

I bet you're checking your toothbrush right now though Jeff! :)

Quite Anndi!

Of course I would never do anything like that G-man! ;)

Welcome RLL, glad you enjoyed it. :)

Ew is right Trav makes you feel sick eh?

Thanks Storyteller x

I'm sure he deserved it too Barman but you wouldn't do anything to deserve such revenge would you honey? :)

Ah Cheers Ron xxx

Yes poor hubby Acey LOL

the mother of this lot said...

This is so real it sounds like it could have been written from've not have you?

Akelamalu said...

LOL no I haven't MOTL, thought I've felt like it a time or two! :)

Odat said...

Very, very good!!!! Caught me off guard..which is the best kind!

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Hopes that's not autobiographical!

S said...

LOL that is hilarious, and also disgusting!
Dislodged gunge? ACK ACK ACK!

At least you rinsed it after!

Akelamalu said...

Glad you enjoyed it rebicmel :)

Thanks Odat x

No, no, I would never do anything like that Citizen! ;)

Of course she rinsed it Susie what sort of a gal do you think she is? ((wink))

Daryl said...

Clever .. but that's what I think whenever I read one of your posts!

Akelamalu said...

Why thank you Daryl, how kind of you. :)

smarmoofus said...

Absolutely BRILLIANT! Disgusting, and perfect. *admire* Great job!


Akelamalu said...

Why thank you Smarmoofus I'm please you enjoyed it. xx

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee, very apt for your revenge piece later on. ;D

Akelamalu said...

That's what I thought Jo!