Do you say "I love you" often enough
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I don’t think you can ever say “I love you” often enough!
Now I’ve thought about it I am aware that I tell MWM I love him at least three times a day, obviously sometimes more. Before he kicks me out of bed at 6 a.m. to go to work (he loves me ;) I kiss him and say “I love you”, then before I actually leave for work I do the same, adding “be careful” and the last thing we do before going to sleep is kiss and say “I love you”. I made myself a promise that I would never let a day go by without telling him I love him because, and I’m not being morbid here, you never know what the day may bring, it could be the last time I see him, and as far as I know I have kept my promise.
I telephone my Dad every day and we always say “I love you” to each other. Whenever I see or speak to my boys I tell them “I love you” and I have a ritual with the grandchildren, the same one I had with my boys when they were younger, I tell them
"I love you, right up to the sky, passed the moon, passed the stars, all the world and sixteen."
The sixteen was added by my youngest son when he was a child, at the time that was the largest number he knew so that became the most you could love anyone. The grandchildren love it when I say “Do you know how much I love you?” they nod excitedly and we have a little game where they say the last word of the ritual like
Me: I love you, right up to the
Kids: sky
Me: Passed the
Kids: Moon
Me: I love you, right up to the
Kids: sky
Me: Passed the
Kids: Moon
And so on, you get the idea.
What do those three words mean? When I say these words I mean: You mean the world to me, you’re my life, you make me happy, thankyou, you’re important to me, I’d do anything for you, you’re special, you matter to me.
To me, those three little words, “I love you”, are the three most beautiful words in the English language.
lamalu, this is a post which gets me thinking.... and i'll try not to let it get me started but ....
coming from a family where its not been said often enough BUT a family where its not, on the whole, been doubted....
i know it could be said more often. But its shown in uncountable ways.
BUT there are families i'm also part of where it IS said more often
but where actually there are at least as many doubts and insecurities and its not always shown in practice....
Yes, it needs to be said, over and over and over and can't be said too much.
But, what the words mean (or don't mean) come from the context and the day to day relationships and reality.
and if we're very very lucky, we get both.
it sounds as though you have both
and as if you deserve it and appreciate what thats worth.
(sorry, i did get started a little bit, didn't i?)
i quite agree!!!
smiles, bee
Yes, in my family we say it all the time.
i tell my girls everyday...several times a day. stinky and i say it to each other at least two times a day. i admit that i talked to my son today and last night and didn't say it :( usually i do. sometimes i feel like he's weird about it, because he's not the hug-y/feel-y type. no matter, i still tell him and hug him when i see him, too. :)
Dear Akelamalu,
Beautiful post!
I agree with you!
Those three words are beautiful!
I love you dear!
♥ & ((hugs))
I don't much is often enough? I guess you can always say it one more time.
I don't want to put a downer on the whole thing, but I think 'I love you' can actually be said too much sometimes. I think three or four times a day is perfect...any more than that and it begins to get a little cringeworthy and loses it's value.
I love what you say to your grandchildren. That's so sweet!
I also agree! :)
I agree those words can be overused, but I do say them to Himself at least once a day. And at other times silently, with a hug or a kiss.
sigh...if only my parents open their big mouths and spew that few words, then our family will be at peace...
Being brought up in a reserved Dutch heritage part of this country, it wasn't expressed near enough... Took me years to get comfortable to hug women and relatives, much less another guy! We tend to be products of our environment, but some good things can still be learned...
I say it (and mean it!) a lot, to my husband, my daughters and some friends. I had one special friend who used to ring me just to say "I love you". I really miss that; it was one of the most special things ever.
What a beautiful post.
"What do those three words mean? When I say these words I mean: You mean the world to me, you’re my life, you make me happy, thankyou, you’re important to me, I’d do anything for you, you’re special, you matter to me.
To me, those three little words, “I love you”, are the three most beautiful words in the English language."
i agree with you, akelamalu!!!
I'm from a very huggy, lovey family. Luckily, even though my husband's dad was very reserved, his mom was huggy and lovey, so my husband had no trouble being affectionate once we started to be a couple. I can't even count the number of times we say it to each other every day - and it never loses its potency.
We say it to our dog, and she knows what the word 'love' means. If you say, 'Are you going to give Brad some love?' she'll go over and snuggle up to him and give him some kisses. Every night before we settle down for sleep, I say to her, 'Goodnight Little Girl. I love.'
I think I know what you mean Lettie, sometimes you don't have to say it but it's nice if you do! :)
Oh good Beexx
That's nice Citizen :)
Boys can be a bit shy when it comes to hugs and love, but it doesn't mean they don't enjoy it does it Ciara? Our eldest son isn't really touchy feely but the the youngest one is a big soppy so and so! :)
Why thank you Bindi what a lovely thing to say. xx
One more time is good Trav :)
I understand what you're saying Miss U and I agree if it's said all the time it does tend to lose it's meaning a little.
We're agreed then Casdok ;)
I think we're agreed on that Flowerpot.
I presume you say it to your parents Elween to set an example?:)
It does depend on how you are brought up Buffalo you tend to follow your parent's example. You're are right though, it can be learned!
What a wonderful friend you have CG! As you say, the point is you should only say it if you mean it! x
Thank you Heather, I'm happy you enjoyed it. x
Acey I like what those words mean to you. :)
A good point about animals there Julia our dog used to know what it meant too!
As one 50+ Scorpio to another... I am so glad you stopped by my blog. I love your butterflies!
Why thank you Sandy I'm glad you stopped by to see me too! 50+ and a Scorpio is good! :)
I don't know about all that lovey-dovey stuff....
Excellent post! I used to think that I said “I love you” too much—that perhaps the words were becoming meaningless. Then my father visited me 2 days before he died of a heart attack and the last words we said to one another were “I love you.”
I never heard those words as a child...... I asked my father once that if he didnt love me did he at least like me a little... LMFAO....jebus I was brave... he knocked me from one side of the room to the other and said 'nope' LOL.....
But it came/comes very natural for me to say it to me lads and to certain people in me life.... I never say it just 'for the sake' I only ever say it, if I mean it.... then its pure and honest.... it is said very much in this house.... :)
I suppose it wouldn't do for us all to be the same topchamp, but for me 'lovely-dovey' is great. :)
How wonderful that the last words spoken between you and your Dad were the three most important ones Nick. x
Oh Marmie, what an awful childhood you had. I just think it's fantastic that you have brought your boys up so differently to how you were treated. One of the main excuses you hear for people who abuse children is that they were abused as a child - personally I've always thought that was bullshit! I was abused but it didn't turn me into an abuser and it didn't turn you into one either did it honey? x
Oh the days before mobile phones!!
And I'm so glad, as the others have said, that it was nothing worse than a broken ankle!
ps thanks for your moral support it means a lot I was practically crappin' bricks over going to a simple "let the public into the station" evening... still can't believe how easy it turned out to be (in lovely hindsight!!)
oh bloody hell what's it done now so sorry that was me
That was wonderful.. I will post this one too I think.
LOL what you been doing Gleds did you get trigger happy? You're welcome on the support front honey, anytime. x
I'll look forward to reading yours Jo :)
You're right - they are the MOST important words in the language.
No question about that ....
Thanks once again for taking part.
My pleasure David x
Believe it or not, I've actually been accused of saying it too much! don't worry, I never let that discourage me, I continue to say it every time I feel it :-)
I can probably count on one hand the number of times I was told, "I love you" by my mother. I knew that she loved me, but it was difficult for her to say. Growing up that way I wanted to make sure that my kids not only knew that I loved them but would hear those words often.
My children are grown now and I tell my children that I love them every time I see or speak with them. I don't think you can hear that too much.
I'm please to hear you've not been discouraged Mistyx
You're right Barbara you can't hear it too much. :)
I'm totally with you on what it means to me and no, I probably don't say it enough but I'll work on it!
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