
Friday 7 March 2008

Friday 55 Flash Fiction #17 Back in Business

Back in Business

Once again she was back in business.
She carefully harvested the plants from her small garden.

All her recipes were in her head, she never wrote anything down.
She could make anything, anyone desired.

New people arrived every day to purchase what she produced.

Just like the old days when…….

they'd called her a witch!

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by susiestheboss. If you want to take part pop over and let Susie know when you've posted your 55.


bindhiya said...

Dear Akelamalu,
Great one! as always!
I like your flash Fridays..
I have taken that book meme...and enjoyed..
Thank you
♥ & ((hugs))

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

a witch? ha ha ha

smiles, bee

storyteller said...

Well done! I forgot all about Flash Friday until I read your post. There are just so many things to do. Is there a way to get this in email so I'd have a prayer of remembering next week? (although as I type this, I've been up for a long time and haven't looked at email yet ... so maybe that won't work either. Sigh!) I just think 'Haiku' on Friday and go right there 1st thing.
Hugs and blessings,

James Goodman said...

oh, that's a great 55. I wasn't expecting her to turn out to be a witch. Nicely done. :D

Flowerpot said...

great stuff Ak. Lot to be said for witches!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Bindi, I'll be over shortly to read your meme. :)

A white witch though Bee :)

I don't think there's an email reminder for 55s Storyteller, glad you enjoyed it.

Cheers James

There is indeed Flowerpot!

Gledwood said...

... are you talking about the woman who founded Baxters Soups~..??

Patty said...

Dropping in to say hello! Cute post

myrtle beached whale said...

very clever 55.

Mona said...

I wonder what she was growing there.. myrtle & ivy ?

LOL! That is such a sweet 55ve :D :D

Linda said...

Funny how things change ... witches used to be shunned and, worse yet, put to death, and now people accept them without batting an eyebrow.

Great Flash Fiction as always!

Smalltown RN said...

Creative as always my friend....

lime said...

nicely done. I certainly was not expecting the twist you threw in. bravo!

Akelamalu said...

LOL Possibly Gleds :)

Hi Autumn and thanks. :)

Thanks myrtle beached whale, glad you enjoyed it.

A secret ingredient no doubt Mona ;)

People accept all sorts of things now that were once shunned don't they Linda?

Ah cheers RN x

Thank you Lime, I'm happy you enjoyed it.

the mother of this lot said...

Love it!

Hope you don't mind being tagged - it's a tough one too!

Ron said...

Bravo again, Akelamalu!!!!

LOVED it!!

I REALLY look forward to coming here each Friday and reading're so GREAT with them. You should think about publishing a little ebook!

Enjoy your weekend, dear lady!

Travis Cody said...

Well that was unexpected!

Akelamalu said...

Thaks TMOTL, I'll pop over to see what it's all about. :)

You're too kind Ron. I do love writing them and I have actually written 100+ so maybe when I get to a few thousand I'll think about publishing. ;)

That was the idea Trav :)

Odat said...

Oh that's a good one!!! I loved it.

buffalodick said...

The world could use a few good witches...

mrsnesbitt said...

Hi there, just read your comment over on Ruth's blog and I popped over to let you know all is well with Ruth, her computer is on the blink. It has been very frustrating for her as she has been busy with college work too. Anyhow I spoke to her on the phone today and all is well with her. She asked for me to thank you for your concern and sends her best wishes.


Akelamalu said...

Thanks Odat, glad you liked it. :)

You're right, it could Buffalo :)

Oh thanks for letting me know Denise, good to hear Ruth is OK. x

Dumdad said...


Casdok said...


MarmiteToasty said...

Great post......

I sometimes think Im a witch.... or is that spelt wrong lol


ps.... love your Eva Cassidy song thats playing :)

Little Wing said...

Been out of the loop the last week, but good to be back!
I also LOVE eva cassidy!
Great 55 as usual!

Dianne said...

there's always such a marvelous twist to your 55s. I really enjoy them.

Akelamalu said...

LOL Magic indeed Dumdad!

Thank you Casdok. :)

MWM calls me a witch sometimes Marmie when I know what he's thinking! ;)

Great to see you back Little Wing, glad you liked it. :)

How kind, thank you Dianne :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I'm telling you, Akelamalu - if that were a back cover book blurb, I'd be buying it! Another great one. I've just caught up on your recent posts. Wonderfully provocative.

Anonymous said...

There are far worse things than being magical!

Barb said...

Good one! :)

TopChamp said...

You've become really good at putting a story into a short paragraph - I remember the last one was great too.

Akelamalu said...

Oh you're too kind Julia, thankyou. x

Too true Citizen!

Cheers Skittles :)

Aw thanks Topchamp. xx

CG said...

Nice one!!!!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks CG x