David's (Authorblog) Weekend Wandering question this week is:
What is the most important thing you have ever lost?
If you'd like to join in here's what David would like you to do: Please answer today's question on your own blog, any time until next weekend. Just link to this blog (or to this post) so I can follow the progress of the discussion.
I have included this story in a different Weekend Wandering post but it fits in so well with this week’s question that I’m posting it again.
A few years ago, we had been out to a local club to a Christmas Eve party, we had a really good time with friends and were all a bit tipsy by the time we were going home. It was only when I got home and had taken off my coat that I realised that I had lost my gold watch. The loss of a gold watch is not something to be taken lightly, but this gold watch had belonged to my mother who had died some years previously. I was heartbroken as you might imagine. It was now the early hours of the morning but I searched the house thinking it may have fallen off my wrist as I had taken my coat off but it was nowhere to be found, I even retraced my steps down the garden path and up the street, looking for the watch, but to no avail. At first light the next day I retraced my steps again all the way back to the club and even telephoned the club to ask if the cleaners had found it – no luck.
I was devastated; I kept apologizing to Mum for losing it and begging her to let me find it. I spent a totally miserable week and couldn’t summon up a smile on New Year’s Eve, all I could think about was ‘I’ve lost my Mum’s watch!”. On Mum’s birthday (2nd January) I opened the coat cupboard and there, on the floor, in full view, was the watch! There is absolutely no way it could have been there for a week it would have been trodden on. MWM suggested that it had been caught in the sleeve of the coat I had worn, but I pointed out that I had checked the coat and I had worn it at least twice during the week the watch had been missing. Of course I was over the moon to have the watch back and I am convinced somehow my Mum was responsible for returning the watch, don’t ask me how because I don’t know, but there is no other explanation. Needless to say I had a safety chain put on the watch immediately and thankfully it is now safe.
It is weird how things just turn up like that! Do you believe in faries?!!
Sometimes we see what we expect to see, not what we actually see...
Akelamalu, I know exactly how you feel. This is happened a couple of time in our family as well.
I felt your anguish and I shared your exhilaration, too ...
I do believe, indeed I do suburbia.
Are you suggesting it was there all the time and I missed it Buffalo? It definitely wasn't because MWM searched too.
Oooh you slipped in there whilst I was commenting David! You must tell all it will make a good post. :)
Oooh, goose bumps. Very lovely ones though :)
Strange that should happen. Also strange that we should write about very similar posts concerning our mother's possessions! Good post!
I understand that horrible feeling and am so glad your story has a happy ending!!
I have a beautiful ring which was mum's with three saphires and two diamonds. It nearly got thrown out with the kitchen rubbish last year. i still get shaky thinking about that!
Yep, I have goosebumps all over my body now! Your Mum definitely brought the watch back to you - no doubt about it.
And, I am SO glad she did, because my heart was breaking for you when you couldn't find it.
i definitely thing your mum had something to do with it...she knew how upset you were! xo
Losing things of value can be so disheartening! I don't lose a whole lot but when I do, I usually find the items. It can be pretty stressful until then though.
You can imagine how large my goosebumps were Miss U! :0
I thought that when I read your post Maggie May!
Oh I bet your heart was in your mouth CG! :(
I'm convinced Mum brought the watch back Misty and I was so relieved when it turned up.
Yes that's exactly what I think Ciara :)
It's not the monetary value it's the sentimental value that makes it hard to lose these things isn't it Dave?
Reading your anecdote reminds me of a ‘charm bracelet’ a friend gave me after my husband of 21 years left me … (she threw me a birthday party a few months later and encouraged everyone to bring a charm for the bracelet and it was the best party and gift ever) … but the charm she added to the bracelet was a little bear with movable arms and legs. Interestingly, over time (because I wore the bracelet constantly) … the ‘movable’ pieces broke off. The first 3 turned up immediately and I was able to have them soldiered on to the bear … but the story of the 4th leg ‘retrieval’ would bear retelling at some point, but perhaps not on April Fools Day ;--)
Finding your gold watch in this manner reminds me of the amazing manner in which ‘the universe works’ …
Hugs and blessings,
Things happen in life that have no reasonable explanation. I do believe in miracles, angels and fairies. I also belive that those who have passed watch over us.
Great post. I enjoyed it.
The story of your charm bracelet sounds an interesting one - perhaps a future postStoryteller? I so agree with you about the universe.
There are many wonderful things that happen that can't be explained away Mary.:)
There are many things that can't be explained. I'm so happy you got your watch back.
How wonderful to find something so special that had been lost.
I believe your Mom return that watch to you!
She is watching you and with you sweetie!
Your blog is always a great inspiration for me...am going to share my loss too..
♥ & ((hugs))
i once lost a diamond ring in a hillbilly bar and someone actually found it and gave it back to me! you gotta' love bubba!
smiles, bee
great story lamalu! i just love it when that happens, its so weird - i think sometimes things pop through some time-space warp, and then pop back.
how great that you found something so precious again.
glad you got it back,Ak. I can imagine how you felt.
So am I, thanks Jennifer :)
Oh it was Trav x
Thankyou Bindi, I'll be over later to read yours. x
How lucky were you Bee? That's wonderful. xx
That's exactly it Lettie!
I felt sick to my stomach Flowerpot, I really did! :(
That's a lovely story. I have no doubt that your mother had kept the watch and returned it to you when she felt you needed it most.
Crystal xx
What a nice story and I'm so glad you found your watch again. Strange things do happen sometimes.
Thanks for visiting my blog today!
Akelamalu, I've had exactly the same thing happen to me with jewelry. And with its reappearance, it is very obvious that it was not there before. I KNOW my spirit-form friends/loved ones were playing with me. It's happened to my husband and to my mom. All with something very special to them. The message I hear from this exchange is: 'what you think has been lost is now found.'
This made for very good reading, nice to meet another blogger that visits David.... I find is work very good, thoughtful and very funny at times... his witt is renowned in my house now.
Thank you also for taking the time to visit me, and then more time to leave me a comment.. you are so kind.
I believe your mom had a hand in this. January 2 is significant for me too. It's my wedding anniversary. January 2--a day when wonderful things happen!
Phew so glad you found it!
That's just what it felt like Crystal jigsaw :)
Yes Dot strange things do happen sometimes. :)
Things like this happen often to me Julia but usually with things that aren't so precious. x
Thank you Tom for visiting me and taking the time to comment, I'm pleased you enjoyed the read. I love David's blog, it's so interesting. I hope you'll call again. :)
2nd January is a very special day San for you and me. Thanks for dropping by.
Me too Casdok! :)
I'm almost certain your mom had a hand in getting it back to you!
First thing I thought of to answer the question was my virginity. :P
Phew! You write really well and I could feel your despair over this - and then relief. So glad it reappeared!
(Cue x files theme...)
I think so too skittles and that was my first thought too but it was so long ago! :)
Thankyou Cath, you're very kind. Xfiles theme was definitely playing! :)
Wow, you were meant to get that back. I have a similar story I will be posting, but not with such a happy ending. I still hope though.
What a shame your 'lost' didn't have a happy ending Jo. I still look forward to reading it though.
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