My Wonderful Man
How deep is my love for you?
Deeper than the deepest ocean,
Deeper than the sky,
Deeper than the deepest sunset ,
Yet still you ask me why?
Why and how I love you, is plain for all to see
No-one has a deeper love, for you my dear, than me.
It comes from deep within my soul.
My love, my life, please know
That loving you is the one thing
That truly makes me whole.
Deeper than the deepest ocean,
Deeper than the sky,
Deeper than the deepest sunset ,
Yet still you ask me why?
Why and how I love you, is plain for all to see
No-one has a deeper love, for you my dear, than me.
It comes from deep within my soul.
My love, my life, please know
That loving you is the one thing
That truly makes me whole.


Barb (Skittles) had kindly presented me with delicious looking award. Thanks Barb - you're a sweetie!
You know I'm on a diet and I have to be good, so I have to be content to just look at it.
However, I know there's lots of you who have a sweet tooth and would just love to sink your teeth into this so, as it's VALENTINE'S DAY, I want you all to take it and enjoy it.
I know you can be a bit shy about taking awards but please do take it, I'll be sad if I don't see it on your sidebar when I visit you.
have a happy and loving day Ak!
Have a good Valentines' Day- I'm betting you will!
Happy Valentine's day to you both!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!! You are sweet as surgar
That was so lovely!
Have a great day. x
happy valentine's day honey! sweet post! have a wonderful day...
smiles, bee
happy valentine's day ake & mwm....may your day be wonderful and filled with romance ;) xo i'll try to remember to put it on my sidebar. i have a few that i didn't put there yet lol
Happy Valentines Day to you as well.... I loved that poem...Very inspiring and sincere.
Take care! :-)
What a lovely tribute for MWM.
Wishing you a very happy and romantic (wink wink) Valentine's day.
Loved your poem!
Happy Valentine's day to you and family!!
am taking that delicious award with thanks..
you are sweet as sugar!
Happy Valentines Day, my friend!!! Love ya bunches!
What a beautiful poem to post today!!!
What a wonderful post to your wonderful man!
Hope you had a very Happy St. Valentine's Day!!
Love isn't love til you give it away - I hope your loveing tribute was appreciated! I know I was very touched by it!
Awww.....Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day! What a beautiful poem. :)
What a tribute!
Well I don't think I am sweet as sugar, but I will take the award and put it on my blog.
Thank you, beautiful lady.
Happy Valentine's Day to you Akelamalu. may your Life be ever filled with Love & Happiness! :)
I have had this debate (anti-spam). I don't like word verification so am trying approving comments. Only started yesterday so am not sure about it yet.
Happy Valentines Day x
Thank you all so much. I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day filled with love. xxxx
I'm a touch belated, but Happy St. Valentine's Day to you, Ake, and thanks so much for visiting Unseen but Not Unfelt. Beatrice really appreciated your nice and touching comment on her piece there. I'm putting a link to your blog in a couple places because you are such a wonderful you...
I only have one small comment in addition... your blog has Everything, but I take a small issue with the "Nothing" part...
Why thank you imperfectnerd what a lovely comment. x
Awwww Anndi x
I love your poem. Did you write it? I'd love to copy it if I may.
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.
Hi Pat, yes I did write it and you may copy it if you wish, please credit it to me though will you? :)
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