
Friday, 12 February 2010

Friday 55 Flash Fiction # 106 New Van

"I'll drive".

"No, I'll drive said Sid.

They argued until Bob snatched the keys.

Sid's fist caught Bob in the eye.

"What's going on here?" demanded the Police Sergeant.

"I want to drive the new van" said Bob.

"That's ridiculous" said the Sergeant

"Two police officers fighting over who gets to drive the new van!" 

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! I didn't even see this coming. How wonderful. I can't stop laughing at this...You are an amazing writer my friend. Have a wonderful Friday :)

Deb said...

Too funny. In 55 words you were able to make me LOL as I sit here this AM reading my favorite blogs! Great writing ! Thanks for helping me start my day with a smile. : )

Dumdad said...

Arresting story!

secret agent woman said...

Actually, many cops are hotheads and it wouldn't surprise me at all!

Brian Miller said...

lol. maybe someone should give them a ticket. fun 55.

mine is up!

Mike Minzes said...

HA HA. Cops trip me out!

Great 55!

anthonynorth said...

I can believe that - nowadays :-)
You'll find mine here.

buffalodick said...

Good one! Caught me sleeping!

inappropriatesue said...

That 55 had a lot in it. As always, I love yours!

I’m up right HERE

Mike Golch said...

I really enjoyed this one.

Ron said...


Just like two little boys!

You're endings ALWAYS catch me!


Have a great weekend, m'dear!


Shopgirl said...

Fantastic quotation from Akelamalu (2010). I see it as a commentary on how people crave to fit in and often times end up losing themselves in the process.

clean and crazy said...

he,he,he,he we are all human after all!! great 55

Mona said...

Well...after all they are human too! ;)

Akelamalu said...

I'm so pleased you enjoyed it Thom x

My pleasure Deb x

LOL quite Dumdad!

It wouldn't surprise me either SAW ;)

Good idea Brian!

Me too Realliveman!

Yep it's believable Anthony.

Haha caught you eh Buff?

Cheers Susan, I take that as a real compliment. x

I'm glad you did Mike :)

Yep, they never grow up Ron!

Welcome Shopgirl, I'm pleased you like my quote.

Yes indeedy Clean & Crazy :)

I suppose they are Mona :)

cheshire wife said...

Boys and toys!

Anonymous said...

Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.

Dulçe ♥ said...

This is so good. lol

Nessa said...

That's a wonderful surprise ending.

Flash 55 - Priorities

Unknown said...

you make me smile.

(means WISHING YOU PROSPERITY! in Mandarin, Chinese)


quilly said...

Too funny! I never saw that coming. The Sargeant is right though, the senior partner always gets to decide who drives!

Cloudia said...

Well, the officers DO look rather young lately. LOL!

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

g-man said...

AKE'S back!!!!!
You twist more than Chubby Checker!
Excellent 55 My Dear.
Thank You for the Friday Smile.
You Rock The Empire Baby..
Have a Kick Ass Week-End..G-Daddy!

Nishant said...

many cops are hotheads and it wouldn't surprise me at all!

Work From Home

Travis Cody said...

HA! Those two cops need a time out.

Akelamalu said...

Precisely Cheshire Wife! LOL

Glad to be of help anonymous

Why thankyou Dulce :)

Glad you liked it Nessa :)

Happy Valentines to you too Shakira, I'm happy to make you smile.

The sergeant is ALWAYS right Quilly! ;)

Don't they just Cloudia?!?!

I try G-man LOL

Welcome Nishant. You're right about that!

They do indeed Trav!

Linda said...

Ah, and there's that twist that I so love!!

Maude Lynn said...

I didn't see that one coming!

Lynn said...

Fabulous ending line.

WriterAdvice seeks flash fiction, memoir, and creative non-fiction that mesmerizes the reader in 750 words or less for our Fifth Annual Flash Prose Contest. DEADLINE: April 15, 2010. Entry fee: $10 per submission. First prize: $150. Former prizewinners are the judges. Complete guidelines, mailing address, and prizes at

tony said...

It's A Fair Cop !

Julia Phillips Smith said...

LOL - what Thom said...!

Spiky Zora Jones said...

hi honey: I can see that happening. Boys..i swear. hehehe!

you got me again...i thought tH epolice sargent showed up...later sweets. xxx

Akelamalu said...

I like a twist too Linda :)

Welcome Lynn and thankyou. :)

Quite Tony LOL

Cheers Julia x

Ah got you too eh Spiky?

Valerie said...

Very funny. You took me by surprise with this... it was great... and clever.

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Valerie, glad you enjoyed it. :)

PattiKen said...

This is very funny, but somehow, not surprising. Guys and their vehicles, you know.

Anonymous said...
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happily retired gal said...

I do enjoy the 'twists' you tend to throw at us in these clever creative writing posts.
Hugs and blessings,

Akelamalu said...

Yes you're right Pattiken - boys and vehicles!

Thanks Happily Retired Gal, I'm pleased you enjoy them. :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha That's awesome. I didn't see that coming at all. Great 55! :)