(Click on photos to bigify)
First the buckets and spades came out with all the children showing their skills at making sandcastles, before they decided they needed water to make the sandcastle stick together -

The next task was creating some roads in the sand for a village, Granddad helped with that.

As you know we took our five grandchildren to Southport (Lancashire) last Thursday and what a great day we had!
We loaded the children into the people carrier and all the food, drinks and games (cricket set, kite, football, frisbees, buckets and spades) and set off at 10 a.m. The route was motorway most of the way so MWM did the driving (you know I don't 'do' motorways).
Half an hour into the journey Harry asks "Are we there yet?" LOL
Southport is only about 40 miles from where we live and should take a little over an hour but the traffic was really heavy and slow on the motorway so it was 11.30 when we arrived. You can actually drive straight onto the beach and stay there all day for £3.50 which is quite reasonable and with all the 'stuff' we had to unload we needed to be right there where we could just drag it out of the boot and dump it on the sand.
Before we unloaded anything we marched over the main road to the toilets as the children all needed to 'go' by this time. Once back at the beach we put the rug down and had our picnic before getting down to the business of enjoying ourselves.
First the buckets and spades came out with all the children showing their skills at making sandcastles, before they decided they needed water to make the sandcastle stick together -
then the long trek to the sea. The tide goes out for miles at Southport, in fact sometimes it goes out that far that you can't even see it! Granddad rounded them all up with their buckets and off they trotted. Look how far out the sea was.....

They were having a great time in the shallow water, Nate liked it so much he sat in it! They collected shells and managed to carry some water back then Granddad got the kite out, much to the children's delight. They ran up and down and did manage to get it flying but it's a big kite and they didn't have much control over it so it kept crashing.
Next the big boys - Granddad, Sam and Kai had a game of cricket whilst Harry used the frisbee as a steering wheel pretending he was a formula one racing driver. Gracie decided she was hungry again so had another picnic, whilst Nate tried to pinch the stumps to cries of
"Nate get out of the way".
The football had a good kicking before Kai said he wanted to build a huge sandcastle with little ones all around it - a task all the grandchildren wanted a hand in. Of course Nanna had to get involved. Granddad decided he'd done enough and lay down on the rug. He was enjoying a little rest until Nate decided to throw a whole bucket full of sand all over his head so that put paid to his snooze!
Here's the sandcastle and the proud builders.
The next task was creating some roads in the sand for a village, Granddad helped with that.
We'd been on the beach for about 3 hours now and the children were getting a little tired, so it was ice-cream time before we set off home. There are ice-cream vans driving slowly up and down the beach all day so we hailed one and the children all chose an ice cream, of course Granddad had to have one too! Whilst they were enjoying their ice-creams I started loading everything into the various bags and into the back of the carrier, then as they finished eating we dusted the sand of their feet, put their shoes back on and secured them in their car seats.

Nate was asleep within minutes of us setting off home but the others were still excited and chattered all the way home. They were very tired but very happy and we were exhausted and ready for bed! We had a great day and they children wanted to know "when can we go again?"
Mmmmm, we'll see .........
What a wonderful post. I loved the pictures and the story. It so reminds me of when my grandparents took all 5 of us with them on little trips. How excellent. I bet they get another journey sooner than they know :) Aloha
I remember the first time I took Dan to the beach and he wouldn't put his feet on the sand because "it's moooooving!"
Glad you had a good time. x
Reminded me of what we did when we were young! Days on the seaside, sandcastles, toilets lol! Just so fortunate to have a beach up the road.
This sounds like a marvelous day full of wonderful memories! I would have enjoyed every moment of it, too! (Well, maybe not the sand over the head moment.) The pictures were great.
You can't beat a day out at the English seaside. Brings back great memories when I used to go to Scarborough and Robin's Hood Bay when I were but a wee lad! Sandwiches with real sand in them...
What a wonderful day you had. I could see the smiles and feel the love that was part of your day to the beach. I love to hear good stories that are so full of wonder and delight that it gives this old body a renewed sense of youth.
Thank you and now I want to run out and buy an ice cream.
Nice day with your grandchildren! Why is it one trip to the beach means you find sand in your car for the next year?
What A Grand Time! I havnt been to Southport for years.I must visit ......Sounds a better alternative than Blackpool Me'Thinks!
I can't wait until my grandbabies are older so we can take them on adventures! What a wonderful day you had together ~ creating memories which will last a lifetime! Enjoy these summer days!
that sounds like the perfect day! grandchildren, sun, and sand! oh, and ice cream too!
smiles, bee
Hi Akamalamu! What a lovely day at the beach for the family! Glad to touch base with you. It's been a while... :)
Nice day at the beach. I don't think I've ever been to one where people park on the sand itself. You guys are wearing more clothes than I'm used to at a beach - was it cool there?
What a lovely post about your grands. It looks like they all had a wonderful time, except the bucket of sand.
You are making some awesome memories for those kids. I have wonderful memories of my G.M.
What a lovely post about your grands. It looks like they all had a wonderful time, except the bucket of sand.
You are making some awesome memories for those kids. I have wonderful memories of my G.M.
I love the picture of the sandcastle and the proud builders.
What great fun ... I wish you got a pic of the sand dumping on Granddad ...
Dear Akelamalu,
Thanks for sharing this beautiful trip with us.. so happy to see that little ones happy faces.
the header on my blog is Kerala, India. that is where am from. we are surrounded by water :) visit Kerala, it is a beautiful place. we will provide you with food and accommodation. am serious..
have a good day.
love you dear
Oh boy...this post brought back a TON of memories for me when my family would go to the Jersey shore for a week in the summer - especially building the sandcastles!!
LOVED the photos!!!
There's a beach in Florida (Daytona) where you can also drive right up on the sand and park for the day. It's makes carting things out of the car so much easier, doesn't it?
Thanks for sharing, m'dear!
And thanks for the great memories!
What a fun day with your family! LOVE the photos!
I miss my beach days. That looks like great fun.
That looks like a great day. I wish we had a beach in easy driving distance. But we will take my grandsons to the community pool this week. That should be fun.
Thanks for sharing your day.
I hope our grandchildren keep our trips in their memories like you do Thom :)
We took all the family to Fuertaventura five years ago when there were only 3 grandchildren and the two youngest wouldn't walk on the sand or go in the sea for a while. Funny aren't they Laney? LOL
Oh yes Mrs Nesbitt we're only about an hour or so from the coast - great for the children. :)
It was a great day out Quilly, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. :)
You know we visited Scarborough and Robin Hood's Bay a while back Dumdad - lovely places. Of course the children all dropped their food in the sand at some point! LOL
I'm so pleased you enjoyed our little trip Dave. Go get that ice-cream my friend. x
LOL we used my son's people carrier for the trip Buff and warned him when we got back that it was full of sand - I imagine he's still finding it!
Southport is much nicer than Blackpool Tony especially as the 'attractions' are further away from the beach - means the grandchildren are content to stay on the beach because they can't see them! LOL
The grandchildren are our greatest joy Deb and it's just magical to spend days like this with them. :)
Indeed it was Bee! :)
Nice to see you Teach. Yes it was a wonderful day. :)
Yes it was Mama Zen :)
Parking on the beach is so convenient SAW especially when you have as much paraphernalia as we had! It was warm enough to let the children play but not warm enough to strip off!
The bucket of sand was funny Pam, well only because it didn't happen to me. ;) I hope the grandchildren have happy memories of the trip.
I like that photo too Julia!
I wish I'd got a picture of the sand dump too Daryl! LOL
Kerala looks so magical Bindi, I would love to visit some day. x
I'm happy this brought back good memories for you Ron - I too have great memories of going to the beach with my parents during the summer - riding on the donkeys, ice-cream and building sandcastles. :)
Thanks CheffieMom :)
It was fun Raven. I hope you can get back to the beach sometime soon m'dear. x
I'm sure your grandchildren will enjoy the pool as much as they would the beach Dr. John - have a great day my friend. :)
Memories are made of these - it's something priceless that will never fade. What a beautiful day, hon. My kids are too old now for this type of day out, I kind of miss it. (Smile.)
Sooo? The Sun DOES shine in England!
What great pics Ake.
I loved your Wales post as well....G
This sounds like a great day. The water is so far away though. The tide goes so low there. You should go to Florida at Daytona beach. You drive your car on the beach and park right by the water. I love the beach. We are going to Florida this winter.
What a wonderful trip! I love all the pics of the grandchildren!!!!
It's much more fun when the kids are young isn't it Shrinky? We're lucky we have grandchildren to do it with now. :)
Oh yes, the sun does shine (sometimes) in England G-man! Glad you enjoyed the Wales post too. x
Daytona beach sound absolutely perfect Connie, I hope we get to visit there someday. :)
So glad you enjoyed it RLL x
oh that brings back beach trip memories. Oh they are fun for adults as much as for kids too.
the pics of the grand kids...are wonderful. I love that they made a castle. a bucket of sand will stop any naptime. hehehe
later sweetie.
What a sweet day. Glad I came along. And "Kai" is a lovely Hawaiian name!
Aloha my beach friend...
Comfort Spiral
they are all adorable
I love the very first photo
and the shot of all of them with their sand castle masterpiece
beautiful lady :)
The trip brough back a lot of memories for us too of when we were kids on the beach Spiky - Happy Days. :)
I didn't know Kai was an Hawaian name Cloudia! :0
Ah you like little Gracie posing Dianne! LOL They were all so proud of the castle! :)
That's quite the wide beach! Looks like the kids had a lot of fun.
It's a huge beach Trav and the kids had a ball. :)
I think my mother's mother used to go to Southport once in awhile when she still lived in England - the name sounds so very familiar and I'm sure that's got to be why.
It looks like you had a grand day!
Sounds like you had a realy good day and no fights or tantrums!
He threw sand on Granddad's head? Oh my. That'll teach him to try to get some rest while others are building castles in the sand.....
You both must be exhausted!
Going back anytime soon????
The kids are adorable.
what a happy, happy day! I loved hearing about it!
If your Mum lived in Lancashire she probably would go to Southport/Blackpool/Morecambe Linda.
No fights or tantrums at all Cheshire Wife they were all as good as gold. :)
I have to confess I guessed what Nate was going to do but just didn't have time to stop him Mimi - anyway it made me laugh! Wicked aren't I? ;) We were exhausted, but in a nice way. :)
It was indeed a happy, happy day CG, glad you enjoyed it too. x
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