
Monday 24 August 2009

The Cotswolds Part 1.....

Cheltenham City Centre

(If you click on the photos they should bigify)

The weekend after we took the grandchildren to Southport we had another little jaunt booked with our friends K&T, to the Coltswolds. We had to meet a coach at 8.15 a.m. on Saturday which took us to Staffordshire where we changed to a larger coach to take us to Cheltenham (which is a Spa town) in Gloucestershire, where we spent about an hour before getting back on the coach to Toddington to the

where we were boarding a train pulled by The Black Prince, a steam engine owned by the famous wildlife artist David Shepherd, for a 40 minute journey back to Cheltenham, chugging along through the beautiful Gloucestershire countryside at a mere 25 miles per hour. Apparently David Shepherd was visiting the GWR on Saturday 8th August to mark his locomotive’s 50th birthday and he had arranged aircraft of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight to pass over Toddington. The Spitfire which zoomed over the station four times was superb though much too fast for me to get a photograph unfortunately.

We arrived at Toddington Station and had about 30 minutes before the train was due to leave so we had a wander round and took some photographs.

The leisurely journey through the Gloucestershire countryside was very relaxing and the ride ended at

Cheltenham Race Course Station
Here's some views of the famous Cheltenham Race Course.

We then got back on the coach to be taken to The Park Inn, Birmingham, where we were staying the night. We arrived there about 5.30 p.m. which gave us enough time to have a rest and get showered and changed for dinner at 7 p.m. in the hotel. The hotel is very nice, spacious modern rooms with every convenience and dinner consisted of a carvery which was very substantial and tasty. We had a few drinks in the hotel bar after dinner then retired for the night, as we had to be on the coach the following morning at 9 a.m. for the journey to Stratford-upon-Avon (the birthplace of Shakespeare).

Tune in for part 2 coming soon.


Anonymous said...

Boy your grand kids sure are lucky little ones. What a great jaunt and the pictures are wonderful right along with the story. I'm looking forward to part 2 m'dear :) Much Aloha :)

Quilly said...

What a great trip. I wish I were there enjoying this with you.

Dumdad said...

Wow, you get about! Great pix too.

Susan at Stony River said...

Wow! I called my son over to see the trains and tell him a bit of your adventures. Even at 9am he's hooked! Funny but the lady we bought our house from only used it as a holiday home--she lives in Cheltenham. I wonder if you saw her? LOL

maryt/theteach said...

Akalamalu, thank you for the absolutely lovely vacation! Thanks for commenting about my painted horses! :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

lovely trip! it is such fun to see the photos too. thanks!

smiles, bee

Lulda Casadaga said...

I was fortunate to spend a night in the Cotswald a long time ago...lovely area! It's always great to get away and see something new. ;)

Daryl said...

When I visited London oh so very many years ago we booked a day trip to Stratford-upon-Avon but overslept and missed the bus ... I am so looking forward to seeing your pix of it ...

G-Man said...

Ake....Everything seems so British!
I just LOVE your slideshow.
Have a good one....G

G-Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tony said...

I Look Forward to Part 2.I,ve never been to Stratford.Enjoy+ have a Great Week.

Cheffie-Mom said...

How fun! I love the photo slide shows!

Akelamalu said...

Oh no, the grandkids didn't come on this trip Thom, we went with our friends K&T. Glad you enjoyed the photos hon. x

Well as you couldn't be there Quilly, I hope you enjoyed the photos. :)

Yes we do get about a bit Dumdad :)

Well it was Saturday and there were a lot of people out shopping Susan so we may have passed each other! I'm glad your son enjoyed the trains. ;)

I'm pleased you enjoyed it Teach :)

Glad you enjoyed the photos and the trip Bee x

The Cotswolds is a beautiful part of the country Lulda, I'm happy you got to enjoy it too.

Oh Daryl, what a shame you missed your trip to Stratford - you missed a real treat!

LOL well it would look British wouldn't it G-man! Glad you enjoyed the slide show m'deario. x

You really must visit Stratford Tony, it's a lovely place. :)

Linda said...

What a marvelous journey! My Dad and Granddad would have loved seeing The Black Prince and taking a ride on it as they both loved trains, especially steam ones.

I really, really, really need to win the lottery so that I can come over and visit your country - there's so much beauty there that I want to see!

Valerie said...

Got to show Hubby the trains, he's mad about them. Sounds like you had a great time.

Ron said...

oooo...oooo....more photos of TRAINS!!!!!!!

This one is a BEAUT!

As you know, I have such an affinity for trains. There is something so REGAL about them, especially the older ones. You can feel their beautiful and powerful energy. Anytime I have to take a train somewhere, I get so excited.

I really enjoyed the clever spiral graphics in your slide show!!!

Thank you for sharing and I look forward to part 2!

Have great day, m'dear!

Real Live Lesbian said...

You have SUCH the exciting life! I love all of the trips and pictures!

Caron said...

I have always wanted to see Cheltenham Race Course! So thanks for that. Also, I have been to Stratford-upon-Avon, saw the sights and bought a pair of warm gloves in a shop. Great trip - sounds like you had fun.

Akelamalu said...

If you ever get over to England you must come and stay with me so we can take you on a steam train!

We did have a great time Valerie. I hope your hubby enjoys the train photos.

You must come and stay with me too Ron so I we can take you on the train.

We have been making a lot of trips lately RLL but unfortunately I have to go back to work in two weeks time so trips will have to wait until I retire in December. Glad you enjoy our trips hon. x

Ah you will recognise places in my next instalment then dsmcaron. Was it winter when you visit Stratford as you bought some gloves?

Dianne said...

rail travel, even a short trip, is so romantic

I like your style!

Dr.John said...

Thanks , ewver so much, for taking me along on your trip.
I really loved that train.

Unknown said...

thank you for the virtual experience :) Loved it

Will be following :) Sue, a fellow educator

TBM said...

Oh what fun! The steam train is gorgeous. Lucky you!!

Dan's Fi-ver said...

Will you take me on the steam train if I come to stay?! Glad you enjoyed your trip x

Akelamalu said...

Yes you're right Dianne, rail travel is so much more romantic - especially on a steam train. :)

You're very welcome Dr. John, I wish I could take you with me for real. x

Welcome Sue, I'm pleased you enjoyed our trip. :)

It was fun JAPRA, glad you enjoyed it. :)

You can come on the steam train with us any time you like Dan x

Gledwood said...

That terrace "oop top" looks just like my ideal home.

If it were knocked through. And transported brick by brick to London and rebuilt ...

buffalodick said...

Neat mini vacations! Day trips are a great, affordable way to relax around these parts!

Akelamalu said...

Great for shopping Gleds it was opposite all the big shops!

I always think you seem to get a lot for your money with mini vacations Buff :)

Mimi Lenox said...

I have to bring Baby Boy over here to see the trains. Awesome!

Akelamalu said...

Oh yes do, he'll love them Mimi :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Akelamalu - this is getting really freaky. So far you've gone to several locations from scenes from my novels-in-progress. And now Cheltenham! (That's where my gardener story begins.)

No plans to visit Tasmania in the future? Because then I would pass out...

Akelamalu said...

LOL Julia, that is freaky! Relax we have no plans to visit Tasmania in the near future but what about the Carribbean, we're going there?