
Saturday 20 December 2008

Premio Dardos..........

No Saturday Wordzzle today sorry. I have just been too busy this week to write one and I will probably miss next week's too cos I'll be busy eating, drinking and entertaining. Anyway it's award time.

San (A Life with a View) passed this Premio Dardos award onto me.

The PREMIO DARDOS award is "given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing."

I'm honoured that San thinks my mutterings are worthy of such an award! Thankyou San.

It didn't come with any rules so I'd like to pass it on to all who comment on this post because you all fit the description in my view.


Chatty said...

Congratulations! How very cool, and how well-deserved!
I also fizzled out on the Wordzzle this week - too much rushing around to concentrate!
I stopped by to wish you a very Happy Christmas - I hope you have a wonderful time with friends and family.

Shrinky said...

Congratualtions bonny lass, I couldn't think of a more well deserving person for it!

Finding Pam said...

Very well deserved! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the kind comments. Merry Christmas.

buffalodick said...

Congrats! Got quite a few of these awards now, don't you?

Akelamalu said...

I guess we'll both get back to wordzzles in the new year eh Chatty? Thanks for the Christmas wishes and the same to you m'dear.

Aw, how kind of you Shrinky, thankyou. x

Merry Christmas to you too Pam and thankyou. :)

I have one or two Buff ;)

Catch said...

Congrats Sweety...and you are quite deserving of the award! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and happy holiday season! Huggs!

Jeff B said...

Saw that you were taking a break. Enjoy the weekend!

Suburbia said...

Congratulations! And Merry Christmas :)

Anonymous said...


By the way, I posted my version of the Christmas meme.

Linda said...

Congrats on your very well deserved award!

Even Word Wuzzles need a break once in awhile, too!

Dr.John said...

Congratulations on your award. You are a creative writer indeed.

storyteller said...

Congratulations on your well-deserved award, and as for Wordzlle ... methinks you deserve a week off for 'holiday' fun ;--)
Thanks for sharing too.
Hugs and blessings,

Smalltown RN said...

Congratulations on your award...and yes you should enjoy yourself and the the way ...I love your choice of Christmas tunes by different artists....great choices!!

Mike Golch said...

Congrats on the award!

tony said...

Congratulations!Have A Great Weekend.

Casdok said...

Congratulations and hope you and your family have a wonderful christmas!

CG said...

well done on your ward! it is a busy time isn't it??

Akelamalu said...

Thankyou Catch and the same to you honey. xx

I just haven't had a minute to myself this week Jeff!

Merry Christmas to you too Suburbia and thankyou.

I'll be over to read your meme soon Citizen

Cheers Linda. :)

You're very kind Dr. John, thankyou.

I hate missing wordzzle but I'll get back to it after Christmas Storyteller.

I'm so pleased you like the music RN

Thanks Mike :)

Cheers Tony, hope you have a great weekend too.

I hope you and your family have a super Christmas too Casdok :)

Yes, it's mad busy here CG but thankfully I have finished work now until the 6th January.

Mimi Lenox said...

We have the same graphic on our blogs (the house and lights) and snow!
Great minds....

Happy Holiday little Hawaiian girl.

MarmiteToasty said...

Visions of all your awards on shelves in your dinning room LOL congrats and well deserved.....

I LOVE your falling snow on this blob, and do you know everytime I click over to here I get booted off the internet LOL....arggggghhhh every single time....

4 days to go, I suppose I ought to do some crimbo shopping then lol....


Akelamalu said...

LOL I noticed we had the same graphics Mimi, as you say great minds and all that! Happy holidays to you to my friend.

Oh Marmie, I hope it isn't anything on my blog that boots you off the internet! I'm so happy it doesn't stop you visiting anyway, you'll have to leave visiting my blog until you're ready to shut down then! Get shopping gal, not much time left. LOL

Daryl said...

Well done ... and well deserved


Akelamalu said...

Why thank you Daryl xx