
Friday 26 December 2008

Been and gone......

Well, Christmas Day has been and gone, how was your's?

Our's was just perfect!

I was up at 8 a.m. to set the table, finish the trifle, make the starter, get all the crockery out for dinner.   I had prepared all the veg the day before, the turkey, ham and pork were cooked already.   I had to do all this before hand because Christmas morning at the Akelamalu house is manic!

My Dad comes on Christmas Eve to stay until Boxing Day and we take him out for a drink or two.  He was still fast asleep at 10.30 a.m. but I had to wake him up because we were expecting everyone to arrive by 11 a.m.   

Right on cue my eldest son arrived with his three children, all wanting to know if Santa had been here.  Of course he had and our lounge became a flurry of flying wrapping paper as they tore open their presents.  As we were busy picking up the wrapping my eldest brother arrived with his three children - I say children they range in age from 15 - 21.  By this time we were bringing dining chairs into the lounge so everyone had a seat.  Ten minutes later our youngest son arrived with his two boys  - more flying wrapping paper!      This enjoyable mayhem lasted until 12.30 when my brother and his family left, and our sons and the grandchildren set off to visit Granny's house (MIL's).

MWM and I rushed round to tidy up after the whirlwhind of the children and I started cooking whilst he went to pick up MIL & FIL.    Within an hour of their arrival we were sitting down to Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings.  We finished off with Christmas Pudding & Brandy Sauce, Sherry Trifle, Mince pies and cream all washed down with copious amounts of wine.     We passed a couple of hours at the dinner table before the parents retired to the lounge leaving MWM and I to stack the dishwasher (twice!) then we all had a relaxing time talking about the festivities and the children.

By 7 p.m. MIL & FIL were tired out so MWM took them home, my Dad had fallen asleep on the sofa -a result of too much food and excitement I think.      Once MWM got home we sat and watched the television until midnight then retired for the night exhausted!

This morning I took my Dad home and MWM and I have spent the day just chilling with him watching telly and me blogging.

So that was our Christmas.    What did you do?


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wow you had an exhausting day my friend! looks like loads of fun though...

smiles, bee

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Merry Christmas, Akelamalu! I caught up on your Christmases when the kids were young, and your current Christmas sounds like so much fun - including the flying wrapping paper! Your slide show is great. Everyone looks Christmasey and festive and excited. I love the one of your dad in his tie with the little one on his lap.

Our Christmas Day was hosted here at my mom's, so I was the back-up hostess. 15 people and the power went out for an hour and a half in the morning, just as I had cracked eggs into a bowl to make scrambled eggs. Mom had already cooked the turkey the day before, so we had a Plan B ready in case the power stayed out - but it came back, thank God.

Much laughter, talking, drinking, eating and general Christmas fun from 4:30 till 9pm. A wonderful day! By the way, I also saw your Christmas Peace Globe - so glad to see it at such a spiritual time of year. ((hugs)) to you!

Linda said...

Whew! I'm worn out just reading about your day! It sounds like it was absolutely wonderful and filled with lots of boys, too!

Work wasn't too bad until noon time when it seems that everyone decided to have an emergency at once and I was glad to get out of there at 3 p.m., come home and get Jamie then go to my Mom's for a bit before heading to my Aunt Nancy's for the family get-together which was very pleasant.

I was totally worn out by 10 p.m. and I slept in late today but now I've got to get ready to go to work again - blah!!!

Hope you have a fantastic Boxing Day, that is today, right?!?

Lisa said...

I love your blog. Anyone mentioning butterflies is ok in my book! I found you because I saw your photo on someone else's comments and loved it.

Happy Merry Christmas to you too. I'm sure I'll be back for more.

Travis Cody said...

Sounds like a lovely day.

We bought some turkey filet and did a stir fry. We had both mashed regular and sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and potato bread dinner rolls. Then we enjoyed a Mrs Smith's cherry pie.

And of course our Star Wars movie marathon. It was quite the day.

Rastaman said...

It was a wonderful day at your home. If mine was such, I would like it!

I saw the immediate family - brothers, mother, neice - and had a great day, but my children and grandchildren are spread around, so there was no chance to see them this year.

Smalltown RN said...

OH that sounds like an absolutely wonderful day......I love it when family can get together....we were to go to in laws for a Boxing Day open house but brother in law and family couldn't make it so things have been postponed...this winter weather is a killer for getting about.....

Finding Pam said...

What fun! Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful day. I love the slide show. Those kids are so cute.

Wishing you and yours all the best.

Cloudia said...

Thanks for the vicarious visit. couldn't eat another bite, really!
Thanks for having us over, Dear!
Wishing you all the best! Aloha-

Dr.John said...

It looks like you had a really great Christmas. So many people and so much happening.

Gledwood said...

Hey I like this music... Driving Home for Christmas... sounds like something you'd hear after midnight on board a cruise ship

just popped over to say "hi"


RiverPoet said...

Sounds fabulous, Akela! Wish I'd had a bit of the pudding!

Peace - D

Ron said...


WOW!!!! Your day sounded FULL and FABULOUS! It sounded exactly like the kind of Christmas Day we'd have at my house, when I was a kid. And when it was over...we'd all collapse!!! But gosh...was it ever FUN!!

My Christmas day was spent in total silence (I know..boring), but after my work schedule the past two weeks, it was such a blessed welcome!

Have a MERRY weekend, dear lady!

Hey...and I loved your slideshow!

Raven said...

Sounds like it was a great day. Belated Merry Christmas. Thanks for the slide show and the nice music.

Dianne said...

love the slide show, so many happy faces

Lo Kelween said...

oh! I had a busy christmas too! preparing christmas show for kids, dances, puppet show and stuff. but it was memorable, great! :)

merry christmas!

Akelamalu said...

Oh yes, we had loads of fun Bee :)

My son had no gas due to a pipeline exploding, thankfull it was restored on Christmas Eve otherwise we'd have been having another 4 at ours for Christmas dinner Julia! Your day sounds wonderful! :0

Shame you had to work linda but you do a great and very necessary job honey. I read on your blog about the rest of your day at your Moms and it sounds like you had a good time. xx

Hi Lisa and welcome, so nice of you to drop by. Merry Christmas to you too m'dear. x

Sounds like you had the pefect day to me Trav! :)

What a shame you didn't get to see your children and grandchildren on Christmas Day Rastaman, maybe next year eh?

Ah shame, you all seemed to be snowed in over the pond RN. Hopefully you can make up for it later in the year?

Oh yes, we had a great time Pam. All the best to you too honey. x

We're stuffed to overflowing too Cloudia, I wish I hadn't bought so much food! :)

Busy, busy, busy it was definitely Dr. John!

That's one of my favourite Christmas songs Gleds, glad you like it. :)

Do you have Christmas pudding over there Riverpoet? I'll have to send you one if you don't.

Oh I know you've been so busy working these past few weeks Ron, I suppose you needed a bit of quiet! Anyway I hope your Christmas Day was everything you wished for. x

Glad you enjoyed the slide show and the music Raven :)

Everyone was happy Dianne, so pleased you enjoyed the show. x

I can just imagine you entertaining the kids Eelwind! :)

buffalodick said...

You had some traditional English Christmas treats, that's for sure! Glad it was a good time!

Catch said...

Im happy you had a wonderful Christmas too, we went to my brothers and ate, then made our stops at my kids houses, it was a great day but we were all exhausted. Larry had a bug a few days before Christmas so he was not feeling up to par but he hung in there like a champ! lol

Deb said...

Happy Holidays! It feels good to be out blogging around - I have missed your words, pics and thoughts! Our Christmas was hectic - lots of food, drinks and general merrymaking. You could feel the magic in the air ~ may it continue each and every day. Take care.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Happy Christmas Lovely. Yours looks much like ours. Kids, madness, good food and alcohol, hee hee. Your family are gorgeous Akela.

Happy New Year.

Daryl said...

Your day sounds perfect. Exhausting but filled with love and family.

We spent the day with Christian friends .. eating, drinking, laughing a lot, opening presents with lots of chatter and laughter ... we got home at 8:30 and Husband was asleep on the couch by 9:30 .. I was too wound up so I stayed up til 11:30 ... and now 2 days later we finishing up leftovers our hostess insisted we take home

Akelamalu said...

Yes, Buff ours is a traditional Christmas as far as food goes. :)

Good on Larry - he's a trouper! So pleased to hear your day was filled with fun Catch xx

It's so good to see you back Deb xx

Christmas is just the best when there's kids involved isn't it Jo? :)

LOL we've just finished off the last of the turkey Daryl! :)

tony said...

A Busy Christmas Day!
It's Nice To Get Together With Friends & Family.+Relax.
My Bestest Wishes For The New Year.
Regards From

maryt/theteach said...

Oh I'm so sorry Akelamalu that I didn't say Merry Christmas to you and your family! But I'll say it now:


Such lovely decorations for the holidays! :)

maryt/theteach said...

Shoot! I meant to say thank you for the slide show and the family pix! :)

Donnetta said...

Hello, "A:" We had a wonderful Christmas and I am pooped. Have eaten so much food that you wouldn't believe it. Hubby just left to go pick up a pizza as we are sick of ham, potatoes, salads, veggies, cookies, candy, pie, etc, etc, etc! Cheese pizza sounds great at this point. Tomorrow I start "being good." (Yeah, right.) Glad you and yours had a great time together. D

Suburbia said...

glad you had a great time :)

Mike Golch said...

I have an award for you on my site.

Akelamalu said...

That's the best part of Christmas - getting together with family and friends isn't it Tony? :)

Thankyou Mary and the same to you you m'dear. x

LOL my 'being good' starts on 2nd Jan as we're going for a huge Chinese Banquet on the 1st Donnetta! ;)

We did Suburbia, hope you did too.

Why thankyou Mike, I'll be right over. :)

Odat said... did a lot of cooking huh? Great slideshow...beautiful family!!!

nitebyrd said...

I'm glad you and yours had a lovely Christmas! The pictures are wonderful. Sam is a cutie!

Have a peaceful, prosperous New Year!

Marshall Family said...

what a manic xmas! I am sure you wouldn't do it any other way :) mine was pretty laid back really :o) I am glad you had a good time x

Akelamalu said...

Yes I did a lot of cooking Odat lucky I enjoy it eh? :)

Ah thanks Nitebyrd, you too honey. x

I do enjoy it Emmie the more the merrier I say. :)