Have you ever had a hairstyle that makes you cringe when you think about it now?
If you'd like to join in here's what David would like you to do.
I tended to follow fashion as far as hairstyles were concerned once I got into my teens, but only three hairstyles really stand out in my memory.
When I was 18 ish the fashion was very long and straight with a fringe, like Cathy McGowan off Ready Steady Go. I loved that look and it stayed with me until I was about 22.

Then there was the Purdey cut that Joanna Lumley made famous when she played Purdey, John Steed’s (Patrick Macnee) sidekick in the Avengers – everyone went mad for that one, including me and Princess Diana.

Do you remember curly perms in the late 70’s early 80’s ? I had one – to my utter dismay! That is the hairstyle that makes me cringe.
It looked very much like the photo below (not me btw).

Of course everyone had perms then, it was the fashion, but when I look at photographs of me from that time I just think “OMG whatever was I thinking?” If you had a lot of hair like me you ended up looking like an explosion in a mattress factory. Even men had perms – like Kevin Keegan – both my brothers copied this look. MWM didn’t need to his hair was naturally curly but he hated it.

Apparently perms are making a comeback now, but I think I’ll give it a miss that was one hairstyle I wouldn’t want to repeat.
Please answer today's question on your own blog, any time until next weekend. Just link to this blog (or to this post) so I can follow the progress of the discussion.The question is: Have you ever had a hairstyle that makes you cringe when you think about it now?
I tended to follow fashion as far as hairstyles were concerned once I got into my teens, but only three hairstyles really stand out in my memory.
When I was 18 ish the fashion was very long and straight with a fringe, like Cathy McGowan off Ready Steady Go. I loved that look and it stayed with me until I was about 22.

Then there was the Purdey cut that Joanna Lumley made famous when she played Purdey, John Steed’s (Patrick Macnee) sidekick in the Avengers – everyone went mad for that one, including me and Princess Diana.

Do you remember curly perms in the late 70’s early 80’s ? I had one – to my utter dismay! That is the hairstyle that makes me cringe.
It looked very much like the photo below (not me btw).

Of course everyone had perms then, it was the fashion, but when I look at photographs of me from that time I just think “OMG whatever was I thinking?” If you had a lot of hair like me you ended up looking like an explosion in a mattress factory. Even men had perms – like Kevin Keegan – both my brothers copied this look. MWM didn’t need to his hair was naturally curly but he hated it.

Apparently perms are making a comeback now, but I think I’ll give it a miss that was one hairstyle I wouldn’t want to repeat.
Guess what?
I've been given another award. If you think I'm ebarrassed think again, I'm not I love them!
Tisha (Crazy Working Mom) very kindly gave me this award.

Thank you Tisha. x
You know I like to share any awards I get and this one didn't come with any instructions so please, if you make a comment on this post, take the award with my love.
Oh....... the memories! The Afro's were diabolical & as you say, the men had them too!
Thanks for the lovely post & enjoyed the snaps of you as a child!
With my hair - which is so curly it does what it likes anyway - there's very little I can do with it. So at least I've been spared all those hair nightmares! I just have a perpetual one...!
Being a guy, I've had roughly the same haircut style for 30 years! Easy being a guy at these moments!
I don't have a hairstyle that I am embarrassed about since I have always had fairly short hair. I always thought that the "Platinum Blonde" hairstyles on the girls were always cool.
My hairstyle is same for years...I love my long hair...
I can remember Purdey cut was famous in my town too!
Congratulations on your award and thank you for passing it to us
♥ & ((hugs))
Hee hee, the pageboy Purdey was mine. Oh I hated it. :D
Oh I had the curly perm..ugh!
Enjoyed your ‘hair history’ … I wore mine long and straight most of my life until I was almost 40 … then I cut it and have been getting 'loose' perms ever since because I’m too lazy to have to take time to look presentable ;--)
Congrats on the well deserved award.
Hugs and blessings,
Glad you enjoyed the memories Maggie :)
I think naturally curly hair is beautiful Flowerpot but why is it we are never happy with what we've got? :(
Yes you men are lucky Buff!
Short hair on men has never really been out of fashion Dave, luck you.
I love my hair long too Bindi, I'm trying to grow it again now but not as long as it used to be.
I used to like mine in the Purdey Jo but it soon dated didn't it?
It was the worst wasn't it CG?
Ah loose perms can look lovely Storyteller, it's the curly perms that go awry!
The worst haircut I ever had was the one time I decided to have short hair. It just didn't work! I'll never forget my brother telling me I looked like Jane Wyman in Falcon Crest. I felt so awful.
Perms, don't you just love'em? not!
Mine was the curly perm. What possessed me? I looked like a poodle!
Congratulations on the award. I love 'em too. Thanks for passing it on dahlink!
I've been pretty standard with haircuts...short and straight.
But my sister once got an accidental crew cut. She moved her head when our mom was trying to cut her hair. Then my mom kept cutting and cutting to try and even it out.
Fun Post, Akelamalu!
YES...OH, YES....I at one time highlighted my hair with blond streaks...and then did an afro-perm on top of it.....
Does a COTTON BALL give you a great visualization???
I had a delightful PUFF on my head.
But boy...was I HOT!!!!
P.S. Congrats on the award! And as always...YOU ROCK!!!
Good ole' lite socket head. It seemed everybody had big hair back in the eighties.
I had really long hair once!!
Congratulations on the award, too!
Gosh I had the crazy hairstyles....perms(even though I already had curly hair)a variety of colours....reds, purples, bleached blondes...you name it...short shorter and gone...yup even shaved off my hair....oh the styles how crazy they were....
Was it just me, or did perms in those days seem to last for about eighteen months? And on the day you decided it needed re-doing because you couldn't stand it anymore, it looked the best it ever had....
oo... the 'big hair' generation is back to the fashion world again!
congratulations on the award again...well, i think it's better for you to appoint the award to certain bloggers otherwise, I will definitely take the award with me! haha :)
and one more thing and i hope you are not tired to do this - YOU ARE TAGGED BY ME!!! plz come over to check it out! ;)
I probably had a hairstyle like that....probably in the 80's...the punk look! Ouch!
Congrats for your award!
I had long braids till 7, then a pixie cut, then the perm nightmares, then long and straight and now it's just to my neck. Grey is the real challenge...not much but almost at the point where I can't hide it by highlighting so tomorrow, I may have to get into actual colouring! Yikes! That means going every 6 weeks to de-root!!
Congrats on the 10 lbs! I can't seem to break 150...I'm 5'9" so I don't have a lot to lose but it's the hardest part and it could really make me look and feel better. Any secrets to share of how this is working?
Oh Jayne Wyman's hair looked like a helmet -poor you Dianne :(
I did at the time suburbia, it's just when I look back I cringe!
Yes the 'poodle' look got a lot of us didn't it Cath?
LOL that happened to a friend of mine - she did it to her husband with the clippers Trav!
No Ron! Shouldn't you have known better you were a hairdresser! LOL
Oh yes, big hair was the way to go Jeff :)
Did you David - post a picture I have to see it! :)
You shaved your head RN? Was it for charity or something?
Perms lasted forever in those days MOTL - you just couldn't grow them out!
Yep perms and big hair are making a comeback Elween :)
You were a punk Bella? This I have to see - find a photo please.
My hair is still naturally blonde so I only have highlights, except every so often when I go RED MOI! Re the weight it's not working, I haven't lost any weight for ages! :(
I have noticed the disturbing trend of the perm returning, on some people it looks nice but on the majority 'yikes' :)
I did the big poofy, teased hair with the foot-tall curled bangs in the 80's hehe. I also had a poodle perm.
Yes, what was I thinking? hehe
My hair has been exactly the same my whole life, there's nothing I can do with it! Loving the memories though - thanks! x M
Perms are hit and miss Claire. I mentioned to my hairdresser about the return of the perm she said "Don't even think about it!"
You thought you looked gorgeous Misty and you probably did - at the time! :)
I'm sure it looks lovely Marianne :)
Princess Di seemed to specialize in those walnut whip haircuts... dreadful stuff!
Yeah I remember being inflicted with a haircut JUST BEFORE a professional photography session. Having my hair cut ultra short to "make me look intelligent" (to WANT to look intelligent is a stupid move, I long ago worked out!!)
yeah man I was mortified and steamed through this photo session to this day they don't realize how ****'d off I was (and still AM, thinking about it!!!!)
ps yeah Spherical got CAUGHT making a NEST in my JEANS at 4am!! The swine!!
I can remember when we ironed our hair...my cousin Crystal and I ironed each others...had to be for the very very straight hair...and oh how I loved the Avengers...loved your confessions, lol
fun post, akelamalu! that big 70's hair style is so funny. hehe. explotion in a mattress factory? haha.
My hair seems to be less each day. However, I still have more hair than my 37-year-old son.
When I was in high school and playing football, I had my hair cut in what was then called a “flat top” because the coaches said we needed short hair. Crazy! If I remember correctly, I looked as if something was supposed to be sitting on top of my head—like a table lamp.
Love the idea of the Joanna Lumley cut... me likey!
LOL! I gotta ask my mom if she still has the photos from my 'rebellious period', as she likes to call it:-)
Oh my - I found a photo just a few weeks back of me 'football head' perm.... that Kevin Keegan had a lot to answer for lol...... I had me hair cut from waist length to 'football head'.... I was NOT happy lmfao....
Oh my - I found a photo just a few weeks back of me 'football head' perm.... that Kevin Keegan had a lot to answer for lol...... I had me hair cut from waist length to 'football head'.... I was NOT happy lmfao....
You were a photographic model Gleds? You never let on!
I used to iron my friends hair Sandi, mine was dead straight so it didn't need ironing. :)
It's funny looking back on it Acey that's for sure.
He he, you had bad hair days too eh Nick? :)
Go have it done, start a trend GIM I dare you!
Oh yeah do Bella and post them!
Oh God Marmie what are you like??? LOL
You're welcome! :)
We won't even talk about my hairstyles, I looked like a either a psycho poodle or a nerdy boy for most of my life due to an overzealous mother who loved to alternately give my hair a perm and then cut it all off. Don't even get me started or I might have to curl up in a ball and find my happy place.
Tisha xx
Oh that bad eh Carolyn? Thanks for dropping by. :)
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