
Monday 20 August 2007


Flowerpot has graciously bestowed this award on me. I'm busy moving all the other awards along the mantleshelf to make room! (you know this is tongue in cheek don't you?)

In truth I can't believe that me/my blog is that popular! Anyway I'm honoured that anyone would think I'm worthy of an award of any kind so I say thank you Flowerpot and I accept the honour with open arms.

I have to nominate five other people who are:-

Bella (the mad) Household of La Bellina Mammina who always has a kind word.

Dave who's words of wisdom make you think about life instead of just living it.

Talj (Talj's Balcony Paradise) such a thoughtful person who is raising money for charity.

Ron (Foot Notes) gives so much thoughtful and useful information on Reflexology and Aromatherapy.

MissUnderstood (A Sideways Look At Womanhood) who recently had to write and deliver a Eulogy for a friend. Go read it but have a box of tissues ready.

I hope you will all acccept the award in the spirit it is given and pay it forward to some other Thoughtful Bloggers.


And just to make you groan smile.........

Count Dracula is on the pull in Glasgow. He spends the night drinking Bloody Mary's in various clubs and biting on unsuspecting women's necks.

He's heading for home, along Argyle Street sometime before dawn.

Suddenly he's hit on the back of the head. He looks round and sees nothing. He looks down and sees a small sausage roll. Mmmm, he thinks.
What's going on here?

A few yards further on and........BANG. Smacked on the back of the head again! He whirls round as quick as he can - nothing. Again he looks down and there's a small triangular sandwich lying on the ground. How odd!

A few more yards further along the street and........crash. Smacked on the back of the head yet again! He whirls round as quick as he can - nothing. He's getting really angry now. Again he looks down and there's a cocktail sausage lying on the ground. He stands and peers into the darkness of the night. Nothing.

He walks a few yards further along again when he gets a tap on the shoulder. With a swirl of his cape and a cloud of mist he turns as fast as he can. He feels a sharp pain in his heart. He falls to the ground clutching his chest, which is punctured by a small cocktail stick laden with a chunk of cheese and a pickled onion.

On the ground dying, he looks up and sees a young female. With his dying breath he gasps, "Who the hell are you?"

Wait for it...

Are you ready?...

Brace yourself...

This'll make your day...

... "BUFFET, the vampire slayer."


buffalodick said...

You'll pay for that joke someday......

CG said...

Very well deserved..and a "bloody" awful joke!!

Elaine Denning said...

Congrats on your award, and many thanks for mine too. I'm honoured, deeply touched and grinning from ear to ear!

As for the joke...

*shaking head and walking away!*

Akelamalu said...

Buffalodickdy What?? :)

cg WHAT??? :)

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Miss U and you're welcome. I don't understand why are you shaking your head?? You didn't like the joke? ;)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

*groan* i mean, nice joke honey! ha ha ha, and congratulations on your award...

smiles, bee

Unknown said...

a very heartfelt congratsulation to you on your award. I feel honored that you have included me and my words on your acknowlegement.
You are such a dear person. Thank you.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi hi!
Thank you for your comment on my blog! :) I know you're a bit busy..

I was having some problems with enlarging pic's on mine but now its solved,

Bye greetings

Anonymous said...

Morning Akelamalu!

Need I say how VERY grateful and honored I am to receive this award from you?

YOU...the MOST thoughtful blogger in the Bloggingsphere!!!!!!

Congrats to YOU my deserve it!

Caught up with your "trip posts" and WOW...what a wonderful history lesson. I LOVE train the TRAIN would have been my favorite part! And the GHOST GALLERY...BOOO!

Thanks for the glorious share Akelamalu!

Be well,

Unknown said...

Congrats on the award and the joke
made me laugh on a Monday, no mean feat!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Miss Bee it was a 'groaner' I admit!

Thank you Dave and you are very welcome my friend. :)

Thanks for dropping by Joann, glad you sorted out your picture problems.

Thanks Ron and you are welcome. MWM loves trains so he was in his element on this trip!

Glad you had a laugh Pauline :)

the rotten correspondent said...

Congrats on the award. And about the, yeah...okay, it did make me chuckle!

la bellina mammina said...

Thanks, how many awards have you honored me with!!?

LOL! That joke is....hilarious, well, at least to me ;-)

Akelamalu said...

You couldn't help yourself could you correspondent?? :)

Who's counting Bella? You deserve them. x

Ah someone likes my joke!

RUTH said...

LOL .....Must remember to tell the grandchildren that one! Congratulations on your DEFINITELY deserve it!

Akelamalu said...

Aw thanks Ruth. The kids will love that joke 'cos it's silly!

Dumdad said...

Hi, I've just returned from the Auvergne, tout seul, and am now catching up on my favourite blogs. You head the list. Well, you do as you start with A! (But you would anyway if you started with Z, grovel, grovel).

I enjoyed your three-parter on your trip to London. A trip down memory lane for me...

As for the joke...

Well done again on the award front!

Akelamalu said...

Welcome back dumdad I hope you've got some photographs to show us.

Glad you enjoyed reading about our trip, and I love a man who knows how to grovel! ;)

What's wrong with the joke? I've got worse ones you know!

Dumdad said...


Actually, I do have some pix of the Auvergne and am tempted to post them.

Only joking about the joke....

Akelamalu said...

Get them up then dumdad, we all love looking at photos, because we're all basically nosey!

I know you were joking about the joke m'dear. It is a groaner though! ;)

lettuce said...

hi lulu - thanks so much for the award, that was very nice to come home to!

i'm off to catch up on your blog now - one of the nicest things about being back.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the award ... well, I laughed at the joke but that was more about walking along Argyle Street at that time of the night ... I think it might be more like empty bottles of Buckfast ... would that make it Bucky, the Vampire Slayer?

Have at long last managed to get your page to load, along with music. My browser just hates all the stuff and I get the bouncing beachball before it crashes in flames.

Enjoy your hols!

Mike Minzes said...

Congrads on the award!!!!!

Sarge Charlie said...

I love it when thoughtful people come to my place.......

Pam said...

ake-congrats on another award! and as for the's so bad, it's funny lol btw...been loving all your posts on your london trip. gives me ideas for if i ever get to england!

Jenny! said...

Congrats girl!

Mark said...

Hi Akelamalu,
Love it, well done on your award, how long is your shelf now....Lol

Cheers Mark

Anonymous said...

Congrats! :)

Very well deserved...

Linda said...

Congratulations on your award and thanks for the laugh - I needed one! Of course, now a buffet sounds fabulous!

Ali said...

WEll done on the award, well deserved, but the joke????

Ok,so it was a little bit funny, but only cos it was Monday!! lol

Gledwood said...

o har har HAR

that was as corny as corn on the cob

but very entertaining!!

Gledwood said...

hey do you like GLENN MILLER?... I posted it up chez moi "for a limited time only ...!"

Lucy Dee said...

Buffet, the vampire slayer

Isn't that the Prequel?

Akelamalu said...

You're welcome Lettuce and thankyou. Nice to have you back. :)

That's a good one Belle, thanks for dropping by I hope you'll call again - if you can get this lot to load! :)

Thanks Mike. Where've you been I missed you?

I'm glad you visited me too Sarge :)

I hope you get to England Ciara and I'm glad I've inspired your sightseeing. :)

Thank you Jenny x

It needs an extension Mark! :)

Oh you're too kind crazy working mom, but thankyou.

Glad you enjoyed my joke Linda, and thankyou. :)

Well if it made you laugh a little Ali that's good. :)

Don't you just love corny jokes though Gledwood?

Probably Lucy! :)