Miss Bee was tagged with this meme recently and thought it looked fun so I pinched it, as she hadn't tagged me. I told her I was pinching it, I don't think she minds.
RULES: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...they have to be real places, names, things...nothing madeup! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
It's not as easy as you might think and I have added a bit of a twist, I've found a link for each word I've used - you can too if you like, it makes it a bit harder but more fun.
City: Aberdeen
Girl Name: Anne
Food: Angel cake
Something found in a bathroom: Antiperspirant
Something You Shout: 'Allo 'Allo!
I don't do much tagging but I will this time so my victims choices for this are
Linda (Are We There Yet)
Catch (A Penny For Your Thoughts)
Miss U (A Sideways Look at Womanhood)
Buffalodickdy (Opinions and Rectums)
Dumdad (The Other Side of Paris)
Of course you don't have to join in if you don't want to but go on, I dare you, for a bit of fun!
I just found out that Shaz (Us Danes & Our Family) gave me this

I have to say I love your blog too Shaz, there's always so much to read and I love the videos and tales about the Great Danes! I am duly honoured.
As the badge can only be passed on to one person at a time and I have so many blogs I love to read, I put all my blogroll in a hat and drew out just one
This is Jenny's blog and it is one of the funniest blogs ever. Be warned though Jenny uses some colourful language!
I saw this on someone else's blog too and was thinking of doing it, but aren't you supposed to use your real name??
I pinched it from you anyway;-)
That is my real name as far as Blogworld is concerned Bella.
Nip across & grab the "I Love Your Blog" award x x x
I appreciate the thought, but I'll pass on this one! Thanks anyway!
Oh thank you Shaz :)
No probs buffalodickdy :)
well I did the very same meme last evening going to post it tonight...but it was use your middle name...and well I don't have one...not really....I used my confirmation name...and then we had to use each letter in the name...so I guess it's not exactly the same...but close....hey I am glad you liked my pick for this weeks Heads or Tails...I was thinking of you when I made the post....hoping you are having a grand day!
Oh I'll look out for your meme. I did like your heads or tails pick today smalltown rn :)
Well done! and congrats on the award. I have the layer meme you did recently tucked away for a time when I don't have time to do a post...will let you know when I post it. :o)
any time there is cake (angelcake) i am happy!!!
smiles, bee
really fun post!
I look forward to reading your layer meme Ruth, and thanks. :)
I'm glad you approve Miss Bee x
Congrats on the award Akela!
I also tucked your layer meme into my pocket for a rainy day. I like your list and CONGRATS on your award. You're well on your way to needing a new sidebar!
Aw thanks Pauline.
The Layer Meme seems popular, I got it from Mimi's and I think she got it from somewhere else. I look forward to reading your answers when you do it correspondent :)
I did this one a week or so ago and found it fun. Great answers and a great twist with all the links.
Holy shit...i love fucking awards...oops sorry about teh language forgot its not my blog! Thank you!
I am going to pinch that Meme too...looks like fun!
Glad you enjoyed it Linda. Thanks for dropping by. :)
LOL you crack me up Jenny, I'll look out for the meme, when I visit you. :)
What a good idea, I'll just pretend I can't count . .lol. Pleased you passed it on to a funny blog too x x x
I couldn't just choose one Shaz, it seemed the best way. :)
You deserve every minute of that award... Congrats.
This looks like fun and of course I'll play! It also helps that I have a short first name!
Congrats on the award, your blog is very easy to &hearts !
Congrats on the award!!! Guess what? You are one of the first recipients of a new award! Stop by to pick it up. :)
Cool! :)
Congrats on the award and great job on the meme.
Thank you Josh, you're too kind. x
Oh greaet Linda, and thanks honey.
Oh thanks skittles, I'll be by later. :)
Glad you enjoyed it and thankyou crazy working Mom :)
Congrats on another award and you did well on the meme!!
Oh thanks cg. x
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