
Wednesday 8 August 2007

A bit of fun..................

Busy downloading some photographs from yesterday so I'll leave you with this......

What's the definition of the bravest man in the world?? The man who comes home drunk, covered in lipstick and smelling of perfume, then slaps his wife on the backside and says:
"You're next, fatty."

And if you really want a giggle click on the link below. Wait for the entire screen to load up with all four horses and a fence in front of them. Then click on each horse. Make sure your sound is on. Re-click on any horse to make it turn off or turn it back on again. Somebody did some real wizardry of programming to coordinate this! Try clicking on the horses from left to right then right to left then just one or two at a time ... It's fun and a good stress reliever. Have fun! Do them in random order for some weird songs.

Have a fun day.


Flowerpot said...

great horses, Ak - really cheered my day - and I need it!

Claire said...

Oh York! i havent been there for beards! I hope you went to that teashop, aunt betty's or bessie's?

Cream said...

I enjoyed horsing around.
I only saw a bit of Hairspray cos I dozed off after Sunday lunch.

Annelisa said...

lol :-D

That cracked me up, Akelamalu! I so needed that today!

I called my son and his friends down, and they thought it 'weird' and 'creepy', but couldn't resist leaning over me, grabbing the mouse and clicking away :-D Ha!

Yes, I came out to play... and it was fun...

I shall be back in force soon - I hope- I have a plan of action :-)


buffalodick said...

Good joke! Over here it was known as "Rodeo Sex"!

la bellina mammina said...

That IS hilarious're so naughty!!

Akelamalu said...

Glad you're cheered flowerpot :)

Akelamalu said...

Claire you are not serious - Tea Shop?? They have pubs in York!

Akelamalu said...

Ah, an after-lunch nap eh Cream?

Akelamalu said...

My lovely Annelisa you don't know how good it is to see you playing out! x

Akelamalu said...

Naughty buffalodickdy!

Akelamalu said...

It made you laugh though Bella didn't it? ((wink))

talj said...

You were that nearby and you didn't pop in to say HI?!? We have alcohol here in Leeds too you know! ;o)

Now I'm back in blog land I look forward to seeing your images from your travels :o)

Take care {{HUGS}} :o)

Jenny! said...

Thanks...I just snorted really loudly...that was so so funny! I will be retelling that for sure!

the rotten correspondent said...

just wanted to let you know that I "borrowed" your 8 things about you and your husband meme.

thanks! it was fun!

Unknown said...

What a great site thanks,

RUTH said...

This is fantastic! Another Akelamula special :o) Feeling a bit "hoarse" trying to sing

Pig in the Kitchen said...

ha ha ha, fantastic, the 'you're next fatty'!

I'm being really dense Akelamalu...i wanted to email you so as not to parade my ignorance...

I'm trying to add your lovely award to my blog, can copy and paste the html code (or whatever) but then what?! Please help oh clever blogging guru

sallywrites said...

hilarious! A brave man indeed!!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

fun playing with the horses! thanks...

smiles, bee

Julia Phillips Smith said...

They sound beautiful all singing together! Wonderful find, Akelamalu.

Akelamalu said...

Great to have you back Talj. Sorry we didn't get to visit you - we went by train to York and had to change at Leeds but didn't have much time.

Akelamalu said...

Beware the snorts Jenny!!

Akelamalu said...

Oh great rotten correspondent, I'll be over soon to read yours.:)

Akelamalu said...

Glad you enjoyed the horses Dave. :)

Akelamalu said...

Glad you enjoyed 'horsing' around Ruth! ;)

Akelamalu said...

I've emailed you Pig. :)

Akelamalu said...

Either very brave, or very stupid methinks Sally.

Akelamalu said...

They're so funny aren't they Bee?

Akelamalu said...

I found them compulsive listening Julia!

CS said...

I'm gong to forward that link of the horses to my kids - they'll love that.

Akelamalu said...

I'm sure they will cs. :)