
Friday 9 January 2009

Friday 55 Flash Fiction # 58 Diet?


Sometimes he wished he could lose weight.

He'd always been big, but now he weighed over 23 stones!

As soon as he'd been accepted for the job he'd started overeating.


Strangely the bigger he got the more popular he became.

All his friends were overweight too.

They had to be.....

They were all Sumo wrestlers.

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Maggie May said...

Huge man...... but as you say, he has to be!

Flowerpot said...

what a size!

Marshall Family said...

haha fantastic!! :)

Elaine Denning said...

For a second, I thought you were talking about a turkey!

You're so good at these.

buffalodick said...

That is the average size of most BB-Q cook-off contestants... :)

Gledwood said...

those pixx alone make me wanna go (like totally valley girl-style, like: eeeewww!!!

Dumdad said...

You got me again - I didn't guess the last line.

It reminds me of a Jim Davidson joke. He said, "My uncle was a Sumo wrestler but he had to give it up. He got nappy rash!"

Akelamalu said...

Big yes Maggie, a necessity in his job. :)

Mmmm he is rather large Flowerpot! LOL

Glad you like it Emmie :)

Aw thanks Laney x

LOL really Buff?

I know what you mean Gleds:(

I'm a big fan of Jim Davidson but I hadn't heard that one before Dumdad LOL

Unknown said...

I would have made an excellent sumo wrestler had I weighed as much as I do now when I was younger. I'm rather glad that I didn't.

Evalinn said...

Cool! :-) Have a nice weekend!

the rotten correspondent said...

Thanks for the picture. It helped a lot as I sat down to eat my "diet" lunch.

Well done!

James Goodman said...

lol, great twist as always, AK. :D

Akelamalu said...

LOL I bet you are Nick x

Thanks Evalinn :)

It didn't help my diet much either RC LOL

Cheers James :)

cheshire wife said...

Not a pretty picture!

david mcmahon said...

I'm off to wrestle with that concept!

Dr.John said...

What a great ending.

Anndi said...

You're so sneaky!

Lulda Casadaga said...

Clever..clever! I must admit that meat looked mighty tasty...but, not that Sumo wrestler!! :D

Ron said...

OMG...that was funny!!

You always make my Fridays special!!!

Thanks for sharing your clever, clever mind!

Have SUMO weekend, my friend!

tee, hee!

G-Man said...

How much is 23 stone?

You and your twisty endings...

Signature Ake! Very well done Lady Pearl...:-)

Thanks for being such a fabulous contributor each and every Friday.
Have a Wonderful Week-End...G

Anonymous said...

Stones. Haven't heard that since boarding school.

Mona said...

hehehehe...that is quite some twist! :D

I love it Akelamalu! :D

debi_in_Hawaii said...

I hate it when men have bigger breasts than me!

Sandi McBride said...

Puts a whole new meaning on Eating for Two, don't you think?

Loved it!

Anonymous said...

I love the places your mind goes ... and how you always manage to take me by surprise ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Linda said...

As I was reading this I was thinking ... okay, is it going to be a cow or a turkey or a chicken that has to go to slaughter and the bigger the better? But nope - none of those - you got me!

Travis Cody said...

HA! But now that meal looks fantastic!

Mojo said...

I was wondering how you'd put that last Akelamalu twist on this one. I should have known!

How much is a "stone" anyway? I've never been able to suss that out.

Pam said...

weeeee a grown man in a diaper! lol haha @ sumo wrestler. great 55, ake. i didn't get one done this week either. busy, lazy, or couldn't think of one...but i put a craptastic poem up hehe :)

@mojo i think it's 14lbs

Akelamalu said...

Indeed Cheshire Wife - it's gross!

Ha ha you always come up with just the right response DavidL :)

Glad you liked it Dr.John :)

Moi Anndi? ;)

Lamb shanks are one of my favourite meals Lulda! :)

Aw thanks Ron x

23 stone is 322lbs G-man, there are 14lbs in a stone. Glad you liked it m'dear.

I suppose it's peculiar to GB Citizen :)

So pleased you liked it Mona :)

LOL it's not a pretty sight is it Debs!

It certainly does Sandi!

How kind of you to say that Happily Retired Gal, thankyou.

If you didn't guess the ending Linda I did it right! :)

It does look tasty doesn't it Trav!

Thank you Mojo I'm pleased you liked it. A stone is 14lbs.

Your poems are never crappy Ciara! Glad you enjoyed my 55 honey. x

TBM said...

Hahaha! You have such an imagination. Fantastic :-)

Unknown said...

Come now, you never told me you were going to use that photo of me!!! LOL