
Wednesday 21 January 2009

I'm so excited........

See that Cruise ship (Ocean Village), I've just booked a two week Caribbean cruise for January 2010, on that very ship in that very cabin the arrow is pointing to!

Come next November I will be 60; in December MWM and I will have been married 35 years and I will retire from work so we're off to visit the following islands:  Barbados, St. Maarten, St. Kitts, Antigua, Dominica, Tobago, St. Lucia, Grenada, Isla Margarita, Mayreau and back to Barbados.

We have upgraded our cabin to a suite with a balcony. you can see a 360 degree tour of it here and read what luxury we will be in for a whole two weeks. There's everything you can imagine on that ship, just click on some of the tabs on the link and have a look around.

I've booked Premier seats on the plane so we'll have more room, a nice meal and FREE drinks! Also when we get to our cabin there will be flowers, chocolates and a basket of fruit awaiting us and we can nominate a day to have a luxury continental breakfast, including champagne and strawberries dipped in chocolate delivered to our cabin, where we can scoff it sitting on our balcony whilst watching the vast Caribbean stretch out before our very eyes.

Go on, admit it, you're just an itsy bit jealous aren't you?

Oooooh, I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!


Pam said...

hell, yes, i'm jealous! i won't lie lol we probably have to wait til all the kids are grown & stinky retires which is about another 15 or so years :-/

Unknown said...

Sounds fantastic. I have been to Grenada too. Gorgeous place, I believe the ships stop there for the day. Grand Anse beach comes highly recommended look back in my archive and see some nice photo's. I am jealous but not begrudging LOL Posted a ghost story for you.

Mel said...

What a glorious way to celebrate!

Of course you're inviting friends as your guests....right?

.....yeah right.....LOL

Congratulations to you! Well deserved!

Marshall Family said...

Oh my god how amazing!!! Roll on 2010!!!!

G-Man said...

I gotta work till I'm 62, grrrrrrr
2 years and one month longer than you. Lucky Girl...:-)

RiverPoet said...

Ooooh, I AM jealous! Sounds wonderful! What a terrific way to celebrate two special occasions at once!

Peace - D

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i am THRILLED for you honey!!! looks wonderful... great stops and you have lots of time to research and decide what you want to do on each one. such beautiful waters and beaches you'll find and warm friendly people! tits!

smiles, bee

Finding Pam said...

Very well deserved for a wonderful woman and her man. I got dizzy from the virtual tour, but it looks beautiful.

We have never done the cruise. We like the mountains.

Dianne said...

an itsy bit jealous!? I'm totally green ...

except that it couldn't happen to better people

buffalodick said...

Not jealous- happy for you and hubby! Your life is shifting from what you must do, to what you want to do...

Akelamalu said...

We've had to wait a long time too Ciara but I'm sure it will be worth the wait. :)

I'll be sure to search your archives Carol when I pop over to read your ghost story. :)

If I win the lottery Mel you're all invited! ;)

Yes indeedy Emmie, roll on 2010!

Two years will fly by G-man and I hope you get to do something really special when the times comes. x

It's been our dream Riverpoet and I can hardly believe it is actually going to happen!

I know you have visited all those places Bee so I'll take your word for it how fantastic they are! :)

Why thank you Pam, what a lovely thing to say. x

Ah thanks Dianne, I'll be telling you all about it when we get back.

Oh you're so right Buff it will be heaven to do what we want to do rather than what we have to do. :)

Dumdad said...

Wow, I've just been on a virtual tour of the boat and your suite. Am I jealous? Is a tomato red? It looks fab - have a great time and I shall look forward to reading all about it on your blog.

Ron said...


I APPLAUDE you in your going all-the-way-out and allowing you and MWM to expriece this trip in TOTAL ABSOLUTE LUXURY!!

That's the way to do it, because you both DESERVE it!!

YAHOOOOO! I'm so damn excited for you!!

*And I'm also about to loose control and think I like it!!"


Just think, one year from now you'll be looking out your cabin window and saying....

...."I wish all my blogging friends were here"

tee, hee..

Anyway, brava dear lady!


tony said...

Yes! I A A Wee Bit Green!!!!!!!
Brilliant! Have You Been To The Caribbean Before!!!! Dont Forget To Take Your Camera!

Elaine Denning said...



Deb said...

Congratulations! Two weeks of being pampered, spoiled and treated like a queen - I can assure you I am more than an itsy bit jealous but I will take a virtual trip through your blog! Make sure you sign up for a spa day!

Akelamalu said...

It does look fabulous doesn't it Dumdad? I can hardly wait!

Of course I'll be wishing you were all there to share it with me Ron. xx

We've never travelled West before Tony, only ever gone East the furthest being Australia. I am so looking forward to it and there'll be plenty of photos!

LOL I know you didn't mean the Grrrrrrr Laney x

Oh I am definitely going to do the Spa Debs :0

Daryl said...

You, me and the Pointer Sisters .. we're ALL excited.

And you will be so close to the States .. I bet from your balcony you might see Florida

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Oh so very cool. I've been to Eastern and Western Caribbean cruises. I loved it...St Martin.We went on a jeep caravan ride there...ended up at a nude beach. Whoa! Lots to do there and the weather is going to be fabulous for you. The French side of the island is actually really nice.

I liked St Thomas and St John the best...but I see you aren't going to that island.

Oh and I climbed a pyrimid in Belize.

You are going to love it. I love the dress upp dinners at night. twice I was on the Explorer of the seas.

I want to go on a Mediterranean cruise...from Spain to Italy and Greece. From there go through France and over to London...New York city..then back to Los Angeles...then I'l need another week to rest up.

Oh what a fabulous vacation you will be having...yay.

Ciao honey.

Shrinky said...

OMG, I am sooooooooo jealous! This is the trip of a lifetime hon, and after my recent debacle, you truly are rubbing salt into the wounds, you horror you! Oh love, you are going to have SUCH a wonderful time, lucky, lucky you - remember to at least take millions of photo's so we can pretend we have been there with you.

cheshire wife said...

Hope that you enjoy it. But, hey don't wish your life away there is a year of living before January 2010 comes round.

Akelamalu said...

I'll look out for Florida when I'm sipping my cocktail on the balcony Daryl ;)

You're well travelled Spiky! We have been on a Med cruise which we really enjoyed but I've always wanted to travel West and now I have the chance. I hope you get to do a Med cruise you will love it. :)

I will be regaling you with tales and photos of the trip for weeks Shrinky! ;)

Akelamalu said...

I'm not wishing my life away Cheshire Wife we have lots coming up this year. In fact we are going away to Spain on the
16th Feb for a week so I'm really looking forward to that!

Sandi McBride said...

Lucky YOU! Wish I were going...
Have a grand time my friend!

Dr.John said...

I am not a itsy bit jealous . I'm a very, very, big bit jealous.
How wonderful for you.

Lulda Casadaga said...

What a wonderful thing to look forward to! I went on one cruise and it was great...but, make sure you have tip money...unless, it is already included. At the end of our cruise all these envelopes appeared...tip for this one, tip for that one...who are all these people?! :D

My favorite moment on the cruise was being on the deck at 2am and just gazing out at the sea and up at the stars. deserve it!

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled for you guys. I've been to a couple of those islands, adn they are gorgeous.

Cloudia said...

good for you!
Some of my happiest days have been cruising (hmmm, been a while)
I'm so glad for you. The carribean is lovely - so are you! aloha

Saz said...

fabtastic!!! how super will that be...I'm in the process of trying to book a nyc 5 night trip in May09..and a paris/Berlin trip for 5 night in oct 09...not sure if the prices will come in right, but fingers crossed.
its exciting in the anticipation..

Krimo said...

Sounds great! Please bring some sunshine back with you.

nitebyrd said...

How amazing is that! I hope you'll have the time of your life.
Yeah, I'm a wee bit jealous but still happy for you.

Akelamalu said...

I do feel very lucky Sandi :)

Thanks Dr. John x

Thankfully tips are included Lulda but no doubt we will tip anyway. When we did a Mediterranean cruise that was my favourite part too - standing on deck looking at the stars. :)

Having only seen all those islands on the television I'm so looking forward to setting foot on them Citizen!

I just wish a visit to Hawaii was included Cloudia then we could meet up! :)

I do hope you get a good deal on your flights FF&F and you're right the anticipation is really exciting!

I'm sure we'll have some sunshine here before I go on the cruise Krimo as it's not until 2010! ;)

I'm so looking forward to it nitebyrd I'm sure I won't be disappointed. :)

Gledwood said...

I'd luuurve to go on a cruise one day... do you know where? Among the South Sea islands... I'm sure you could hop aboard one from New Zealand...

... is that really your cabin? How can you tell? Did they give you a full reservation and boat plan alaredy?

... Hey did you hear about Saddam Hussein's 80m personal yacht going on sale for $35 million. I don't know why nobody bought it ~ I'd jump for something like that if I had the cash to spare. It has personal missile launcher, an operating theatre (stocked with drugs~?? sorry couldn't resist) and a secret tunnel (well it's not secret any more!!) leading to a SUBMARINE launch!!! How exciting is that??!!!!!??!!!

CG said...

How exciting!! I'm not really jealous though as I've never fancied going on a cruise for some reason...don't know why!!

I can't believe you're nearly 60!! It's not possible...!

So happy for you :)

Mimi Lenox said...

I'm a LOT jealous.

Wonderful! (Are you going to at least let me hide in the suitcase again?)

MarmiteToasty said...

WOW WOW WOW....... first off Ive at last been able to log on here and not get booted 3 times....

Oh my it looks fantastic...... of course I aint jealous, cos by then at that ripe old age you will both probably need a carer, so thats where I come in :) lol

Im so SO soooo very happy for you both..... what a great way to celebrate such milestones in your lives..


MarmiteToasty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Akelamalu said...

I know that's our cabin Gleds because when you book you can see a deck plan and book your cabin! :O

It's more than possibel that I'm almost 60 CG, it's a reality! :0 thanks for the compliment though m'dear. x

He he of course I'll sneak you aboard Mimi ;)

Marmie if I needed a carer honey you would be the first person I'd turn to. xx

Mojo said...

Sixty?? Really?? You look so young in that grass skirt, I'd never have guessed!

Congratulations in advance

Travis Cody said...

Congratulations! I can tell from your stories of your travels that your retirement is going to be quite the adventure.

Shadow said...

itsy bit jealous????? make that major big jealous, heee heee heee. that is seriously wow. one day.....

Akelamalu said...

LOL I do look young from the back Mojo it's just when you see my face that you might tell my age!

Oh yes Trav we LOVE travelling! :)

:) we've had to wait a long time for it Shadow but boy, are we going to enjoy it!

the rotten correspondent said...

Good for you!! Of course we're jealous. Green, actually. But what an amazing thing for you to look forward to.

You go, girl!

Roan said...

I've turned a putrid shade of green, and yet I'm thrilled for you. What a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday and retirement.

TBM said...

Yes! Green with envy!! What a wonderful gift for you and your sweetie. And even better, you have a whole year to look forward to it!

storyteller said...

How WONDERFUL!!! The placement of the cabin is spectacular and TWO weeks is magnificent. It's a great way to celebrate all those special events ... but you sure do plan ahead ;--)
Hugs and blessings,