Wednesday 15 October 2008
Mad, I’m bloody furious……
As you know my 37 year old son was a victim of knife crime in July this year, thankfully he got off lightly, I suppose, with a broken foot and an injured knee. However, it meant that he couldn't work for 10 weeks, was made redundant because he couldn't work and waited 10 weeks to be told he was not entitled to incapacity benefit because he was missing some contributions for the period 2005 - 2007. This would be when he was attempting to start his own business, working all the hours God sent, trying to make a better life for his family, he paid his taxes but unfortunately overlooked paying some of his National Insurance stamps. When my son asked "....if I had just arrived in the country would I be told I wasn't eligible for benefits because I hadn't paid anything in?" the person he was speaking to told him "I'm not having this conversation with you" and promptly hung up! He then received a Giro for £500 to cover the ten weeks he was unable to work - £50 a week to keep himself, his wife and three young children!
OK, you may be thinking well what’s wrong with that? I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it, last week it was all over the media that Toorpakai Saiedi, an immigrant woman, and her seven children, none of whom have ever worked a day in time they have spent in Britain, have been housed by the local council in a 7 bedroom mansion, for which the council is paying £12,000 per month in rent. They receive in total £167,000 per year in benefits, they have all modern conveniences, a huge plasma TV, sound system, X box and then complained that the house is costing too much to heat out of their benefits.
My son has worked for 20 years paying into the system and has never claimed anything back. The one time he needs help, through no fault of his own, this country has not only turned its back on him, it has added insult to injury! Thankfully he had the good sense to take out a mortgage protection policy, which has paid his mortgage for him, otherwise he might have lost his home. I suspect had this happened our local council would NOT have offered to put him in a mansion and paid the £12,000 a month rent like Ealing Council have done for the Saiedi family.
I have written to my MP and to James Purnell, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, regarding this matter and asked them to explain to my son why, after paying into the system for 20 years he received a pittance to keep his family, when an immigrant who has never paid in a penny is receiving £167,000 per year.
I’ll keep you posted but I do not hold out much hope for an acceptable explanation on the unfairness of our benefits system. It's no wonder the people of Britain want to put a stop to people entering this country and milking the system for all its worth!
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oh i completely understand your feelings and agree. it's the same here. sorry government...
hugs, bee
It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. This is grossly unjust for your son and for others like him who've worked hard all their lives only to be treated like this. I have no problem with a council putting families into mansions and paying them oodles of money - as long as it's the same for everyone.
You know my views on this..... It makes the thoughts of leaving this godforsaken country and living somewhere hot and sunny......
Oh no, I'm so sorry for your son and his family- what a nightmare! Really I have no idea what's going on in the UK in recent times - things seem to be going completely mad! I totally understand why you're so upset, and I do hope that you hear something positive back from the MP. Big hug x D
This isv terrible. I hate injustice!!
The situation is inexcusable!
It reminds me of something written years ago by an infamous American poet:
Should I complain to my Congressman?
A Congressman has two ends: a thinking end and a sitting end.
And since his job depends upon his Seat,
Why bother?
I for one will be very interested in any reply you get to that question!
I'm very sorry to hear what happened to your son. It certainly does seem all wrong, doesn't it? I'm all for helping people less fortunate than ourselves, especially refugees, but many of the immigrants now entering Britain are not refugees, and many of them can't speak a word of English which makes them almost unemployable.
Why should they get handouts when people like your son get no help?
Now I'm mad on your behalf, and your son's! What an incredible example of injustice! I hope that your communications do some good. Maybe the right people just haven't heard about your son's plight yet.
Moreover, I will say a special prayer today for your son and his family. What a difficult road they've been down.
Peace - D
Hi, All i can say is I totally agree with you. We have been in this situation ourselves and found exactly the same thing.I personally think that we should get our own house in order before treating imigrants like this.My motto is simple
Hi ~ I am so concerned about our world in general - on many levels. I often wonder how government officials and politicians sleep at night or look in the mirror in the morning. Here in the US I get so frustrated. It seems once someone gets elected they totally forget about who elected them - the power goes to their head and they abuse it ~ repeatedly.
Sorry Government indeed Bee!
That's the point isn't it Dumdad, they don't treat everyone the same and unfortunately it seems weighted on the side of those who haven't contributed anything. :(
Nick is thinking on the same lines Queenie. God knows I don't want my family scattered throughout the world but I'm sure they'd have a better life somewhere else now. :(
I'm not holding out much hope for a positive response to my letters Daisy but I refuse to sit back and say nothing. I will be sending all my correspondence regarding what has happened to Nick to the media once the court case is finally over. The more people that know about the clowns that are governing this country the better.
Me too CG.
The poet's words ring so true Nick, unfortunately!
My point exactly Jay, thanks for your support. x
I am hoping that by bringing the matter to the attention of the people in charge something will be done Riverpoet. Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers honey. x
Our present government doesn't seem to believe in 'Charity begins at home' at all does it Bikerbob? I'm sorry to hear you have been in the same situation, I hope it is resolved now?
You have totally hit the nail on the head there Deb. Once they're elected it's a case of 'I'm alright Jack'!
No surprises there, its the same here with anything government run ... they hope those who apply will have missed/skipped something so they can deny benefits ... private insurers are the same way ...
It really reeks!
Are you sure you don't live in the USA? Illegals here sometimes get treatment better than citizens who have lived here generations, but have fallen on hard times. I retired Friday, and Monday got a call from my doctor saying they had been advised I was no longer insured! Got paperwork Tuesday to extend coverage out of my pocket(COBRA) sent check immediately, and won't have confirmed coverage resumed until Friday! This is after I told everyone concerned up front that this was my intent!
Guess the US isn't the only country that is insane. I hope you get a response and that the absurd decision to give him so little can get turned around.
Your Motown selection is a joy! I'm from Michigan, and still am in awe about this time when music made a difference. Phil Spector is up on a charge for murder...kick-butt music, with his "Wall of Sound.."I will try to play his Christmas music around the Holidays- it really is an amazing mix..P.S.- I think he is guilty of the crime!
I'm so sorry! Sending postive thoughts to you and your son. I wish it wasn't...but it's exactly the same over here across the pond.
Sad state, indeed!
I totally agree with you.
Isn't is maddening Daryl?
It make you want to SPIT Buff!
Why can't the government get it right Raven? After all it's only common sense isn't it?
So glad you like the music Buff I adore Motown it brings back such good memories of my youth! It has been on the news here about Phil Spector.
Politicians and Governments are arseholes aren't they RLL. Thanks for the positive thoughts honey. x
Thanks Cheshire Wife x
That is horrible!! How could she just hang up on him like that? And the mansion story...incredible.
I don't blame you for being mad. I'd be spittin' nails..(it's a Southern expression)
OMG, Akelamalu...I'm FURIOUS with you!!!!
Like so many of your US readers have already's the SAME here!!
It always seems that those who are "new arrivals" know EXACTLY what to DO to get what they want (and GET IT), and those of us who were BORN here, get the short end of the stick.
Keep at it, dear lady...and hopefullly your son will get MORE compensation that what has already been given.
Sending "good energy" to you.
I can only offer the sympathy that others have. Yes, it's the same here. Actually, here, the criminals probably would be treated better than the victim. Sending you and your family good thoughts from an equally angry mother!
Countries like the UK, Canada and the US have policies in place to help new immigrants get a grounding in a new country and make a fresh start. Ok that is all well and you said what about the folks who were born and raised in the country paid their taxes...have contributed to society...and when they and especially in your sons case get injured through no fault of their own there is no help for them....I really think the minister for immigrations in UK has a lot of explaining to do with regards to that family....seems very very strange to me....
I am so sorry for your sons misfortune....
I am spitting nails Mimi and they're aimed straight at the Government!
That's it in a nutshell Ron, the scoungers know exactly how to get everything they want whilst those that have always worked are too honest!
Thanks Nitebyrd, it would certainly seem here that justice is on the side of the criminal!
I can't seem to get a straight answer from any politician RN but I will carry on harrassing them until I do and I fully intend to send all correspondence to the media once the case has been to court.
It's terribly unfair. I'm sorry to hear he's going thru this. Unfortunately, as you've heard from others, alot of the same happens here.
I'm holding some hope that after this election things will start to change and we can all work towards some common goals again, but I really wonder if that's just being way too naive.
Best wishes for your son and his family.
I would be spitting bullets, too! This is just so wrong and sounds just like something the idiot politicians in this country would allow.
Continue with the harassment until you get a proper answer!!
It would seem that Governments the world over never get it right Crystalchick. Thanks for your kind wishes. x
Idiot politicians - you got it right Linda. I won't let this drop - I'm a terrier when riled!
I would be very intested to know if you ever get a reply and if you do what their response will be.
I'll ask my ten year old if it's fair and get back to you... she's shown more wisdom and common sense than elected officials and the masses in my country.
This is the kind of story the media should be aware of.
167,000 pounds per year? That's certainly a tad excessive...
I agree it's definitly insult to injury for your son. Absolutely continue to harass the officials - it's true that they generally make it hard to claim benefits so that many will give up in disgust or to retain their sanity.
I agree with you, I have no qualms whatsoever with someone claiming asylum but immigrants should be able to prove that they can work to keep themselves and have somewhere to live just as I would have to if I decided to emigrate to Australia. I have no idea if the family you are referring to are asylum seekers rather than just immigrants, but I did hear that the person at the council who put them in that accommodation has been dismissed from their job. Keep up the harrassment, maybe the government will start listening. We should all be treated equally especially those that have paid into the system.
That would make me absolutely furious too! We see the same things here- I watch some of these welfares get $7000 tax refund checks (never worked a day or paid in)and go blow them at WalMart on luxury items while the rest of us work our butts off to support them. I think the DSS should confiscate the refund checks and dole it out to them as they NEED it to help pay for some of their support.
This certainly seems unfair to me as well … and reminds me how ‘skewed’ priorities get when ‘governments’ are concerned. I understand your anger.
Hugs and blessings,
I'll keep you all posted suburbia
Your chicklet is wise beyond her years Anndi and I'm sure she will see the injustice in this.
I am nothing if not persistent Jula, so they certainly haven't heard the last of me! :)
I too read that the person responsible had been dismissed Carol, but they were on a temporary contract anyway and said they were just following the rules that had been set down! It's the Government who are to blame but there's always a scapegoat isn't there?
I so agree with you Cindy!
'skewd' and corrupt I think Storyteller!
Its disgusting......... I to got nuffin or as much as when I had me knee op, cos I had missed a few payments back when my X first left..... that is why I was forced to go back to work when I did and hence I'll probably end up a cripple for the rest of me life....
It suck...... and its not fair...... hugs to your son and family.....
Tiz so not fair....
it is awful and I feel for your son and his family, what a terrible time they must be having right now. I hope they manage to get through it soon x
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