
Friday 10 October 2008

Friday 55 Flash Fiction #47 Images


"Annie loves blogging" her husband told his mate at the photography club.

She spends hours writing posts and searching for images on the internet.

Her latest piece was about donkey sanctuaries.

Whilst looking for pictures of donkeys, imagine her surprise when her photo popped up.......

showing her bare ass!

"She's still not speaking to me."

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Elaine Denning said...

I'm not surprised she's not speaking to him!

Pam said...

omgosh! lmao you crack me up, ake. man, i don't know if not speaking to the arse would be the only thing i would do. i might smack him upside the head, too LOL i'm up.

CG said...

LOL!!!I thought this story might be about me!!!

G-Man said...

Does she own a Cat??

Great 55 Ake, thanks for always playing with so much whimsy...

Have a Great Week-End...G

buffalodick said...

G-man had his mind in the gutter... he beat me to what I was going to say! Good one!

Dumdad said...

Ho, ho!

Unknown said...

Oh, that's hilarious!!!!

Peace - D

snowelf said...

Hahahahaaa!!! I love it!!!

Happy Friday darling!!


RiverPoet said...

Akela - the comment from Sean was actually from me. He used my computer last night, and apparently it kept his cookie. Fixed now!


Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee, very cheeky.

Akelamalu said...

I know Laney, I'd have smashed his camera!

Definitely worth a smack, or two Ciara!

LOL why would you think that CG, have you been taking naughty shots? ;)

G-man & Buff - you naughty boys!

It obviously tickled you Dumdad :)

Glad you enjoyed it Riverpoet/Sean I thought I had a new reader!(wink)

Happy Friday to you too Snowelf so pleased you enjoyed it.

It was a bit Jo :)

Ron said...

Holy Cow ( or rather, DONKEY)....this was GREAT!!!!!

Thanks for the afternoon LAUGH, dear lady!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Daryl said...



Real Live Lesbian said...

LMAO! You are so funny! I love your 55s! Another great one!

storyteller said...

Oh gosh … your mind is TRULY a wondrous thing that goes places mine would NEVER venture. LOL
Hugs and blessings,

Mona said...

BWAHAHAHA!!!! That is fantastically hilarious!!! :D :D

Thanks for the laughs!!!

Great 55ve!

maryt/theteach said...

Thanks for the laugh, Akalamalu! I would sign the petition if I could but it says I have to be a British citizen which sounds kinda good right about now...:)

Catch said...

this is a very amusing story.....brought a smile to my face.

Akelamalu said...

I thought you'd like it Ron. :)

Thanks Daryl x

I'm happy to bring a smile to your face RLL :)

I sometimes wonder where my mind is going Storyteller! :0

So pleased you enjoyed it Mona. :)

It's enough to know you'd sign the petition if you could Teach, thanks for your support. x

Anything that brings a smile to your face Catch was worth the effort. xx

Anndi said...

She let him live?

Mimi Lenox said...

I agree with Ciara and

Carletta said...

That was good!

Mojo said...
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Akelamalu said...

Anndi & Mimi she's not finished with him yet! ;)

Oh my indeed Trav!

Thanks Carletta x

MarmiteToasty said...

Gives a new meaning to the saying 'you have a face like a donkeys smacked arse'

Your 55s are so clever lol


Akelamalu said...

LOL doesn't it just Marmie! :)

Anonymous said...

Grounds for divorce, for sure!

Akelamalu said...

Definitely Citizen! :)