What is a Schmoozer?
. . ."As it goes, schmoozing is the natural ability “to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.” Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogsphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship".
After reading that what can I say but I'm honoured Shaz and Mark and I thank you kindly.
I have to pay it forward (this is the bit I like best) so I hope the following will please accept the award and pass it on.
Bella at (the mad) Household of La Bellina Mammina is a lovely blogger who fits the description of a Schmoozer to a 'T'.
Annelisa (Words that Flow) is taking a break at the moment after the loss of her dear friend but when she is blogging she is the kindest, most supportive blogger.
Now I know Miss Bee (Muffin53) has already been awarded a Schmoozer but she's such a lovely supportive blogger that I think she deserves another one.
Ruth at Me, My Life, My Garden and There are a million stories in the naked city, is such a lovely lady who always has a kind, funny, witty word to say. It's like sitting in your kitchen over a cup of coffee talking to her.
On the subject of BOYS TOYS
Can any of you boys tell me why - because MWM wanted the new XBox 360 Digital we have had to have a new Sky+ HD Tuner and replace our two year old Philips 26"Flat Screen Television for a new Philips 32" HD Ready Flat Screen Television?
I don't see the logic!!!??????
Oh Akela - you always know how to lift my spirit up - THANK YOU!! And congrats to you too!!
I would like to get the Wii by Nintendo for MR's 11th birthday next month, it's so bl**dy expensive!! I better check that we won't need to buy new tv to replace the old one they've got in their room!!
I just want the new HD TV, even if I'm not getting any XBox, Akela....lol!
Congratulations on yet another award! And as for logic - what's that where men are concerned?!
You're welcomeBella. I don't think we needed the new Sky thingie or the new telly it was just a ruse by MWM! The new telly is very nice though! ;)
flowerpot you're right of course and men say we're illogical!
Of course there's logic to it...it's new and you have to have one!!
Besides, my old one (your old, old one) was just not cutting it so your MWM (who I suppose is MWD) needed to help me out by replacing it with a new one (your old one).
Does that make sense?
I am not mad...
So, you might be tempted then....ah ha! :-)
Dan you've utterly confused me now into thinking we really need them!
Bellatempted? We've got them whether I want them or not!
Congrats on the award!
I think...lol...that having an HD XBox is pretty pointless if you haven't got a HD TV to play it on. It's a bit like spending a couple of grand on a kareoke machine and pairing it up with a mic from the pound shop.
God that was a c**p explanation!
I do know the offside rule as well, ya know!
Me no understand technical stuff missu so I'll take yours, my Dan's and MWM's word for it! ;)
What's the offside rule then? :)
Schmoozing is a gift! I've been in sales for over 30yrs and schmoozing has made it alot easier job!
buffalodickdy you Schmoozer you! ((wink))
congratulations on the award, you certainly deserve it and thank you for thinking i do too! ha ha
as for the guys and their toys, i suppose it's like us and shoes or me and cake!
have a wonderful day honey...
smiles, bee
You're welcome Bee.
I suppose if we have shoes and cake the boys should have their electrical thingies eh?
Hi sweetie
I'm just taking a break from my break to say thank you so much! You're a real sweetheart, and you deserve this award several times over!!
I'll keep this one in my pocket for a bit, but when I get back to the blogosphere I'll definately be 'paying it forward'! :-)
Have a great weekend
congrats on your schmoozing award...hmmm too bad we can't give those away in real life cuz i know a few ppl i'd give it to cept it wouldn't be called schmoozing award lol
and when it comes to boy toys...it's always the bigger the better lol what's funny is my husband is very intimidated by technology..i'm the one who loves it! lmao
It's so good to see Annelisa! You take your time honey, we'll all be here when you're ready! x
Congratulations, Akelamalu! You do glide around the blogosphere so elegantly.
Why thank you Julia what a lovely thing to say. :)
Thanks ciara, I know a few real life schmoozers too that I'd like to honour.
I love technology, I just don't understand most of it! ;!
There's me saying no tags please and then you present me with this. Really chuffed to bits but unlike you I hate having to try to choose people to tag...everyone's just soooo nice and schmoozzie and I just can'rt bear to leave anyone out! :o( Will do my best but it may take a couple of days; have cheated a bit and drafted my weekend posts as I've visitors coming!
Ruth honey you don't need to pay it forward if you don't want to, just accept the award and the compliment! xx
PS I'll let you into a secret - I have drafted about 2 weeks worth of posts!
Oh gosh! I thought you must have been schmoozed a LOT by the time it got around to me passing them out!
I'm sure the purchases made perfect sense to him. :)
OK Akela, it doesn't have to be logical, it just has to distract them from what we're up to Shhh!
Congrats on the schmoozer!
Your a true schmoozer in our eyes. As for the TV thingy majig I think you hit the nail on the head when you asked about "boys toys" as I think it's just that! You've been techno'd! Happens here all the time!!!
Thanks skittles. I think you're right about the purchases!
Good thinking Pauline and thanks. :)
Cheers Shaz and it's nice to know it's not only me being technoed! :)
Hello! we now have Sky HD to go with the hd ready lcd my dad is in love with it!
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