
Sunday 1 July 2007

First Line Supervisor's Course...........

1. Read everything before you do anything.

2. Put your name in the upper right hand corner of the paper.

3. Circle the word 'Name' in the second sentence.

4. Draw five small quares in the upper left hand corner of the paper.

5. Put and X in each square mentioned in No.4.

6. Put a circle around each square.

7. Sign your name under the heading.

8. After the title put two crosses.

9. Put a circle around numbers 7 and 8.

10. Put an X in the bottom left hand corner of this page.

11. Draw a triangle around the X you have just made.

12. On the back of this page multiply 60 x 70.

13. Draw a circle aroudn the word paper in sentence 4.

14. Loudly shout your first name when you get to this point of the test.

14. If you think you have followed the directions carefully, call out... "I have carefully followed the directions".

16. On the reverse side of this paper add 107 and 278.

17. Count out in your normal speaking voice from 1 to 10 backwards.

18. Punch small holes in your paper here 0 here 0 and here 0.

19. If you are the first person to get this far, call out loudly ... "I am the leader in following directions".

20. Now that you have finished reading carefully, do only sentences 1 and 2.


RUTH said...

ha ha ha ha...brilliant!! Bet a few would get caught out here. A bit like not reading flat pack instructions properly. Enjoy your Sunday.

Akelamalu said...

Aren't flatpack instructions written in chinese??

You have a good Sunday too Ruth. x

buffalodick said...

Teachers have been nailing students for years with that one! Human nature is something I never tire of observing...

Akelamalu said...

They certainly have - Read all the questions first - I remember those instructions well. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

so okay i flunked!

smiles, bee

Dumdad said...

Ho, ho!

Re Question 13 (unlucky for some): Write out a hundred times "around," not "aroudn" as written.

Hootin Anni said...

I love this so much!! That's awesome. Thank gawd I read the whole list first. LOL

[just checking the Over 50 blogroll member list today to make sure everything is still current. Happy Sunday]

Crazy Working Mom said...

I had a teacher pull this truck one time. She said follow the directions completely before taking the test. The directions were to put your name in the top right corner and turn it back in.
Most of us failed! *LOL*

Akelamalu said...

Psst Bee, so did I! :(

Akelamalu said...

Well spotted dumdad you passed the test! ;)

Akelamalu said...

Thanks hootin'anni, glad you enjoyed it. :)

buffalodick said...

Akelamalu-Please allow me to apologize for my sons' rude comments when you visited his blog. He is extremely opinionated and works in an industry where impolite behavior is apparently common. He was not brought up that way, and I have already written him a response I bet he won't have the guts to post. So sorry.

Akelamalu said...

Crazy working mom
Those darn teachers eh! :)

Akelamalu said...

I'm not sure who your son is honey? I haven't noticed a rude response anywhere I frequent, but thankyou for taking the time and trouble to apologise - you are a true gentleman. :)

buffalodick said...

Ake- Space cadet R( If he didn't live 600 miles away, I'd kick his ass right now!

Akelamalu said...

Ah I remember now. I just popped over to take a look and resisted the urge to shove a rocket up his A$$. I'll leave that to you - thanks honey. :)

josie2shoes said...

I have been in trainings where this was handed out, Ake.. the results are hilareous, especially when it gets to the "shouting out" part! LOL

Unknown said...

You have won an award. Please drop by to collect same.

Akelamalu said...

Josie really?? People really do shout out??? ROFL

Akelamalu said...

I'll be right along Pauline thank you very much! :)

Odat said...

hahahaha....ya didn't catch me...
Thanks for the visit...can't wait to see how the Experiment goes...
you've got your work cut out for you...Good Luck!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Wouldn't you love to be in a room of people doing some of these things before they realize they only needed to do 1 and 2?

Latharia said...

I remember doing this vividly in 7th grade!!!

la bellina mammina said...

i can count on you to make me laugh.... bet others have tried this...I didn't - honest!!

CS said...

I did this test in about 5th grade. I remember imeediately scanning to the end because it struck me as suspicious, so I was finished in seconds. I also remember the poor schmuck who announced his name.

Akelamalu said...

Odat I've already done my bit on the Experiment, thank goodness! Thanks for dropping by. :)

Akelamalu said...

I would Julia, I truly would. :)

Akelamalu said...

latharia You didn't shout your name out did you???:)

Akelamalu said...

Good to see you laughing Bella. x

Akelamalu said...

Ah cs, can't catch you eh? Oh that poor schmuck! :)

Mike Minzes said...

Managers!!!! They are a bunch if windbags. Engineers are too!!

I'm sad to say I am both :(

Akelamalu said...

LOL you are funny Mike :)

Pearls of Wisdom said...

How funny I am married to an Engineer ing Manager ... You and Mike make me laugh !


Angel ():)

Akelamalu said...

Angel if you haven't already check out Mike's blog - he's a scream! :)