Our party consisted of four adults, Mum, Dad, Uncle Norbert and Aunty Delia, and three children, me, baby brother and Norbert my friend. Uncle Norbert and Aunty Delia weren't related to us, they lived across the street and were Mum and Dad's best friends. When I was little you couldn't call adults by their Christian names, you either had to call them Mr/Mrs whatever or if they were friends of the family they became honorary aunts and uncles.
I can remember the excitement I felt when Mum and Dad told me we would be going on a big boat to an island across the sea (the Irish Sea), I thought we were going to Timbuktu, somewhere I'd heard mention of in a story at school. I think the holiday had been booked a year in advance because the parents had to work hard and save up, so by the time we were ready to go I'd forgotton we were going! Anyway, needless to say once the packing got underway so did my excitement again.
Click on photos
Photos copyright 2007

I can't remember anything about the journey to the boat but I can remember being on the boat. I thought it was a cruise liner but it was just the ferry belonging to the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company.

Here we are on the boat posing for Dad again. I think he must have been the only one who could use the camera.

Here's me taking baby for a stroll round the deck. I think there must have been a bit of a swell as the picture looks like we are listing to port.

I loved my baby brother and got to play with him a lot. I think I was practicing my 'pout' as well as my see-saw skills here. There was lots to see and do on the camp and I remember going to see the Laxey Wheel but I can't find a photograph of it in our albums, but here's some information about it and if you click on the link you can see some professional photos of it.
The Laxey Wheel, known as "Lady Isabella" was built in 1854 to pump water from the mines.It uses water from the mountain streams to drive the water wheel which is connected to the pumps.The wheel is 72½ feet in diameter by 6 feet wide and was capable of pumping upto 250 gallons per hourfrom a depth of 1200 feet. The wheel still operates but does not pump water. Why the name Lady Isabella? that was the name of the wife of the Lieutenant Governor who opened the wheel in 1854.

There was a fantastic kids club at the camp, Norbert and I had a whale of a time, baby brother had to stay with Mum and Dad 'cos he was too young. Even if they'd had a creche baby brother wouldn't have gone in it because he screamed blue murder if Mum wasn't in spitting distance!
Here's a picture of Norbert and me with the kids club. You'll recognise me by now, I'm the one posing (again) with the beach ball.

As was the norm when we were kids, (in the year dot), the summers were always red hot, not like now! I don't think sun lotion had been invented then because I remember my back was horrendously burned, which resulted in my older cousin taking great delight in peeling the skin off it when I got home! Oh Happy Days!
What beautfiul memories and the photos are fantastic - I love them!! And you're such a gorgeous model ;-)
Oh you're too kind Bella x
I still remember my visit to the Isle of Man...I was so excited and I was about 21 LOL. Lovely memories!!
I was about 14 last time I went to the Isle of Man and MWM has never been, so I think a return visit is in order cg. :)
I love your pics and recollections...ahhh happy days eh?
Thanks for the comment on my post, I didn't really mean to rattle on like that :) Love ya loads
yes you were, and still are!
helen You're welcome honey, I love you too! x
Bella Now you ARE being TOO kind, but I know how to take a compliment so thank you very much honey. x
Lovely trip back in time. I've always wanted to go to the Isle of Man, the land of the cats with no tails. My granny used to take me to the Isle of Wight when I was young though (which has no relevance at all to your post!).
I've never been to the Isle of Man but what a great account - and wonderful pics!
Fabulous memories & photographs, you were such a pretty little girl. I love the picture of you with your brother x x x x
I love the pictures, and how lucky you are to be able to illustrate your memories so well.
Beautiful photos... and how precious!
great - lovely pics and memories.
And not only one but TWO Norberts! Norbert is such a great name.
I remember hot summers!
I don't know of any Norberts!
Wonderful pictures...thanks for sharing them.
I think we remember hotter summers when younger for 2 reasons; They were always throwing us outside to play, and darn few places back then were air- conditioned...
I've always wanted to go to the Isle of Wight Dumdad but never been!
It was a long time ago, flowerpot, it may well have changed a lot!
Aw thanks Shaz x
I had to raid Dad's photo box to do it Pauline. :)
Thanks jyankee glad you enjoyed the post.
Norbert is an old name, Lettuce, and they were the only two I ever knew.
This summer won't be one of them will it Sally? :(
Glad you enjoyed them Miss U, I've never met any more Norberts either!
That is so true buffalodickdy! :)
why you cute little blonde you!!
smiles, bee
Great post!!
I gave you another award!! Come pick it up at Mike's Homefront.
No blonde jokes Bee! ((wink))
Oh my another award? I'll be right over Mike
What cool childhood memories and classic photos, Ake! This was such a fun read! :-)
Great photos and memories. As my Dad was in the army we lived abroad most of the time during my childhood and our holidays were coming back to England to see my nan and grandad. I've never been to the Isle of Mann....maybe one day. It's somewhere I've always hankered to go to. I do remember all adults had to be Mr & Mrs; far more respect in those days I think (does that statement make me seem old!). I do know it was true that holidays were ALWAYS sunny and we used to use cooking oil mixed with vinegar as sun tan lotion!
Thanks Josie I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)
Yes they were very strict in the Isle of Man, they didn't abolish birching until the late 1970's!
See http://www.corpun.com/manx.htm
Not sure I even got cooking oil and vinegar on my back - it was a mess! :(
Sorry that last comment was for Ruth.
That's so nice that you have pictures of this vacation! It looks like you all had a wonderful time and it must have been as otherwise you wouldn't have wanted to remember it!
I know what you mean about burning and peeling as a child; I always burned and blistered! No doubt I'll end up with skin cancer someday with my luck ... ugh!
Thank-you for visiting my blog, do you mind that I visit your blog?
I like your story about "the old days" very much ( you are a good writer), also the old photograps.
Greetings for JoAnn
Oh, what a delightful collection of memories to go along with your photographs!!!!
I love the picture where your mom had trouble keeping everyone in the frame! Great pictures. They're not stilted, they're very natural.
Another award!?! Oh my stars and garters!
to enjoy a ferry ride is to imgaine yourself on a line cruiser.we just have to act sometimes to make ourselves feel better.
i didn't know peeling burnt skin can be a hobby too! :)
That's so cool! What a journey back to your childhood. :)
Yes it was special Linda :)
I'm happy you enjoyed your visit Joann. Please call again whenever you like. :)
Thank you Latharia :)
Mum always managed to cut someone's head off a photograph Julia.
Elween, burnt skin is a thing of the past! :(
i loved this post. the pictures are priceless. i can't get over how dressed up your mom was when waiting for the ferry. we are so casual now. my favorite was the pic. where baby's head was cut off.
Thanks Annie. Mum never did things by half! She was a great photographer too (NOT)!
(((ake))) oh my oh my, what wonderful photos and such precious memories, you are surely blessed.... with both.......xxxxx
WHat a nice nostalgic trip - enojoyed the vicarious memories.
What a lovely memory to have! I love the pictures, too.
I think it is so interesting (and even my boys notice this) how people used to dress nicely even on vacation. My youngest son, who is 14, often says that the ladies of the victorian times and even in the 40s and 50s LOOKED like ladies. I wish we could go back to a time of dressing a little nicer - showing a little bit less of the body off to the rest of the world! =)
Anyway, great photos and I enjoyed the story behind them!
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