Well, of course I graciously accept the award mainly because I love getting awards of any sort, and it gives me the chance to pass it on to another five bloggers!
Who to pass it on to is the most difficult of decisions! There are so many great blogs on my blogroll I'd like to give you all the award, but I can't, I can only choose another five, so please don't fall out with me if I don't choose you - I love you all!
Catch at A Penny For Your Thoughts is a Mother, Grandmother and also has her own Mother living with her. In her own words her house is like "Grand Central Station with my kids and grandkids in and out...plus a wide array of friends and relatives who drop in to..and I love it!" There's always something going on at Catch's place, you can be laughing one minute and crying the next but she certainly makes you think.
Judd Corizan at The Rising Blogger is busy giving out Rising Blogger Awards to others (I have one!) but I don't think he realises what a fabulous blog he is hosting! He searches through tons of blogs to find individual posts to award. His reports on the posts are fantastic and reading his blog gives you the opportunity to read blogs you may never know existed, and thereby making you think.
Gewels at Imagined Life has captured my attention with lots of her posts but two in particular really got my attention. Her post on Thursday this week entitled 'Lift Up Thy Head' is about the American Bald Eagle being removed from the endangered species list and how she saw one in her very own yard last summer. The second post which brought tears to my eyes was her post on Father's Day, paying tribute to her her husband, her father and FIL and her male friends - such a beautiful post.
Paul Champagne at The Blogway Boys writes mostly about politics, which usually goes right over my head because, not living in America, I have no idea who he's talking about, unless he mentions the President - I know him! (Who is he?). I do pop by every day though to read his posts, because they are so well written and sometimes he does little quizzes. Paul's posts always make me think, and occasionally I do comment if I know who he's talking about.
La Bellina Mammina at (the mad) Household of Indemini-Capri is a working mother of three gorgeous boys, who still finds time to blog about her life and what's going on in her part of the world. She has just done a frank online interview about herself which will tell you virtually all you need to know.
Gledwood Vol2, a blog I have only recently discovered. Gleds talks frankly about his drug addiction, but thankfully is in the process of trying to sort out rehab for himself. If you ever considered 'doing drugs' please read Gledwood's blog - I promise you it will scare the living shit out of you, and I make no apologies for my language! You may well be surprised at the obvious intellect of the person writing, for a drug addict, which makes what you will read all the more incredulous. How does an intelligent, articulate, and in his own words, 'straight' guy turn into a 'junkie' - read and find out - it will certainly make you think.
I hope you'll pop across to read them, if you don't already, they truly are Thinking Bloggers.
To the Nominees.....
Should you choose to participate, please make sure to pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.
If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to five blogs that make you think.
Link to the original post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme
Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
Moi? Are you sure? Thank you then..
Bella Sure I'm sure honey!
Congratulations...yet again! Me thinks they like you out here!
Thanks miss u, I guess so, I'm chuffed! :)
Thanks for calling in...
Have a great week.
I shall enjoy getting to know these blogges! Thank you Akelamalu!
You do too miss lionheart :)
I hope you do Sally. :)
Gosh the blogosphere is drowning in awards these days, isn't it? Reminds me of the Woody Allen line from "Annie Hall". Someone said that the Grammy's were on TV tonight. Woody responded "They give out awards for that music? I thought only earplugs."
LOL! I've been seeing you around lately. I like your style. You're very enthusiastic and friendly. Hugs to you for that!
Why thank you Dan and thanks for stopping by.
I like the Woody Allen quote! LOL
You are always so sweet!!
Congratulations..a well deserved award. I blogknow Gleds well and shall make a point of dropping by the other blogs you've nominated.
Aw thanks Mike you are too! :)
Thanks Ruth, I've seen you on Gleds blog, hope you enjoy the others.
Well done you! I'm going to check out all your recommended blogs. I'm sure I'll enjoy them.
the rotten correspondent thank you m'dear, I hope you enjoy the other blogs.
some i don't know but gledwood is a great writer. the best to him!
smiles, bee
I agree Bee Gledwood is a great writer. Check out the others I think you'll like them.
Oh, how wonderfully gratifying to be selected! What a treat for you!
Your virtual mantelpiece must be overflowing with well-deserved awards; your blogposts are always very readable and sometimes even get this Dumdad thinking (Heaven forbid!)
Good choice on The Blogway Boys!
I'm chuffed to little mint balls Latharia!
dumdad thankyou, kind sir. I'm glad you enjoy. :)
I think so too Jenny.
Stop thinking at once and stop writing! i have limited time on the internet and everybody is writing far too much! Great choices will be sure to check the ones i dont know when i can.
Oh Claire honey you've taken your sister's computer hostage again!
Hey - these look like great blogs. I look forward to checking them out, as checking out Mike M turned out to be a great idea. Loved your section in The Experiment, by the way.
Congrats!!!!! and thanks for the links..I'm going to check some of them out!
Congrats to you! :)
Congratulations on another well-deserved award! Great list, especially Judd Corizan and The Rising Blogger. He really does have a great blog and I'm sure he puts a great deal of thought into his choices!
Congrats my sweet blogging friend. They love you in the blogsphere and so do I .
Smiles , light and blessings,
Angel ():)
Congratulations on your award and thank you for picking me!!! I am very honored....I shall get to it as soon as the holiday is over and things have settled down...we just got Moms cast off today!!! Everything looks good so hopefully it wont give her any more trouble...thank you Akelamalu!!! You make me smile!
congrats, again! you deserved it. hope that will keep you going writing more great posts! :)
Ah yes Mike was a good choice (even if I say so myself!) Julia. You did a great job too on the Experiment. :)
Hope you enjoy them Odat.
Thank you crazy working mom :)
Thanks Linda, Judd's site is great isn't it?!
Angel you're an 'angel'! x
You're welcome Catch. Great news about your Mom. :)
Elween you are so kind, thankyou. :)
Congrats to you & thanks for introducing me to some more bloggers x x
Thanks Shaz I hope you like them as much as I do. :)
Many congrats; very well deserved!! I love your blog :)
What a lovely thing to say cg, thank you m'deario. :)
Awww!! I am SO honored. That is very sweeet of you and I shall display it proudly.
I really must do more interesting posts, though. You seem to come up with all kinds of things to write about on a daily basis- my brain must be fried as I can't think of anything interesting these days.
You deserve it gewels. x
Thank you ma'am, I shall try to live up to the award.
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