My father often talks of listening to his father sing. Dad was only three years old when Grandfather died, but he says he remembers being cuddled close to his father and feeling the deep, rich sound of his voice vibrating right through his little body. Dad inherited the voice, though he won't admit it, because I remember the exact same experience when he sang to me whilst I was sitting on his knee.
We had a piano when I was young and I remember Dad and I playing duets, by ear because niether of us could read music, and picking out tunes until it drove my mother mad. I was always chosen for the choir at school, so I guess I must have inherited the singing gene too but, although I love singing, my voice has deteriorated over the years and I wouldn't inflict it on my worst enemy now. I forget myself when I've had a couple of drinks though and sing to my heart's content, regardless of who's listening.
My eldest son loves music but can't sing and doesn't play any instruments. What he can do though is Dance - no two left feet there! He's definitely inherited Grandfather's rhythm.
Youngest son can't dance or sing but give him an instrument and he'll play it. God knows how many guitars he's got now, and a keyboard, plus he makes music on the computer. When he was still living at home we'd come home after an evening out to find the house invaded with his friends. They'd be sitting round playing guitars and making music, well we just had to join in, staying up 'til all hours of the morning jamming. What fun we had. I think we still have a tape somewhere of one of our 'jamming' nights! He's intent on getting his two boys playing instruments and says he's going to form a band with them, I hope he does and gets as much fun out of it as we got.
I guess Grandfather's musical gene lives on!
My Knee
Wednesday 20th June
Well I've discarded the remaining crutch now. I still have to hold on to MWM's arm when we venture further than the garden but I'm really trying. I've taken to wearing an ankle weight round the house to help build the muscle up - hope it works!
Hi Akelamalu
My grandad was very musical too, playing a variety of instruments but unfortunately neither me or my kids have inherited this gift. We all love music and there is invariably some playing in one or other room in the house but sadly no instrument playing from anyone other than those on C.D's. K did play the drums really well in his youth but doesn't have a kit anymore...which maybe is a good thing!
headless chicken
I've always wanted to play the drums. Youngest son tried to teach me once but announced I didn't have any co-ordination! Perhaps that's why I have trouble reversing a car?
I didn't know that about your grandad!!!!!You have the voice of an angel....
I thought I'd told you? Are you being sarcastic about my singing??? :)
My sister got it all! I love music but the only thing I can play is the radio...
Congrats on your story segment! As many of the authors are women, the story is taking on a direction that will prove challenging for me!
LOL - the radio is good!
Thanks re the Experiment, are you not good at love and intrigue then? I'm sure you'll add a new twist! :)
All my kids have started an instrument, but so far, not one has taken to them! ED is a great dancer, Gymnast a gymnast and all can dance and sing. Well actually I haven't seen ESOS do so for a while since he gave up at my stage school, but he could then...)
But no instruments, unless Tinkerbell Mushroom suddenly changes the trend.
p.s. Glad the knee is on the mend! What did you do to injure it? It think it was before I read you. Is there a back post?
Yep kids will only do what takes their fancy!
I had a knee replacement back in February see
if you want all the gory details!
Good luck with your ankle!
I have no musical ability, though I wish I did. I have a daughter who can play by ear, and well. She can sing too but she sure did not inherit it from me!
Glad to hear that you are walking some without the crutch!
I wish I could sing too! And you know I can't from my last post.
I do it all the time though, at the expense of those around me-I'm afraid.
I do LOVE music. Went to see one of your Native son's in concert last night- Peter Frampton.
Lots less hair but sounding better than I remember in the 70's.
He was AWESOME!!!!!
Great news about you getting rid if that crutch. I'm so glad it's getting better.
My internet access won't be fixed until 5 PM EST so I can't come out and play yet :(
Oh, BTW, I have been playing music all my life. I started plying piano when I was 5. Now I play everything.
myutopia thanks. It's actually my knee that's the problem, I'm just wearing the weight on the ankle. :)
Hi cindy, whose musical gene did she inherit then? Thanks for the good wishes re the knee.
gewels you have many other talents! Peter Frampton eh? Were you dancing in the aisles?
mike it's nearly six o'clock now here what time it is it there?
I know you play music I've listened to some of it and it's really good. Why are there no vocals though?
Hello friend,
Thank you so much for visiting my little blog and leaving a message!
I just had to come and scoot over to yours. I loved the welcome with the Eagles "No more cloudy days" track and I had a look at your pictures of yourself and I have to say you look absolutely wonderful the way you look now!
I have added your blog to my favourites and hope you don't mind.
Will come back frequently to share in your writings.
Bless you and thanks again!
Poor ankle! Being in a pool is good for building up your muscles too and there is less impact.
Music is great...so glad you family has a love that will not die!
Music's great. I love music. I want to instill appreciation for it in my children... especially appreciation for 80's hairbands!
Hello Mr Nice Man thanks for dropping by and leaving such lovely comments. You are welcome anytime. :)
Hi jenny thanks for dropping by. It's not my ankle honey it my knee, but I know that exercise in water is good. I'm hoping to go abroad in a couple of weeks and I will be spending every day in the pool so that'll help! Yep, music is my first love oops second (sorry MWM).
I agree Josh, love the hairbands! :0
Just came back for a listen to No More Cloudy Days!
I've ordered the DVD so now waiting for it to arrive.
I'm from a musical family too and I used to teach piano. lol
I'll be back.
Forgot to say that I'm glad you don't have any crutches now. Take care though.
You really were taken with No More Cloudy Days weren't you Pat? :)
Oh your a professional Pianist, we're all just amateurs but we love it!
Thanks for the good wishes.
Glad to hear the knee is getting better. Soon you will be dancing as well as making music!
Did a doctor tell you to wear the ankle weights around the house? If not, I would advise against it. The weights put undo strain on the ligaments and soft tissue of the knee and should only be used during a work-out.
hello, thanku for your kind comment on fathers day, it was a very hard day but im sure its just one of many. x
my second son just started with piano lessons, i love hearing him play his violin and look forward to many more years of hearing the others play.
hope your knee is better....
your old family photos and photo slide are wonderful....
i love ub40's "kiss and say goodbye" well, actually i love most things ub40 :) great song list....
i was just about to say that our family is not musical at all when I suddenly remembered that my grandfather played the banjo. that's so funny...how that just came to me. thank you for bringing that memory to the surface for me.
i loved hearing about how your father rememberd his father's singing, and how you had the same memory of your father. how wonderful. touching post.
i'm happy that you are making progress with the walking.
My Grandparents were muscal, but it skipped a generation and landed on my son, whop plays guitar, keyboards, bass, and whatever he can get his hands on!
drunk mummy
That's the plan! :)
Hi paul, yes the doctor told me to put weights on my ankle, thanks for being concerned. :)
Leannethanks for dropping by.
elena jane
You'll have lots of fun with your children and their music. Thanks for popping over to see me.
Annie it's amazing what you remember when something just jolts your memory a little isn't it?
miss u musical genes will out somewhere. I've seen the pictures of your son with his guitars - don't you just love it!
Thanks. I had hoped that music was going to be my career but as I learned more and more about the industry the less and less I wanted to be a part of it.
There are no vocals because I can't sing...:O). They are really works in progress. I have to find the right singer to sing them.
That's a shame because you are very talented. I thought there were vocals on the tracks originally because it say they are missing due to copyright?
How special to know that the talent lives on in your children. Glad to hear your leg is improving...be careful though...no rock and rolling yet :o)
Of definitely no rock and rolling yet, slowly but surely. :)
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