
Tuesday 12 June 2007

The "Eight Random Facts About Me" Tag..

Linda at "Are We There Yet?" tagged me for this meme. I already did it a little while ago, well actually I did '10 things you didn't know about me', so I'm going to use poetic licence and do

Eight Random Facts About My Town instead, but before I do I have to repeat the rules.

The rules are as follows:

1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1. Gunpowder, Treason and Plot. A Heywood man was the key to preventing the destruction of the entire English Parliament in 1605 - and he’s the reason we celebrate Bonfire Night every November. He was Peter Heywood, a member of the famous family, and a resident of Heywood Hall. And he was reputedly the man who snatched the torch from the hand of Guy Fawkes as he was about to light the fuse which would have detonated kegs of gunpowder stashed in the cellars of the Houses of Parliament. Read more here.

2.The 'other' Peter Heywood and the Bounty mutiny incident. Another son of Heywood found himself facing an ignominious death when he was - wrongfully, it transpired, implicated in one of the most notorious episodes in British history - the Mutiny on the Bounty. Peter Heywood was a son of the famous Heywood family, born in 1773 and was just 13 years old when he joined the navy. Two years later he was a midshipman on HMS Bounty when she set sail on the fateful scientific trip to Tahiti, under the captaincy of Lieutenant William Bligh. Of course, this was the trip during which the crew, led by Fletcher Christian, mutinied over poor conditions and ship’s rations on their expedition to the South Seas. Read more here.

3.Howarth and the Co-op. The Co-operative movement is probably best known for its roots in neighbouring Rochdale, but Heywood can also claim to have played a major role in what became a worldwide institution. Charles Howarth was the architect of the first Co-op in Toad Lane, Rochdale, and it was he who invented the now famous Co-op dividend, or ‘divi’. He lived the latter part of his life in Wilton Street, Heywood, and died and was buried in the town. Read more here.

4. Queens Park. In 1873 Martin J Newhouse, a Heywood prosperous merchant died without making a will. A sum of £10,000 therefore passed to the Queen. Queen Victoria wanted Heywood to benefit from the money from Mr Newhouse’s estate. After much deliberation the Heywood board decided on a Park for the town. Read more here.

5. Heywood and its Stone Age legacy. There are signs that human activity was taking place in Heywood around 10,000 years ago. Read more here.

6. A Royal Visit. King George and Queen Mary drop in for tea and a chat. Heywood received its first visit from a King and queen on 12 July 1913, and the town came to a virtual standstill as a result. Read more here.

7. Medieval Heywood. There can be no doubt that Heywood came under the control of the next invaders of Britain - the Normans - as they conquered the whole country. Read more here.

8. Heywood a borough at last. Heywood's history may go back many centuries, but the town of Heywood, as a borough or district, is only just over 120 years old. Read more here.

My victims choices are as follows, but only if you want to do it. Remember the tag is 'eight random facts about me' unless you're naughty like me.

Headless Chicken at Having a word with myself.

Cynthia at Kaleidoscope

Early Bird at My Gentle Retreat

CG at The Compulsive Worrier

Drunk Mummy at Drunk Mummy

Steve at Bullet Holes in the Mailbox

Josh at The Gabbatha Journey

CS at AnotherTangential Thinker

As Mike at Mike's Homefront is desperate to do this tag he is now on the list too.


sallywrites said...

Well those are interesting facts.........

but we all want to know about you too..........

Queenie said...

Clever thing that you are.
Ive/math, puy your dads link up.

CS said...

I'l work on this one. Pretty much everything I write is a random fact about me or my life! And congratulations on the award below.

Akelamalu said...

Everything about me is here already I think! :)

Akelamalu said...

I saw it (left a message for you), thankyou dear heart. Love you. x

Akelamalu said...

Thanks for taking part and for the congrats. :)

buffalodick said...

Interesting stuff! It made me think of a few facts to know and yell about where I live!
1. Grand Rapids, MI. For many years known as "Furinure Capital of the World", based on huge wooden furniture industry here for many years. As the lumber played out, we became a metal furniture producer-Steelcase, Herman Miller, and Haworth, etc.
2. First city in USA to Fluoridate water supply.
3. Home to and final resting place of Gerald R Ford, ex President of United States.
4.Once had heaviest concentration of Tool&Die shops per population in the USA.
5.Steelcase Inc. built the desk that the Japanese surrender of WWII was signed on.
6. Home of possibly the worlds' most famous woman bowler of all time, Marion Ladewig (still alive and approaching 90!)
7. Symbol of city- A large Calder stabile commissioned in the 1960s.
8. Home of Meijer Gardens, fast becoming a nationally known display of outdoor sculpture, and gardens.

Akelamalu said...

Thanks for sharing those and thanks for dropping by my blog. Hope you'll call again. :)

Anonymous said...

I really like history. What a place you live in!

Mike Minzes said...

When '10 things you didn't know about me comes around again.....I WANT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annelisa said...

:-) didn't know that about the guy who foiled Guy Fawkes, nor the Bounty.. interesting.

What have you done to your template, sweetie... it's getting a bit raggedy round the edges!! :-S I went to look at it to see if I could tell you what you need to do (I think it's just a matter of putting in a / somewhere, but you've got one of those new templates that include loads of stuff whether you use it or not, and it's really confusing. If, at any point, you go to 'template' and press the 'revert to original template' button, I'll come and have another look :-) (no promises I can find the little tag that's wrong, but I think i know what it is, just can't see it amongst so much other html clutter!! :-S

XX Thanks for the Reiki healing waves... they're helping!

Paul Champagne said...

Are you the town historian? I doubt I know a single fact about my town.

RUTH said...

Great facts you've found there. Are the Heywoods family still in residence in the town?

Akelamalu said...

It's one horse town believe me! The only interesting things about it are what I've listed! :(

CG said...

Really interesting facts! Thanks for the tag :)

Anonymous said...

HI Akelamalu,

Very wise move to answer your meme. A lil bit of history doesn't bite. Thanks for sharing some facts about your town. :)

BTW, my appreciation for your words about my post.

Akelamalu said...

As you want to tell us all about yourself I've added you to the tag! Can't wait to read the random facts about you!

Akelamalu said...

I haven't altered my template at all so I don't know why you can't see it as I do honey. I'll email you.

Akelamalu said...

No I'm not the town historian - the internet is a wonderful thing! ;)

Akelamalu said...

The Heywood family lived at Heywood Hall until the mid 18th Century but the hall was demolished years ago and the Heywood family were scattered far and wide.

Akelamalu said...

Glad you found it interesting, thanks for doing the tag.

Akelamalu said...

Thanks for dropping by, glad you enjoyed the history. :)

Tammy said...

I hate to do it but I'm going to pass on this one...I just dug up an old meme 100 things about me and put it in my side bar...there...that is 'nuf!

TopChamp said...

You bad girl!!!!!!!

Interesting post though - it's nice to know a bit about the town.

Annelisa said...

Ok, I think I know what the problems is... normally I use 'firefox' to browse the web, and normally all is ok with the world, but for some reason your blog is all screwy in that now. I'm using internet explorer at the moment, and it's all fine here. Trouble is, anyone else using a different browser (firefox is getting more popular because of its versatility), they'll have the same problem I was earlier. I think I saw mention of a couple of others who had this in an an earlier post...

anyway, it's fine in IE. Trouble is, it take about 10 minutes for IE to open on the main computer (don't ask!!), but I've just managed to sort my son's computer out (so far so good), so cross fingers... I can maybe come visit you on this one in future! :-)

Cindy said...

I doubt there are 10 interesting things about Farmersville- doing good if there are 10 people there so I guess I'll see if I can come up with 10 unknowns about me.

Linda said...

I really like the way that people are doing this particular meme by doing it about either the town, like you did, or other people, like I did, or otherwise. It shows that people have the ability to think outside of the box.

I really enjoyed reading about your town but just remember, I love reading about you, too, so don't ever think we don't want to hear about you!

la bellina mammina said...

Wow! - is all I can say!! :-)

Lo Kelween said... interesting! :)i bet your town is a tourism spot too right? :)

Akelamalu said...

early bird
No problem m'dear it's OK to pass, can't wait to read the 100 things about you. I doubt I could find 100 things about me that anyone would want to know! :)

Akelamalu said...

top champ
I know I'm naughty (smacks own hand, glad you enjoyed the town facts.

Akelamalu said...

I've just emailed you about it darlin'

Akelamalu said...

You only have to do eight but hey if you can do 10 all the better! Thanks for taking part. :)

Akelamalu said...

It's not so much thinking outside the box in my case, more who would want to know I part my hair on the left?

Akelamalu said...

Gosh you think it was that good? ;)

Akelamalu said...

The Tower of London it's NOT! ;)

Linda said...

Hey - I part mine on the left, too!

Akelamalu said...

Snap! :)