The engineer called on Monday and didn't seem surprised that it had an intermittent fault. Apparently they do that sometimes because they have a printed circuit board which gets brittle and worn. Anyway he has a machine which tests the circuit board, which he used on ours and found it was OK. There's a surprise, wouldn't you just know it! He did say though if we have any more trouble just to telephone and he would bring a new circuit board to replace the old one. What a nice man!
All my kitchen appliances are the same age, as they were installed when I had the new kitchen fitted two years ago, so by the law of averages they will all develop faults at the same time! I took out extended guarantees on the washer and cooker as they are the most expensive items, and of course now I have the guarantee on the dishwasher, I'm just praying that the fridge/freezer and the microwave don't start acting up.
This problem got me to thinking (I do sometimes!), about how reliant we are on our electrical appliances, and how we can go into a blind panic when one of them breaks down.
Now I'm not too bothered about the dishwasher because MWM can wash the dishes by hand (wink), but if my washer broke down (God forbid) I would really go ape. I have at least five loads of washing a week, I'm forever changing the towels and of course underwear is only worn once, so being without a washer is not an option. In desperation I have taken my washing to a Launderette (mostly I have comandeered my MIL's machine) when, in the past, ours has conked out, which thankfully hasn't been very often, and certainly not the new one (turns round three times clockwise, saying dib dib dib, to be on the safe side). The washer breaking down is the one thing that really does upset me which is crazy really I know. I often think about when, as a child, I used to help my grandmother to wash all the clothes, bedding, towels, whatever, in the dolly tub using the posser, then helping her by turning the mangle whilst she fed the washing through. Why, when I enjoyed doing this so much as a child does the thought of maybe having to wash things by hand turn me to jelly?
Anyway everything in my kitchen is Hunky Dory again, 'til the next time!
I have come to the conclusion that we have things so easy now we've become SOFT!
What kitchen appliance can you NOT do without?
Dishwasher for sure.Since I've been blogging I seldom watch TV so I now I can manage without that.
Yold you to have those Marygolds ou standby.....
it's not common to have a dishwasher in Singapore - but hey, hurrah for modern technology!!
I can't cope without my dishwasher and washing machine...
I'd expect them to last longer than two years though! That's not good!
If the cooker broke, I could use the microwave, and if that broke too, I'd just get the gas barbecue out or eat salad for a month! I don't have a dishwasher, so it would have to be the washing machine. Saying that, the best one I ever had cost me a tenner second hand, and lasted me about 6 years!
My laptop. Now if that went wrong, I'd be tearing my hair out.
Being a guy, I love them all but can do fine without any one of them-except the fridge! We redid our entire kitchen last year so everything is new, stainless, and working!
Fridge, I guess - I can't imagine not having dairy, fruit, beer and other things that need refrigeration. And the stove/oven. And these aren't kitchen appliances, but the washer/dryer and hot water heater I'd surely miss.
By the way, my Random 8 tag is posted!
My stove ran out of propane 6 weeks ago- I haven't bothered yet to call and order more- it's summer and I cook on the grill or use the microwave, crockpot, electric skillet...
My dryer died months ago and I haven't bothered much about that either- use a clothes rack over the register when the furnace is in use or a fan in front of the clothes rack when it's not. Now, if the washer, on the other hand, died, I would be in an absolute panic! Or if the fridge died...or, God forbid, my computer...
When my dishwasher died, I went 5 years without it, used it as a dish drainer when we hand washed, I finally replaced it this year when DD2 moved back home. The fridge is on it's last legs......
I know you love your dishwasher, it's your fault we got one! I don't watch much telly now either I'm glued to the PC! :)
No dishwasher? You don't know what your missing! ((wink))
They don't make things to last these day though do they? My first washing machine lated 15 years!
miss u
Re washing machines see above.
I'd miss the PC if that went down for sure!
You're in the same boat as me then - when they go they'll all go together!! :(
I guess we just have to face it, we'd miss 'em all!
Be over shortly to see your tag, thanks for joining in. :0
How did we manage before we got all these labour saving devices? Arrrgh!
Fingers, toes and legs crossed for your fridge. :0
Apart from the washing machine...my coffee maker for sure!
Washing Machines seem to be favourite! My coffe maker is the kettle - if it broke I could always boil some water on the hob!
gosh honey your 2 year old appliances should last another 13 years! i hate that the dishwasher gave you trouble already. now, let's see, what appliance i could not do without??? (sarge!) but don't tell him! ha ha
smiles, bee
I agree but I bet they don't! :(
I won't tell sarge if you don't tell MWM what I've been saying about him! ((wink))
I could not do without the micro-wave. Given my limited ability to cook (or even boil water) the microwave is a god send.
I very rarely use mine, but I wouldn't like to be without one.
My washing machine has been acting up lately and like you I would go ape with out it!
I'm very spoiled and admit it!
early bird
Oh I'll keep my fingers crossed that your washing machine behaves!
My fridge is currently on its last legs. The fan in the freezer is so loud I've got the landing strip handheld lights waving the planes away so they don't land anywhere near. We need to replace it as soon as is humanly possible. For these humans, we have to save up a bit first.
Would my wife be considered a kitchen appliance? If so, I wouldn't be able to live without her.
I would desperately be lost without my computer, though.
I couldnt live without me dishwasher....... when I had me 4th son, it was my pressie to meself lol......
Without doubt, my rechargeable Dustbuster. I can't stand grovelling on my hands and knees under the table picking up squashed peas or bits of spaghetti after the kids have eaten. With the Dustbuster, I feel like Doris Day (I can even sing a few of her songs).
I think we have become soft too....
It's amazing what our parents and grandparents had to do just to get through the day and survive year after year. Poor things!
I'm going to turn the washer on, put my feet up and have meself a gin and tonic now.
All the time Jersey Royals are in season...my electric steamer.
I've got to say that for me it would have to be the refrigerator as then we couldn't have milk or anything cold. Even the stove broke we could eat cereal, if the microwave broke we could do it the old-fashioned way and use the stove, if the dishwasher broke then the girls could wash dishes!
I couldnt stand for my refrigerator to go! I have never had a dishwasher or even considered one....they seem like more of a bother to me....I know how you feel though. I feel like keeping a whole line of new appliances in my garage just in case one would ever break just so I wouldnt be without...lol...now isnt that silly?
Isn't it funny, I used to enjoy watching Mom do the laundry with the old wringer type also, I could hardly wait till she did the part where the clothes got all flattened in the ringer. Mom didn't seem to mind wash day all that much, and I know I loved it. But you are right, we get spoiled. I doubt anyone would want to go back to doing laundry that way. i remember Mom used to start with the whites, and then the bed sheets, then the darker clothes, and last the dungarees. When she got done, the water was pretty murky. but it sure did save a lot on water doing it that way....
We are in the same boat as you, all of our appliances are the same age as the ouse, 7 years.......don't appliances last just about 7 years.? haha
LOL. Sounds like you'd better not leave it too long to get the money together for a new fridge! :)
No, your wife is not a kitchen applicance you bad man you! :)
What a great pressie to yourself, especially with 4 boys. :)
I can just see you singing "The Deadwood Stage" whilst furiously hoovering up squashed peas! :)
We can contemplate the hardships of our ancestors quite well with our feet up! ((wink))
Mmmmmm Jersey Royals slurp....
Yep, I think the concensus of opinion is really the fridge/freezer is the only thing that would cause a real problem.
Fridge again, yes. Replacements in the garage? There's a thought!
I wouldn't want to have to do my laundry like my Grandma but it sure seemed like fun when I was little! If your appliances have lasted for 7 years you might be lucky and they'll have long lives, fingers crossed eh?
You only wear your underwear once, hoe posh are you.....Lol
Of course, aren't you???? ;)
No, your wife is not a kitchen applicance you bad man you! :)
I always have to come here for my Reiki blessings , laughter and love. Thanks for that my friend. You are wonderful. Hugs, blessings and light.Thanks for your friendship and comments on my blog they mean so much.
Angel ():)
He is naughty!
You're welcome anytime angel, Reiki is plentiful! x
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